Splunk® Industrial Asset Intelligence (Legacy)

Install and Upgrade Splunk Industrial Asset Intelligence

Splunk Industrial Asset Intelligence reached its End of Sale on February 24, 2020.

Add Splunk Industrial Asset Intelligence accounts manually

You can use the Splunk Enterprise access control system to add Splunk Industrial Asset Intelligence accounts manually. Adding accounts manually is only necessary if you are not using LDAP or scripted authentication to handle user management in your organization. For more information about adding and managing accounts in your environment, see About user authentication in Securing Splunk Enterprise.

To create a new Splunk IAI admin or user manually using Splunk Web, follow these steps.



  1. Access Splunk Web on your search head.
  2. Select Settings > Access Controls.
  3. In the row for Users, click Add new.
  4. Enter a name, email address, and temporary password for your new user.
  5. (Optional) Set the default app to splunk_app_iai (Industrial Asset Intelligence).
  6. In the Assign to roles section, select a role. You can assign users to the default roles provided for use with Splunk IAI, iai_admin or iai_user, or to custom roles that you create.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Send an email to your new user to let them know their username and temporary password.
Last modified on 29 October, 2018
Manage role-based access to Splunk Industrial Asset Intelligence  

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Industrial Asset Intelligence (Legacy): 1.1.0, 1.1.1, 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.3.0

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