Visualization configuration options
The following are source options available for each chart, shape, and single value visualization. Note that you must place quotation marks around strings and options but don't need quotation marks for boolean values and numbers.
For a list of visualization fields and settings, see Visualization fields and settings.
Area chart
Area chart options
You can customize your dashboard with the Dashboard Studio UI or set options in the source editor. The following options are available for editing area charts in the source editor:
Property | Type | Default | Description |
x | (string | number) | > primary | seriesByIndex(0) | Specify the dataSource applied to the x-axis. |
y | (string | number) | > primary | frameBySeriesIndexRange(1) | Specify the dataSource applied to the y-axis. |
y2 | (string | number) | n/a | Specify the dataSource applied to the y2-axis |
xField | string | > x | getField() | Specify the field that should be mapped to the x-axis. |
yFields | string | > y | getField() | Specify the field that should be mapped to the y-axis. |
annotationColor | string | n/a | Specify the annotation colors. You may use a dataSource to apply the color. For example, ["#FF0000", "#0000FF", "#008000"]. |
annotationLabel | string | n/a | Specify a list of labels used for the annotations. You may use a dataSource to apply the labels. For example, ["houston, we have a problem", "just close the jira", "looking good now"]. |
annotationX | (string | number) | n/a | Specify the dataSource field applied to the event annotation on the x-axis. |
areaOpacity | number | 0.75 | Specify the opacity of the area chart. Values can range from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque). |
backgroundColor | string | > themes.defaultBackgroundColor | Specify the color for the background. You may use a dataSource to apply the color. The default for enterprise light is "#ffffff". The default for enterprise dark is "#000000". The default for prisma dark is "#0b0c0e". |
dataValuesDisplay | ("off" | "all" | "minmax") | off | Specify whether chart should display no labels, all labels, or only the min and max labels. |
legendDisplay | ("right" | "left" | "top" | "bottom" | "off") | right | Specify the location of the legend on the panel. |
legendLabels | string | n/a | Specify a list of labels to pre-populate the legend. For example, ["percent", "count"]. |
legendMode | ("standard" | "seriesCompare") | standard | Specify visual and behavioral settings for the tooltip and legend. "seriesCompare" is useful when comparing series. |
legendTruncation | ("ellipsisEnd" | "ellipsisMiddle" | "ellipsisStart" | "ellipsisOff") | ellipsisEnd | Specify how to display legend labels when they overflow the layout boundaries by replacing overflow text with an ellipsis. |
lineWidth | number | 2 | Specify the line width, in pixels, for all line series. |
nullValueDisplay | ("gaps" | "zero" | "connect") | gaps | Specify how area and line charts handle null values. |
resultLimit | number | 50000 | Specify the number of data points rendered in a chart. |
seriesColors | string | #7B56DB,#009CEB,#00CDAF,#DD9900,#FF677B,#CB2196,#813193,#0051B5,#008C80,#99B100,#FFA476,#FF6ACE,#AE8CFF,#00689D,#00490A,#465D00,#9D6300,#F6540B,#FF969E,#E47BFE | Specify the colors used for a series. For example, ["#FF0000", "#0000FF", "#008000"]. |
seriesColorsByField | object | n/a | Specify the colors used for specific fields in a series. For example, {"count": "#008000", "percent": "#FFA500"} |
stackMode | ("auto" | "stacked" | "stacked100") | auto | Specify stack mode. |
showIndependentYRanges | boolean | FALSE | Specify whether split series charts have independent y-ranges. |
showSplitSeries | boolean | FALSE | Set to "true" to split a multi-series chart into separate charts that are stacked from top to bottom; one for each series. |
showLines | boolean | TRUE | Specify whether lines should be shown in area charts. |
showXMajorGridLines | boolean | FALSE | Specify whether major grid lines are visible on the x-axis. |
