Splunk® DB Connect

Deploy and Use Splunk DB Connect

Install and configure Splunk DB Connect on Splunk Cloud Platform

Deploy DB Connect to Splunk Cloud Platform Victoria Experience

If you want to deploy DB Connect to Victoria Experience, see Install an add-on for Splunk Cloud Platform for details. You can only deploy DB Connect on Victoria Experience using Search Head instances. Search Head instances on Victoria Experience already have a supported version of JRE installed. If you install DB connect on a single instance then you can use full functionality on search heads. If you install DB Connect on search head cluster environments, consider limitation for setting up DB connect on distributed environment describer in Performance considerations in distributed environments. Start the DB Connect installation process:

  1. Splunk leaves the outbound ports closed by default on Victoria Experience. Splunk Cloud Platform provides the Admin Config Service (ACS) API which you can use to open ports to allow outbound network connections to specific IP subnets programmatically. For details on how to use the ACS API see ACS API Documentation
  2. Follow the instructions to install DB Connect on a Search Head
  3. Install a JDBC driver add-on for your database. See new drivers using JDBC Driver addonsJDBC driver add-ons JDBC driver add-ons. If an add-on is not available for your database, or you require a different version of the driver than provided by the add-on, contact Splunk Support for help.
  4. After installing DB Connect and restarting Splunk, open DB Connect.
  5. Create a database identity and set up a database connection.
  6. Create a new database input and use it as a data input in a Splunk search.

Migrate DB connect from Splunk Enterprise to Splunk Cloud Platform Victoria Experience

DB Connect has differences in managing it on Splunk Cloud Platform Victoria Experience. This list presents those differences:

  • Installing JDBC drivers other than served by JDBC Add-ons is not possible on Splunk Cloud Platform Victoria Experience. In case of necessity of having other drivers idea need to be create on Idea Portal
  • Migrate from Single Instance of Splunk Enterprise to Search Head Cluster environment in Victoria Experience consider limitation described in Performance considerations in distributed environments.
  • Splunk leaves the outbound ports on Splunk Cloud Platform Victoria Experience closed by default. It might prevent connecting to your database from Search Head with DB Connect installed. Follow the instructions to open the Outbound port from Search Head to your Database. Splunk Cloud Platform provides the Admin Config Service (ACS) API which you can use to open ports to allow outbound network connections to specific IP subnets programmatically. For details on how to use the ACS API see ACS API Documentation.

Deploy DB Connect to Splunk Cloud Platform Classic Experience

If you want to deploy DB Connect to Splunk Cloud Platform, contact Splunk Support for guidance and assistance. You cannot deploy DB Connect yourself because you cannot configure network access to databases on your Splunk Cloud Platform instance. See Install an add-on in Splunk Cloud Platform for details.

Last modified on 02 October, 2024
Install and configure Splunk DB Connect on a Splunk Enterprise On-Premise distributed platform deployment   Check DB Connect installation health

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® DB Connect: 3.18.1

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