Track views
In an iOS application, Splunk MINT automatically tracks the views a user accesses. As soon as a user initializes your app, Splunk MINT captures the render time of a view, the current and previous view of a user (relative to an error), and the time a user spends on a view.
Splunk MINT does not automatically track alert views. To track alert views, configure the log view manually. Use the logViewWithCurrentViewName method to manually report view transitions. When you manually report view transitions, disable automatic view tracking with the disableViewMonitoring method before initializing the iOS SDK. If you manually report view transitions and do not disable automatic view tracking, you may create duplicate view transitions that will make it difficult to accurately track views.
To use a different view name than the one that is automatically generated, override the mintViewName string in /mint-ios-sdk/SplunkMint/SplunkMint/ScreenMonitor/UIViewController+Delegates.m. For example:
- (NSString*)mintViewName { return @"Custom class name"; }
For more information, see the Splunk MINT SDK for iOS API Reference.
//Objective C [[Mint sharedInstance] logViewWithCurrentViewName:@"TestView"]; [[Mint sharedInstance] logViewWithCurrentViewName:@"TestView" extraDataKey:@"Key" extraDataValue:@"Value"]; MintLimitedExtraData* extraData = [[MintLimitedExtraData alloc] init]; [extraData setValue:@"value" forKey:@"key"]; [[Mint sharedInstance] logViewWithCurrentViewName:@"TestView" extraData:extraData];
//Swift Mint.sharedInstance().logViewWithCurrentViewName("TestView") Mint.sharedInstance().logViewWithCurrentViewName("TestView", extraDataKey: "Key", extraDataValue: "value") let limitedExtraData = MintLimitedExtraData() limitedExtraData.setValue("value", forKey: "key") Mint.sharedInstance().logViewWithCurrentViewName("TestView", extraData: limitedExtraData)
Manually report view transitions
Use the logViewWithCurrentViewName method to manually report view transitions. When you manually report view transitions, disable automatic view tracking with the disableViewMonitoring method before initializing the iOS SDK. If you manually report view transitions and do not disable automatic view tracking, you may create duplicate view transitions that will make it difficult to accurately track views.
For more information, see the Splunk MINT SDK for iOS API Reference.
Add breadcrumbs to crash reports | Create timers |
This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk MINT™ SDK for iOS (EOL): 5.2.x
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