showYMajorGridLines | boolean | TRUE | Specify whether major grid lines are visible on the y-axis. |
showY2MajorGridLines | boolean | FALSE | Specify whether major grid lines are visible on the y2-axis. |
showYMinorGridLines | boolean | FALSE | Specify whether minor grid lines are visible on the y-axis. |
showY2MinorGridLines | boolean | FALSE | Specify whether minor grid lines are visible on y2-axis. |
showYAxisExtendedRange | boolean | TRUE | Specify whether the y-axis should be extended to include whole major tick marks. |
showYAxisWithZero | boolean | FALSE | Specify whether the y-axis range includes zero. |
showY2AxisWithZero | boolean | FALSE | Specify whether the y2-axis range includes zero. |
xAxisLabelRotation | (-90 | -45 | 0 | 45 | 90) | 0 | Specify the rotation of the x-axis label in degrees. |
xAxisLabelVisibility | ("auto" | "show" | "hide") | auto | Specify whether to show or hide labels on the x-axis. |
yAxisLabelVisibility | ("auto" | "show" | "hide") | auto | Specify whether to show or hide labels on the y-axis. |
y2AxisLabelVisibility | ("auto" | "show" | "hide") | auto | Specify whether to show or hide labels on the y2-axis. |
xAxisLineVisibility | ("show" | "hide") | hide | Specify whether to show or hide the x-axis line. |
yAxisLineVisibility | ("show" | "hide") | hide | Specify whether to show or hide the y-axis line. |
y2AxisLineVisibility | ("show" | "hide") | hide | Specify whether to show or hide the y2-axis line. |
xAxisMajorTickSize | number | 6 | Specify the size, in pixels, of major tick marks on the x-axis. |
yAxisMajorTickSize | number | 6 | Specify the size, in pixels, of major tick marks on the y-axis. |
y2AxisMajorTickSize | number | 6 | Specify the size, in pixels, of major tick marks on the y2-axis. |
yAxisMinorTickSize | number | 6 | Specify the size, in pixels, of minor tick marks on the y-axis. |
y2AxisMinorTickSize | number | 6 | Specify the size, in pixels, of minor tick marks on the y2-axis. |
xAxisMajorTickVisibility | ("auto" | "show" | "hide") | auto | Specify whether to show or hide major tick marks on the x-axis. |
yAxisMajorTickVisibility | ("auto" | "show" | "hide") | auto | Specify whether to show or hide major tick marks on the y-axis. |
y2AxisMajorTickVisibility | ("auto" | "show" | "hide") | auto | Specify whether to show or hide major tick marks on the y2-axis. |
yAxisMinorTickVisibility | ("auto" | "show" | "hide") | auto | Specify whether to show or hide minor tick marks on the y-axis. |
y2AxisMinorTickVisibility | ("auto" | "show" | "hide") | auto | Specify whether to show or hide minor tick marks on the y2-axis. |
xAxisMaxLabelParts | number | 3 | Specify the maximum number of time-parts that a tick label will have (the 3 possible parts are year, month, time). |
yAxisScale | ("linear" | "log") | linear | Specify the type of scale that applies to a numerical y-axis. |
y2AxisScale | ("linear" | "log") | linear | Specify the type of scale that applies to a numerical y2-axis. |
xAxisTitleText | string | n/a | Specify the title of the x-axis. |
yAxisTitleText | string | n/a | Specify the title of the y-axis. |
y2AxisTitleText | string | n/a | Specify the title of the y2-axis. |
xAxisTitleVisibility | ("show" | "hide") | show | Specify whether to show or hide the title of the x-axis. |
yAxisTitleVisibility | ("show" | "hide") | show | Specify whether to show or hide the title of the y-axis. |
y2AxisTitleVisibility | ("show" | "hide") | show | Specify whether to show or hide the title of the y2-axis. |
yAxisAbbreviation | ("off" | "auto") | auto | Specify whether to abbreviate large y-axis values with the closest SI prefix. |
y2AxisAbbreviation | ("off" | "auto") | auto | Specify whether to abbreviate large y2-axis values with the closest SI prefix. |
yAxisMajorTickInterval | (string | number) | auto | Specify the spacing unit between major tick marks along the numeric y-axis. |
y2AxisMajorTickInterval | (string | number) | auto | Specify the spacing unit between major tick marks along the numeric y2-axis. |
yAxisMax | (string | number) | auto | Specify the maximum number for the visible y-axis range. |
