Splunk MINT SDK for iOS (EOL)

Splunk MINT SDK for iOS Developer Guide

Splunk MINT is no longer available for purchase as of January 29, 2021. Customers who have already been paying to ingest and process MINT data in Splunk Enterprise will continue to receive support until December 31, 2021, which is End of Life for all MINT products: App, Web Service (Management Console), SDK and Add-On.

Add and report events

Add and report events

In addition to reporting the sequence of events leading up to an app crash, Splunk MINT can report events that are not associated with a crash. For example, if your application asks users to make a selection, you can report the user's selection.

To report an event:

  • Use the logEvent method.

You can also include the log level with the event. Use one of the following enumeration values for the LogLevelStatus parameter:

  • DebugLogLevel
  • InfoLogLevel
  • NoticeLogLevel
  • WarningLogLevel
  • ErrorLogLevel
  • CriticalLogLevel
  • AlertLogLevel
  • EmergencyLogLevel

Add as many events as you like to track virtually any user activity on your app. To view the event data, see the Events dashboard in Splunk MINT Management Console.

Example code

    [[Mint sharedInstance] logEventWithName:@"EventName"];

Add custom data to events

You can add extra custom data to specific events as a list or as a key-value pair. Custom data can only be viewed using the Splunk MINT App.

Example code

// Objective-C
  NSString *eventname = @"EventName";
  [[Mint sharedInstance] logEventWithName:eventname logLevel:DebugLogLevel];
  [[Mint sharedInstance] logEventWithName:eventname logLevel:InfoLogLevel extraDataKey:@"key" extraDataValue:@"value"];
  MintLimitedExtraData *limitedExtraData = [[MintLimitedExtraData alloc] init];
  [limitedExtraData setValue:@"value" forKey:@"key"];
  [[Mint sharedInstance] logEventWithName:eventname logLevel:WarningLogLevel extraData:limitedExtraData];
// Swift
  let eventName = "EventName"
  Mint.sharedInstance().logEventWithName(eventName, logLevel: DebugLogLevel)
  Mint.sharedInstance().logEventWithName(eventName, logLevel: InfoLogLevel, extraDataKey: "key", extraDataValue: "value")
  let limitedExtraData = MintLimitedExtraData()
  limitedExtraData.setValue("value1", forKey: "key1")
  Mint.sharedInstance().logEventWithName(eventName, logLevel: WarningLogLevel, extraData: limitedExtraData)

View custom data

To view custom data for events, open the Splunk MINT App and run a search. For example, the following search shows the events that contain custom data for "hotel":

index=mint event_name=* extraData.hotel=* | table event_name, extraData.hotel

For more about running searches in MINT, see Searches in the Splunk MINT App User Guide.

Last modified on 05 November, 2019
Monitor transactions   Dispatch system log messages

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk MINT SDK for iOS (EOL): 5.2.x

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