Splunk® IT Service Intelligence

Administration Manual

Use the ITSI Advanced Configuration page

Apply global settings and configure multiple objects (services, KPIs, entities) using the Advanced configuration page in ITSI. Select the Advanced ITSI configurations button from from the ITSI Configuration Assistant to access this page.

Services and objects settings

Option Description
Service analyzer automatic refresh Set a time interval for the Service Analyzer to update automatically with the latest search data. For more information, see Overview of the Service Analyzer in ITSI.
KPI time policy shifting Adjust all of the KPI time policies for selected KPI base templates, services, and adaptive thresholding calculations. For more information, see Edit time policies for multiple KPIs.

ITSI preview features

Turn on preview features to test feature capabilities in your ITSI environment. These features are not yet supported by Splunk Support and can affect your existing configurations. Note the impact of each feature to your environment before you activate a feature. The list of preview features listed on the Advanced Configuration page changes with each ITSI release.

Note: You must have the admin or itoa_admin role in order to view and turn on preview features.

Last modified on 28 May, 2024
Use the ITSI Configuration Assistant   About configuration files in ITSI

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® IT Service Intelligence: 4.19.0, 4.19.1

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