Configure a securegateway.conf file
To modify the Splunk Cloud Gateway configuration, create a securegateway.conf file in the $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/splunk_secure_gateway/local
Here's a sample securegateway.conf file:
[setup] spacebridge_server = <ASCII string> * Set the address of the Spacebridge Service * Default: log_level = ERROR|WARN|INFO|DEBUG * This controls the log_level for application logs * If you need more detailed logs set to DEBUG * Default: INFO async_timeout = <positive_integer> * Set the request timeout in seconds seen at the async request level * Default: 15 cluster_monitor_interval = <positive_integer> * This setting controls the interval in which the Search Head will query if it is the Captain in a SHC * The Splunk Secure Gateway currently processes all requests through the Captain in a SHC * Default: 300 cluster_mode_enabled = <boolean> * Enable cluster mode. If enabled, the modular inputs will run on every member of the SHC. Disabled, it will only run on the captain. * Default: false mtls = <boolean> * Enable Mutual TLS mode. This is an advanced experimental feature and should not be adjusted without explicit instruction from Splunk. * Default: false [client] request_timeout_secs = <positive_integer> * Set the request timeout in seconds seen at the client level * Default: 30 [websocket] reconnect_max_delay = <positive_integer> * When a websocket disconnects reconnection code retries with exponential back-off to a maximum value * The reconnect_max_delay is the maximum reconnection delay in seconds * Default: 60 [subscription] manager_lifetime_seconds = <positive_integer> * The subscription_manager_modular_input will run for a period defined by the manager_lifetime_seconds configuration before restarting the process * Default: 3600 manager_interval_seconds = <positive_number> * The subscription_manager_modular_input will poll new subscription requests from clients at an interval defined by the manage_interval_seconds * If the Search Head instance is not performant this may be an option to reduce API calls to the host. * Default: 0.1 [dashboard] dashboard_list_max_count = <positive_integer> * The dashboard_list_max_count setting will limit the number of dashboards returned in the dashboard list API * If the dashboard list is timing out on clients this a helpful setting to limit the returned dashboards * This is primarily a setting you would set while debugging an issue * Default: 10000 [proxyConfig] http_proxy = <string> * If set, Splunk Secure Gateway App sends all HTTP requests through the proxy server that you specify. * No Default. Example formats: * http_proxy = http://user:password@proxyIP:proxyPort * http_proxy = user:password@proxyIp:proxyPort, * http_proxy = http://proxyIp:proxyPort * http_proxy = proxyIp:proxyPort https_proxy = <string> * If set, Splunk Secure Gateway App sends all HTTPS requests through the proxy server that you specify. * No default. Example formats: * https_proxy = https://user:password@proxyIP:proxyPort * https_proxy = user:password@proxyIp:proxyPort, * https_proxy = https://proxyIp:proxyPort * https_proxy = proxyIp:proxyPort
Change the Secure Gateway Deployment Name | Provide a QR code for SAML authentication log in with a hostname |
This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Secure Gateway: 2.4.0, 2.0.2, 2.5.6 Cloud Only, 2.5.7, 2.6.3 Cloud only, 2.7.3 Cloud only, 2.7.4, 2.8.4 Cloud only, 2.9.1 Cloud only, 2.9.3 Cloud only, 2.9.4 Cloud only, 3.0.9, 3.1.2 Cloud only, 3.2.0 Cloud only, 3.3.0 Cloud only
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