Splunk® Common Information Model Add-on

Common Information Model Add-on Manual

This documentation does not apply to the most recent version of Splunk® Common Information Model Add-on. For documentation on the most recent version, go to the latest release.


The Change data model replaces the Change Analysis data model, which is deprecated as of software version 4.12.0.

The fields in the Change data model describe Create, Read, Update, and Delete activities from any data source.

Note: A dataset is a component of a data model. In versions of the Splunk platform prior to version 6.5.0, these were referred to as data model objects.

Tags used with Change event datasets

The following tags act as constraints to identify your events as being relevant to this data model. For more information, see How to use these reference tables.

Dataset name Tag name
All_Changes change
|____ Auditing_Changes
|____ Endpoint_Changes
|____ Network_Changes
|____ Account_Management

Fields for Change event dataset

The following table lists the extracted and calculated fields for the event datasets in the model. The table does not include any inherited fields. For more information, see How to use these reference tables.

The key for using the column titled "Abbreviated list of example values" follows:

  • Recommended are fields derived from the "recommended=true" JSON parameter that the TA developers need to make best efforts to map
  • Prescribed fields are the permitted values that can populate the fields, which are derived from the "expected_values" JSON parameter
  • Other values are other example values that you might see
Dataset name Field name Data type Description Abbreviated list of example values
All_Changes action string The action attempted on the resource, regardless of success or failure.
  • recommended
  • prescribed fields:
    created, deleted, acl_modified, cleared, modified, read, stopped, started, restarted
All_Changes change_type string The type of change, such as filesystem or AAA (authentication, authorization, and accounting).
  • recommended
  • prescribed fields:
All_Changes command string The command that initiated the change. recommended
All_Changes dest string The resource where change occurred. You can alias this from more specific fields not included in this data model, such as dest_host, dest_ip, or dest_name. recommended
All_Changes dest_bunit string These fields are automatically provided by asset and identity correlation features of applications like Splunk Enterprise Security. Do not define extractions for these fields when writing add-ons.
All_Changes dest_category string
All_Changes dest_priority string
All_Changes dvc string The device that reported the change, if applicable, such as a FIP or CIM server. You can alias this from more specific fields not included in this data model, such as dvc_host, dvc_ip, or dvc_name. recommended
All_Changes object string Name of the affected object on the resource (such as a router interface, user account, or server volume). recommended
All_Changes object_attrs string The attributes that were updated on the updated resource object, if applicable. recommended
All_Changes object_category string Generic name for the class of the updated resource object. Expected values may be specific to an app.
  • recommended
  • prescribed fields:
    registry, directory, file, group, user
All_Changes object_id string The unique updated resource object ID as presented to the system, if applicable (for instance, a SID, UUID, or GUID value). recommended
All_Changes object_path string The path of the modified resource object, if applicable (such as a file, directory, or volume). recommended
All_Changes result string The vendor-specific result of a change, or clarification of an action status. For instance, status=failure may be accompanied by result=blocked by policy or result=disk full. result is a string. Please use a msg_severity_id field (not included in the data model) for severity ID fields that are integer data types.
  • recommended
  • prescribed fields:
All_Changes result_id string A result indicator for an action status. recommended
All_Changes src string The resource where the change was originated. You can alias this from more specific fields not included in the data model, such as src_host, src_ip, or src_name. recommended
All_Changes src_bunit string These fields are automatically provided by asset and identity correlation features of applications like Splunk Enterprise Security. Do not define extractions for these fields when writing add-ons.
All_Changes src_category string
All_Changes src_priority string
All_Changes status string Status of the update.
  • recommended
  • prescribed fields:
    success, failure
All_Changes tag string This automatically generated field is used to access tags from within datamodels. Do not define extractions for this field when writing add-ons.
All_Changes user string The user or entity performing the change. For account changes, this is the account that was changed. See src_user for user or entity performing the change. recommended
All_Changes user_agent string The user agent through which the request was made, such as Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) or aws-cli/2.0.0 Python/3.7.4 Darwin/18.7.0 botocore/2.0.0dev4.
All_Changes user_type string The type of the user involved in the event or who initiated the event, such as IAMUser, Admin, or System. For account management events, this should represent the type of the user changed by the request.
All_Changes vendor_account string The account that manages the user that initiated the request.
All_Changes vendor_product string The vendor and product or service that detected the change. This field can be automatically populated by vendor and product fields in your data. recommended
Account_Management dest_nt_domain string The NT domain of the destination, if applicable. recommended
Account_Management src_nt_domain string The NT domain of the source, if applicable. recommended
Account_Management src_user string For account changes, the user or entity performing the change. recommended
Account_Management src_user_bunit string These fields are automatically provided by asset and identity correlation features of applications like Splunk Enterprise Security. Do not define extractions for this field when writing add-ons.
Account_Management src_user_category string
Account_Management src_user_priority string
Account_Management src_user_type string For account changes, this should represent the type of the user or entity performing the change.
Last modified on 29 October, 2020
Certificates   Change Analysis (deprecated)

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Common Information Model Add-on: 4.17.0

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