Splunk® Industrial Asset Intelligence (Legacy)

Install and Upgrade Splunk Industrial Asset Intelligence

Splunk Industrial Asset Intelligence reached its End of Sale on February 24, 2020.

Share data in Splunk Industrial Asset Intelligence

The Splunk platform sends anonymized usage data to Splunk Inc. ("Splunk") to help improve Splunk Industrial Asset Intelligence (IAI) in future releases and to report the number of sensors ingested into metrics indexes for license metering. For information about how to opt in or out, and how the data is collected, stored, and governed, see Share data in Splunk Enterprise.

How data is collected

Splunk IAI uses saved searches to collect anonymous usage and license data. These searches run in the background once every 24 hours and do not have a significant impact on performance.

What data is collected

Splunk IAI collects the following anonymized usage data:

Component Description Example
iai.app.data A count of the operations, asset hierarchies, assets, groups, asset metrics, calculated group metrics, calculated asset metrics, alarms, group metric alerts, and asset metric alerts created in your environment.
"group_metrics_count": 15, 
"asset_metric_alert_count": 5, 
"group_assets_count": 70, 
"group_metric_alert_count": 7, 
"raw_metric_count": 552, 
"trees_count": 8, 
"assets_count": 137, 
"operations_count": 20, 
"groups_count": 12, 
"custom_metric_count": 5, 
"alarms_count": 72

Splunk IAI collects the following license usage data:

Component Description Example
iai.metric.units A count of the number of sensors, calculated according to the unique combinations of metric_name and asset ingested into your Splunk metrics indexes in the past 24 hours.
"sensor_count": 1137
iai.event.index.usage The volume, in GB, of the event data ingested into your event indexes in the past 24 hours, excluding Splunk internal indexes.
"index_data_usage": 14.7822265625
Last modified on 31 October, 2018
Set up Splunk Industrial Asset Intelligence   Manage role-based access to Splunk Industrial Asset Intelligence

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Industrial Asset Intelligence (Legacy): 1.1.0, 1.1.1, 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.3.0

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