Splunk® Supported Add-ons

Splunk Add-ons

Access prebuilt panels included with add-ons

Some add-ons include a set of prebuilt panels that you can add to your dashboards in Splunk platform versions 6.2.X or later.

View prebuilt panels included with an add-on

Follow these steps to find out if the add-on you are using includes prebuilt panels and view them if available.

  1. In Splunk Web, go to Settings > User interface > Prebuilt panels.
  2. Set the app context to the add-on that you are using.
  3. The Prebuilt panels page displays a list of all panels defined in this app context. If the add-on you are using includes prebuilt panels, they appear on this page.

Use prebuilt panels in a dashboard

  1. In Splunk Web on your search head, go to the Search & Reporting app and click Dashboards.
  2. Select an existing dashboard or create a new one.
  3. Click Edit, then click + Add Panel.
  4. In the Add Panel sidebar, click Add Prebuilt Panel.
  5. In the search bar at the top of the Add Panel sidebar, enter the name of the technology the add-on supports. If the full name doesn't work, try an abbreviated version.
  6. Preview any prebuilt panels that appear by clicking on their names. If you want to add the panel to your dashboard, click Add to Dashboard.
Last modified on 21 July, 2021
Access knowledge objects for an add-on   Third-party component credits for Splunk-supported add-ons

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Supported Add-ons: released

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