Splunk® Enterprise Security

Detect Unknown Threats with Behavioral Analytics Service

The documentation for Splunk Enterprise Security versions 8.0 and higher have been rearchitected from previous versions, causing some links to have redirect errors. For documentation on version 8.0, see Splunk Enterprise Security 8.x documentation.
This documentation does not apply to the most recent version of Splunk® Enterprise Security. For documentation on the most recent version, go to the latest release.

Search for enriched events from Splunk Mission Control

Behavioral analytics service enriches raw events with additional metadata using identity resolution and assets and identities data from Splunk Enterprise Security (ES), such as mapping IP addresses to host names, and human names with user IDs. These events are stored in the ueba_cloud_enriched_events index on Splunk Cloud Platform Services for 90 days. See How behavioral analytics service enriches events using identity resolution and assets and identities data.

You can search the ueba_cloud_enriched_events index from Splunk Mission Control using the enriched data in the raw events. For example, perform the following tasks to find an event that originally had the IP address and was enriched to include the host name host1:

  1. Click Search in the Splunk Mission Control menu bar.
  2. In the search field, enter the search:

    | from ueba_cloud_enriched_events | where host="host1"

See Search in Splunk Mission Control in the Triage and Respond to Notables in Splunk Mission Control manual for more information about using search in Splunk Mission Control.

Last modified on 10 January, 2022
Integrate risk analysis between Splunk ES and behavioral analytics service   Search for detections from Splunk Mission Control

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Enterprise Security: 7.0.0

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