Splunk® Secure Gateway

Administer Splunk Secure Gateway

Splunk Secure Gateway is a default enabled application that's included in Splunk Cloud version 8.1.2103 and Splunk Enterprise version 8.1.0 and higher. An admin must agree to the opt-in notice before using Splunk Secure Gateway. See Get started with Splunk Secure Gateway to get started.

Provide a QR code for SAML authentication log in with a hostname

If your organization uses SAML authentication and Splunk Secure Gateway, your users can scan a QR code complete the hostname field when logging in to a Splunk platform instance from a Connected Experiences app.


The following are requirements for hostname log in:


To get a QR code for your Splunk platform instance, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Administration tab in Splunk Secure Gateway.
  2. Download the QR code.
  3. Distribute the QR code to your users.

For user log in steps, see Log in if your organization uses an SSO provider in the Use Splunk Secure Gateway manual.

Last modified on 20 July, 2022
Configure Splunk Secure Gateway deployment settings   Select a Spacebridge location

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Secure Gateway: 2.8.4 Cloud only, 2.9.1 Cloud only, 2.9.3 Cloud only, 2.9.4 Cloud only, 3.0.9, 3.1.2 Cloud only, 3.2.0 Cloud only, 3.3.0 Cloud only, 3.4.251, 3.5.15 Cloud only

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