Disable network monitoring for URLs
Normally, Splunk MINT monitors all network calls, but you can add URLs to a monitoring blacklist to ignore any requests to these URLs. For example, you can add "www.facebook.com" to your blacklist to ignore requests to this site.
- To add a URL to the network monitoring blacklist, use the addURLToBlackList: method as follows:
- To disable network monitoring entirely, use the disableNetworkMonitoring: method before the initAndStartSession: method as follows:
// Objective-C [[Mint sharedInstance] addURLToBlackList:@"www.facebook.com"];
// Swift Mint.sharedInstance().addURLToBlackList("www.facebook.com")
// Objective-C [[Mint sharedInstance] disableNetworkMonitoring]; [[Mint sharedInstance] initAndStartSession:@"API_KEY"];
// Swift Mint.sharedInstance().enableNetworkMonitoring = true/false Mint.sharedInstance().initAndStartSession("API_KEY")
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This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk MINT™ SDK for iOS (EOL): 4.0.x, 4.1.x, 4.2.x, 4.3.x, 4.4.x
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