y2AxisMax | (string | number) | auto | Specify the maximum number for the visible y2-axis range. |
yAxisMin | (string | number) | auto | Specify the minimum number for the visible y-axis range. |
y2AxisMin | (string | number) | auto | Specify the minimum number for the visible y2-axis range. |
overlayFields | (array | string) | n/a | Specify field(s) that should be differentiated on the chart and displayed as chart overlays. |
showOverlayY2Axis | boolean | FALSE | Enable a y2-axis for chart overlays. All overlay fields will be mapped to a second y-axis. |
showRoundedY2AxisLabels | boolean | TRUE | Specify whether to round y2-axis values to the nearest integer. |
y2Fields | (array | string) | > y2 | getField() | Specify field(s) that should be mapped to a second y-axis. |
Bar chart
Bar chart options
You can customize your dashboard with the Dashboard Studio UI or set options in the source editor. The following options are available for editing bar charts in the source editor:
Property | Type | Default | Description |
x | (string | number) | > primary | seriesByIndex(0) | Specify the dataSource applied to the x-axis. |
y | (string | number) | > primary | frameBySeriesIndexRange(1) | Specify the dataSource applied to the y-axis. |
y2 | (string | number) | n/a | Specify the dataSource applied to the y2-axis |
xField | string | > x | getField() | Specify the field that should be mapped to the x-axis. |
yFields | string | > y | getField() | Specify the field that should be mapped to the y-axis. |
y2Fields | (array | string) | > y2 | getField() | Specify field(s) that should be mapped to a second y-axis. |
backgroundColor | string | > themes.defaultBackgroundColor | Specify the color for the background. You may use a dataSource to apply the color. The default for enterprise light is "#ffffff". The default for enterprise dark is "#000000". The default for prisma dark is "#0b0c0e". |
barSpacing | number | n/a | Specify, in pixels, the spacing between columns in a bar chart. |
dataValuesDisplay | ("off" | "all" | "minmax") | off | Specify whether chart should display no labels, all labels, or only the min and max labels. |
legendDisplay | ("right" | "left" | "top" | "bottom" | "off") | right | Specify the location of the legend on the panel. |
legendLabels | string | n/a | Specify a list of labels to pre-populate the legend. For example, ["percent", "count"]. |
legendTruncation | ("ellipsisEnd" | "ellipsisMiddle" | "ellipsisStart" | "ellipsisOff") | ellipsisEnd | Specify how to display legend labels when they overflow the layout boundaries by replacing overflow text with an ellipsis. |
lineWidth | number | 2 | Specify the line width, in pixels, for chart overlay. |
resultLimit | number | 50000 | Specify the number of data points rendered in a chart. |
seriesColors | string | #7B56DB,#009CEB,#00CDAF,#DD9900,#FF677B,#CB2196,#813193,#0051B5,#008C80,#99B100,#FFA476,#FF6ACE,#AE8CFF,#00689D,#00490A,#465D00,#9D6300,#F6540B,#FF969E,#E47BFE | Specify the colors used for a series. For example, ["#FF0000", "#0000FF", "#008000"]. |
seriesColorsByField | object | n/a | Specify the colors used for specific fields in a series. For example, {"count": "#008000", "percent": "#FFA500"}. |
seriesSpacing | number | n/a | Specify, in pixels, the spacing between clustered series in column and bar charts. |
stackMode | ("auto" | "stacked" | "stacked100") | auto | Specify stack mode. |
showIndependentYRanges | boolean | FALSE | Specify whether split series charts have independent y-ranges. |
showSplitSeries | boolean | FALSE | Set to "true" to split a multi-series chart into separate charts that are stacked from top to bottom; one for each series. |
showXMajorGridLines | boolean | FALSE | Specify whether major grid lines are visible on the x-axis. |
showYMajorGridLines | boolean | TRUE | Specify whether major grid lines are visible on the y-axis. |
showY2MajorGridLines | boolean | FALSE | Specify whether major grid lines are visible on the y2-axis. |
showYMinorGridLines | boolean | FALSE | Specify whether minor grid lines are visible on the y-axis. |
