Splunk® Phantom (Legacy)

Use Splunk Phantom

Splunk Phantom 4.10.7 is the final release of Splunk's Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR) system to be called Splunk Phantom. All later versions are named Splunk SOAR (On-premises). For more information, see the Splunk SOAR (On-premises) documentation.

Create case reports to download and share in Splunk Phantom

Create a case report as a PDF file that can be downloaded and shared. You can generate a case report at any time from either Summary or Analyst view. The report contains all of the information in the case up to that point. You can have multiple reports per case.

Perform the following tasks to generate a case report:

  1. Navigate to the case in Splunk Phantom.
  2. Click + Report.
  3. (Optional) Click Include data to generate an archive containing the PDF report file and copies of all the data in the case, such as files, action run results, copies of artifacts in JSON format, and notes. Including data in a case report can significantly increase the size of the report and the time it takes to generate the report.
  4. Click Generate.
Last modified on 11 December, 2019
Define a workflow in a case using workbooks in Splunk Phantom   Use the Splunk Mobile app for

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Phantom (Legacy): 4.8, 4.9, 4.10, 4.10.1, 4.10.2, 4.10.3, 4.10.4, 4.10.6, 4.10.7

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