Input configuration options
The settings for the options
field vary depending on the input type. For certain inputs like dropdown and multiselect, you can use static values, dynamic values, or a combination of both.
Multiselect example
In the following example, there are two multiselect inputs. One uses only static values and one that has a menu populated by search results.
Expand this window to copy/paste the dashboard definition into your own dashboard.
{ "title": "Example — Multiselect Input", "inputs": { "input_9MxBqEwU": { "dataSources": {}, "options": { "defaultValue": "*", "items": [ { "label": "All", "value": "*" }, { "label": "Administrators", "value": "admin" }, { "label": "Splunkers", "value": "splunk-system-user" } ], "token": "dd2" }, "title": "Static Input - Select User", "type": "input.multiselect" }, "input_ovnr6KpF": { "context": { "formattedConfig": { "number": { "prefix": "" } }, "formattedStatics": ">statics | formatByType(formattedConfig)", "label": ">primary | seriesByName(\"sourcetype\") | renameSeries(\"label\") | formatByType(formattedConfig)", "statics": [ [ "All" ], [ "*" ] ], "value": ">primary | seriesByName(\"sourcetype\") | renameSeries(\"value\") | formatByType(formattedConfig)" }, "dataSources": { "primary": "ds_search1" }, "options": { "defaultValue": "*", "items": ">frame(label, value) | prepend(formattedStatics) | objects()", "token": "dd1" }, "title": "Dynamic Input - Select Sourcetype", "type": "input.multiselect" } }, "defaults": { "dataSources": { "": { "options": { "queryParameters": { "earliest": "$global_time.earliest$", "latest": "$global_time.latest$" } } } } }, "visualizations": { "viz_dObiuubP": { "dataSources": { "primary": "ds_quzxE8AQ" }, "description": "index=_internal user IN ($token2$) | timechart count by user", "title": "Line chart with Static Input", "type": "splunk.line" }, "viz_gMr0oNmO": { "dataSources": { "primary": "ds_2A3Efw25" }, "description": "index=_internal _sourcetype IN ($token1$) | timechart count by _sourcetype", "title": "Line Chart with Dynamic Input", "type": "splunk.line" } }, "dataSources": { "ds_2A3Efw25": { "name": "Search_2", "options": { "query": "index=_internal _sourcetype IN ($dd1$)\n| timechart count by _sourcetype", "queryParameters": { "earliest": "-60m@m", "latest": "now" } }, "type": "" }, "ds_quzxE8AQ": { "name": "Search_3", "options": { "query": "index=_internal user IN ($dd2$)\n| timechart count by user", "queryParameters": { "earliest": "-60m@m", "latest": "now" } }, "type": "" }, "ds_search1": { "name": "Search_1", "options": { "query": "index=_internal \n| stats count by sourcetype", "queryParameters": { "earliest": "-60m@m", "latest": "now" } }, "type": "" } }, "layout": { "globalInputs": [ "input_ovnr6KpF", "input_9MxBqEwU" ], "layoutDefinitions": { "layout_1": { "structure": [ { "item": "viz_dObiuubP", "position": { "h": 349, "w": 1200, "x": 0, "y": 342 }, "type": "block" }, { "item": "viz_gMr0oNmO", "position": { "h": 342, "w": 1200, "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "type": "block" } ], "type": "grid" } }, "tabs": { "items": [ { "label": "New tab", "layoutId": "layout_1" } ] } } }
Configuration options
The following is a table of input settings, options, and option settings. Settings are not options, but are values set at the same level as the options field.
property | setting or option | description |
token | option | Assign tokens values or options created by a connected data source query. |
defaultValue | option | The default value of the input on dashboard load. This will remain the value until changed by the user. |
items | option | Set static label or value pairs for users to select in input.multiselect and input.dropdown .
min | option | Set the minimum number a user can select for input.number .
max | option | Set the maximum number a user can select for input.number .
step | option | Set the interval for the up and down arrows when a user clicks them for input.number .
clearDefaultOnSelection | option | When set to false the defaultValue remains selected when a user selects other options for input.multiselect . The default is true .
type | setting | The type of input. For example, input.multiselect , input.text .
title | setting | Title of the input that will be displayed in Edit and View mode. |
containerOptions | option | Specify the color of an input's title text with a hexadecimal code, such as "#fcba03". The following is a source code example of containerOptions :
"containerOptions": { "title": { "color": "#fcba03" }, }, |
hideWhenNoData | option | Set the hideWhenNoData option to true to conceal the input if no data is available to populate the input options.
hideInViewMode | option | Set the hideInViewMode option to true to conceal any input from users observing the dashboard from View mode.
Default configuration options | Layout configuration options |
This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk Cloud Platform™: 9.2.2406, 9.3.2408 (latest FedRAMP release), 9.3.2411
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