showY2MinorGridLines | boolean | FALSE | Specify whether minor grid lines are visible on y2-axis. |
showYAxisExtendedRange | boolean | TRUE | Specify whether the y-axis should be extended to include whole major tick marks. |
showYAxisWithZero | boolean | FALSE | Specify whether the y-axis range includes zero. |
showY2AxisWithZero | boolean | FALSE | Specify whether the y2-axis range includes zero. |
xAxisLabelVisibility | ("auto" | "show" | "hide") | auto | Specify whether to show or hide labels on the x-axis. |
yAxisLabelVisibility | ("auto" | "show" | "hide") | auto | Specify whether to show or hide labels on the y-axis. |
y2AxisLabelVisibility | ("auto" | "show" | "hide") | auto | Specify whether to show or hide labels on the y2-axis. |
xAxisLineVisibility | ("show" | "hide") | hide | Specify whether to show or hide the x-axis line. |
yAxisLineVisibility | ("show" | "hide") | hide | Specify whether to show or hide the y-axis line. |
y2AxisLineVisibility | ("show" | "hide") | hide | Specify whether to show or hide the y2-axis line. |
xAxisMajorTickSize | number | 6 | Specify the size, in pixels, of major tick marks on the x-axis. |
yAxisMajorTickSize | number | 6 | Specify the size, in pixels, of major tick marks on the y-axis. |
y2AxisMajorTickSize | number | 6 | Specify the size, in pixels, of major tick marks on the y2-axis. |
yAxisMinorTickSize | number | 6 | Specify the size, in pixels, of minor tick marks on the y-axis. |
y2AxisMinorTickSize | number | 6 | Specify the size, in pixels, of minor tick marks on the y2-axis. |
xAxisMajorTickVisibility | ("auto" | "show" | "hide") | auto | Specify whether to show or hide major tick marks on the x-axis. |
yAxisMajorTickVisibility | ("auto" | "show" | "hide") | auto | Specify whether to show or hide major tick marks on the y-axis. |
y2AxisMajorTickVisibility | ("auto" | "show" | "hide") | auto | Specify whether to show or hide major tick marks on the y2-axis. |
yAxisMinorTickVisibility | ("auto" | "show" | "hide") | auto | Specify whether to show or hide minor tick marks on the y-axis. |
y2AxisMinorTickVisibility | ("auto" | "show" | "hide") | auto | Specify whether to show or hide minor tick marks on the y2-axis. |
xAxisMaxLabelParts | number | 3 | Specify the maximum number of time-parts that a tick label will have (the 3 possible parts are year, month, time). |
yAxisScale | ("linear" | "log") | linear | Specify the type of scale that applies to a numerical y-axis. |
y2AxisScale | ("linear" | "log") | linear | Specify the type of scale that applies to a numerical y2-axis. |
xAxisTitleText | string | n/a | Specify the title of the x-axis. |
yAxisTitleText | string | n/a | Specify the title of the y-axis. |
y2AxisTitleText | string | n/a | Specify the title of the y2-axis. |
xAxisTitleVisibility | ("show" | "hide") | show | Specify whether to show or hide the title of the x-axis. |
yAxisTitleVisibility | ("show" | "hide") | show | Specify whether to show or hide the title of the y-axis. |
y2AxisTitleVisibility | ("show" | "hide") | show | Specify whether to show or hide the title of the y2-axis. |
yAxisAbbreviation | ("off" | "auto") | auto | Specify whether to abbreviate large y-axis values with the closest SI prefix. |
y2AxisAbbreviation | ("off" | "auto") | auto | Specify whether to abbreviate large y2-axis values with the closest SI prefix. |
yAxisMajorTickInterval | (string | number) | auto | Specify the spacing unit between major tick marks along the numeric y-axis. |
y2AxisMajorTickInterval | (string | number) | auto | Specify the spacing unit between major tick marks along the numeric y2-axis. |
yAxisMax | (string | number) | auto | Specify the maximum number for the visible y-axis range. |
y2AxisMax | (string | number) | auto | Specify the maximum number for the visible y2-axis range. |
yAxisMin | (string | number) | auto | Specify the minimum number for the visible y-axis range. |
y2AxisMin | (string | number) | auto | Specify the minimum number for the visible y2-axis range. |
overlayFields | (array | string) | n/a | Specify field(s) that should be differentiated on the chart and displayed as chart overlays. |
