Track views
In an iOS application, Splunk MINT automatically tracks the views a user accesses. As soon as a user initializes your app, Splunk MINT captures the render time of a view, the current and previous view of a user (relative to an error), and the time a user spends on a view.
Splunk MINT does not automatically track alert views. To track alert views, configure the log view manually.
//Objective C LimitedExtraDataList* limitedCrashExtraData = [LimitedExtraDataList new]; [limitedCrashExtraData add:[[ExtraData alloc] initWithKey:@"TestKey" andValue:@"TestValue"]]; [[Mint sharedInstance] logViewWithCurrentViewName:@"TestView" limitedExtraDataList:limitedCrashExtraData];
//Swift let datalist = LimitedExtraDataList() datalist.add(ExtraData(key: "TestKey", andValue: "TestValue")) Mint.sharedInstance().logViewWithCurrentViewName("TestView", limitedExtraDataList: datalist)
Add breadcrumbs to crash reports | Report user-specific data |
This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk MINT™ SDK for iOS (EOL): 4.2.x, 4.3.x, 4.4.x
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