Known issues
Publication date | Defect number | Description |
2016-07-01 | TAB-935 | Field extraction results are not displayed for events that are longer than 10,000 characters. |
2016-06-28 | TAB-925 | A blank page is displayed when running the Add-on Builder from an indexer cluster node. |
2016-06-27 | TAB-916 | IE crashes if you change a delimiter while doing a field extraction. |
2016-06-27 | TAB-904 | An empty value followed by a space corrupts the next KV pair. |
2016-06-26 | TAB-902 | Parsing fails for sample data with the Unstructured Data format, and writes the error "KVException: Failed to POST" to the $SPLUNK_HOME/var/log/splunk/web_service.log file.
1. In the Add-on Builder, go to the Step 4: Extract Fields page and delete the results for the field extraction that produced the error. 2. In a text editor, open $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/splunk_app_addon-builder/default/field_extraction_token.conf and change the value of "batch_size" to 3000. 3. Save your changes and restart Splunk Enterprise. 4. Extract fields for the sample data again. |
2016-06-23 | TAB-877 | AUTO KV in the Add-on Builder does not support A::B:=C. |
2016-06-22 | TAB-736 | Unstructured data is detected as a tabular format. |
What's new | Fixed issues |
This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Add-on Builder: 1.1.0
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