showOverlayY2Axis | boolean | FALSE | Enable a y2-axis for chart overlays. All overlay fields will be mapped to a second y-axis. |
showRoundedY2AxisLabels | boolean | TRUE | Specify whether to round y2-axis values to the nearest integer. |
Bubble chart
Bubble chart options
You can customize your dashboard with the Dashboard Studio UI or set options in the source editor. The following options are available for editing bubble charts in the source editor:
Property | Type | Default | Description |
x | (string | number) | > primary | seriesByIndex(0) | Specify the dataSource applied to the x-axis. |
y | (string | number) | > primary | seriesByIndex(1) | Specify the dataSource applied to the y-axis. |
category | (string | number) | n/a | Specify a sequence of dataSource events to be plotted on the chart. |
size | number | > primary | seriesByIndex(2) | Specify the dataSource events that are represented by the bubble size in the chart. |
xField | string | > x | getField() | Specify the field that should be mapped to the x-axis. |
yField | string | > y | getField() | Specify the field that should be mapped to the y-axis. |
categoryField | string | > category | getField() | Specify the field that should be mapped to the series categories. |
sizeField | string | > size | getField() | Specify the field that should be mapped to the bubble size in the chart. |
backgroundColor | string | > themes.defaultBackgroundColor | Specify the color used for the chart background by using a hexadecimal code. For example, #0000FF. |
bubbleSizeMax | number | 50 | Specify, in pixels, the maximum size of each bubble. |
bubbleSizeMin | number | 10 | Specify, in pixels, the minimum size of each bubble. |
bubbleSizeMethod | ("area" | "diameter") | area | Specify how bubble size is measured. |
legendDisplay | ("right" | "left" | "top" | "bottom" | "off") | right | Specify the location of the legend on the panel. |
legendTruncation | ("ellipsisEnd" | "ellipsisMiddle" | "ellipsisStart" | "ellipsisOff") | ellipsisEnd | Specify where to use ellipsis to replace legend labels that overflow the layout. |
resultLimit | number | 50000 | Specify the number of data points rendered in a chart. |
seriesColors | string | #7B56DB,#009CEB,#00CDAF,#DD9900,#FF677B,#CB2196,#813193,#0051B5,#008C80,#99B100,#FFA476,#FF6ACE,#AE8CFF,#00689D,#00490A,#465D00,#9D6300,#F6540B,#FF969E,#E47BFE | Specify the hexadecimal color codes for the bubble order from largest to smallest. For example, ["#FF0000", "#0000FF", "#008000"]. |
seriesColorsByField | object | n/a | Specify the colors used for specific fields in a series. For example, {"count": "#008000", "percent": "#FFA500"}. |
showXAxisExtendedRange | boolean | TRUE | Specify whether the x-axis should be extended to snap to whole major tick marks. |
showYAxisExtendedRange | boolean | TRUE | Specify whether the y-axis should be extended to snap to whole major tick marks. |
showXAxisWithZero | boolean | FALSE | Specify whether the x-axis range includes zero. |
showYAxisWithZero | boolean | FALSE | Specify whether the y-axis range includes zero. |
showRoundedXAxisLabels | boolean | FALSE | Specify whether to round x-axis values to the nearest integer. |
showYMajorGridLines | boolean | TRUE | Specify whether major grid lines are visible on the y-axis. |
showXMinorGridLines | boolean | FALSE | Specify whether minor grid lines are visible on the x-axis. |
showYMinorGridLines | boolean | FALSE | Specify whether minor grid lines are visible on the y-axis. |
xAxisLabelRotation | (-90 | -45 | 0 | 45 | 90) | 0 | Specify the rotation of the x-axis labels in degrees. |
xAxisAbbreviation | ("auto" | "off") | off | Specify whether to abbreviate large x-axis values with the closest International System of Units (SI) prefix. |
yAxisAbbreviation | ("off" | "auto") | auto | Specify whether to abbreviate large y-axis values with the closest International System of Units (SI) prefix. |
xAxisLabelVisibility | ("auto" | "show" | "hide") | auto | Specify whether to show or hide labels on the x-axis. |
yAxisLabelVisibility | ("auto" | "show" | "hide") | auto | Specify whether to show or hide labels on the y-axis. |
