Splunk® DB Connect

Deploy and Use Splunk DB Connect

Troubleshooting Tools for DB Connect

Splunk provides you with this command line utility that goes with Splunk DB Connect that enables you to troubleshoot basic configuration problems from your network, database, and DB Connect, saving you time and effort.


  1. Troubleshoot Starts: shows the status of any services or dependencies required for DB Connect to start.
    • Java
    • KV Store
    • Keystore
  2. Services Status: shows the status of any services or dependencies used for DB Connect.
    • KV Store
    • Keystore
    • HTTP Event Collector
    • Search API
  3. Troubleshoot Connections: shows the status of a specific connection to the database.
  4. Troubleshoot Inputs: shows the status of a specific input.

Use Cases

  1. DB Connect fails to start.
  2. DB Connect is behaving inconsistently.
  3. Database connections are facing issues and we don't have details about what is causing it.
  4. Inputs are facing issues and we don't have details about what is causing it.
Last modified on 02 October, 2024
Data models for Splunk DB Connect   Set Up Troubleshooting Tools for DB Connect

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® DB Connect: 3.18.1

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