Splunk® DB Connect

Deploy and Use Splunk DB Connect


Instead of configuring inputs, outputs, and lookups in one inputs.conf file, in DB Connect 3, inputs, outputs, and lookups are configured in separate files named db_inputs.conf, db_outputs.conf, and db_lookups.conf. These files increase configurability and performance.

You can't modify inputs.conf file stanzas outside of the DB Connect app, such as in the search app or manager context.

# The file contains the specification for all db connect modular inputs
# # server - the modular input that runs java server

config_file = <string>
# required
# If the value is an absolute path, taskserver will treat it as the config_file path.
# If the value is a relative path, taskserver will prepend SPLUNK_HOME and generate the actual config_file path.
# On UNIX systems, a path is absolute if its prefix is "/".
# On Microsoft Windows systems, a path is absolute if its prefix is a drive specifier followed by "\\", or if its prefix is "\\\\".

keystore_password = <string>
# required
# Specifies the java keystore password
# The keystore contains the certificate to set up the HTTPS connection to the
# task server.

interval = <integer>
# required
# Specifies the interval used by Splunkd to monitor Java server. If Java process
# is stopped, Splunkd will spawn a new Java process.

config_file = <string>
interval = <integer>
keystore_password = <string>

interval = <integer>

interval = <integer>
Last modified on 02 October, 2024
identities.conf.spec   dbx_settings.conf.spec

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® DB Connect: 3.18.1

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