Splunk® IT Service Intelligence

Release Notes

Known issues in Splunk IT Service Intelligence

This version of IT Service Intelligence (ITSI) has the following known issues and workarounds.

Adaptive Thresholding

Date filed Issue number Description
2024-04-12 ITSI-35070 On few KPIs using adaptive threshold, the results from the scheduled overnight run seem very different from the preview adaptive threshold results

Clone the KPI and backfill it for required time span and enable the AT.

Notable Events

Date filed Issue number Description
2024-06-20 ITSI-36397 Actions are not performed if the event is breaking the episode based on the timebased criteria and grouping into a new group.

Reset Template:Policy rules check frequency delay to 60000 under Template:$SPLUNK HOME/etc/apps/SA-ITOA/local/itsi rules engine.properties


Update the action rules in the new to perform the action when Template:Number of events in this episode is less than or equals to 2 if the action is Template:Number of events in this episode is == 1

KPI Search Calculation

Date filed Issue number Description
2024-06-05 ITSI-35981 Time based threshold policies are not working for the entities.

Uncategorized issues

Date filed Issue number Description
2024-06-06 ITSI-36019 Discrepancy in time in the user_access_interface.log file
2024-05-31 ITSI-35922 events from source itsi_appserver.log are way longer than new increased TRUNCATE limit

Copy the below stanza in Template:Apps/SA-ITOA/package/local/props.conf from Template:Apps/SA-ITOA/package/default/props.conf and increased TRUNCATE value with Template:200000.

{noformat}[source::...(/|\\)var(/|\\)log(/|\\)splunk(/|\\)itsi*] TIME_PREFIX=^ TIME_FORMAT=%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,%3N%z LINE_BREAKER =([\r\n]+)\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s SHOULD_LINEMERGE = false TRUNCATE = 100000 MAX_TIMESTAMP_LOOKAHEAD = 29 sourcetype = itsi_internal_log EXTRACT-component = ^[^\[\n]*\[(?P<component>[^\]]+) EXTRACT-sub_component = ^[^\]\n]*\]\s+\[(?P<sub_component>[^:\]]+) EXTRACT-log_level = ^[^\[\n]*\s+(?P<log_level>(?:\w+))\s+\[{noformat}

2024-05-21 ITSI-35776 As an itoa_admin, when upgrading ITE-W to ITSI and then downgrading the app label still says IT Essentials Work

h3. Workaround for the user:
  1. The cache will be automatically cleared after 24 hours in this case the issue will be automatically resolved.
  2. Manually remove the local storage by going to the {{Chrome Developer Tools -> Applications -> Local Storage}} and delete the key Template:Splunk-appnav:itsi:admin:en-GB.
2024-05-09 ITSI-35608 Getting new lines before and after every line of CSV when downloading it on windows instance
2024-05-08 ITSI-35592 Deleting associated service template from a service in the service sandbox does not update the linked service template count.
2024-04-26 ITSI-35428 Customer wants to know whether Index references needs to be changed in scripts for default ITSI indexes.
2023-12-22 ITSI-33539 Closing an Episode when Rules Engine is disabled does not break the Episode
Last modified on 09 July, 2024
Fixed issues in Splunk IT Service Intelligence   Removed features in Splunk IT Service Intelligence

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® IT Service Intelligence: 4.19.0

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