xAxisLineVisibility | ("show" | "hide") | hide | Specify whether to show the x-axis line. |
yAxisLineVisibility | ("show" | "hide") | hide | Specify whether to show the y-axis line. |
xAxisMajorTickInterval | (string | number) | auto | Specify the spacing interval between major tick marks along the x-axis. By default, the spacing value is automatically calculated based on the scale of the related axis. |
yAxisMajorTickInterval | (string | number) | auto | Specify the spacing interval between major tick marks along the y-axis. By default, the spacing value is automatically calculated based on the scale of the related axis. |
xAxisMajorTickSize | number | 6 | Specify the size, in pixels, of major tick marks on the x-axis. |
yAxisMajorTickSize | number | 6 | Specify the size, in pixels, of major tick marks on the y-axis. |
xAxisMinorTickSize | number | 6 | Specify the size, in pixels, of minor tick marks on the x-axis. |
yAxisMinorTickSize | number | 6 | Specify the size, in pixels, of minor tick marks on the y-axis. |
xAxisMajorTickVisibility | ("auto" | "show" | "hide") | auto | Specify whether to show or hide major tick marks on the x-axis. |
yAxisMajorTickVisibility | ("auto" | "show" | "hide") | auto | Specify whether to show or hide major tick marks on the y-axis. |
xAxisMinorTickVisibility | ("auto" | "show" | "hide") | auto | Specify whether to show or hide minor tick marks on the x-axis . |
yAxisMinorTickVisibility | ("auto" | "show" | "hide") | auto | Specify whether to show or hide minor tick marks on the y-axis. |
xAxisMax | (string | number) | auto | Specify the maximum value for the visible x-axis range. |
yAxisMax | (string | number) | auto | Specify the maximum value for the visible y-axis range. |
xAxisMin | (string | number) | auto | Specify the minimum value for the visible x-axis range. |
yAxisMin | (string | number) | auto | Specify the minimum value for the visible y-axis range. |
xAxisScale | ("linear" | "log") | linear | Specify the type of scale that applies to a numerical x-axis. |
yAxisScale | ("linear" | "log") | linear | Specify the type of scale that applies to a numerical y-axis. |
xAxisTitleText | string | n/a | Specify the title of the x-axis. string |
yAxisTitleText | string | n/a | Specify the title of the y-axis. string |
xAxisTitleVisibility | ("show" | "hide") | show | Specify whether to hide the title of the x-axis. ("show" | "hide") |
yAxisTitleVisibility | ("show" | "hide") | show | Specify whether to hide the title of the y-axis. ("show" | "hide") |
Choropleth map
Choropleth map options
The following options are available for editing choropleth maps in the source editor:
Property | Type | Default | Description | ||
source | (geo://default/world | geo://default/us) | (geo://default/world | geo://default/us) | Source for geographic data for the world or US. | ||
projection | (mercator | equirectangular) | mercator | Specify the way the map is projected | ||
fillColor | string | #EAEFF2 | Select a fill color for regions with no data. For example, if you want all regions with no data to be white, use "#FFFFFF" .
| ||
strokeColor | string | #689C8D | Select a stroke color for regions with no data. For example, if you want all regions with no data to be grey, use "#808080" .
Choropleth SVG
Choropleth SVG options
The following options are available for editing choropleth SVG visualizations in the source editor:
Property | Type | Default | Description |
areaColors | string | > areaValues | rangeValue(areaColorsRangeConfig) | Specify the dataSource field that should be used to set the svg fill attribute of identified areas. |
areaIds | string | > primary | seriesByType("string") | Specify the dataSource field that should be used to identify each area in the Choropleth svg, where the area has been tagged with an id field. |
areaValues | number | > primary | seriesByType("number") | Specify the dataSource field that indicates the values for the areas. |
backgroundColor | string | > themes.defaultBackgroundColor | the background color behind the SVG, title, and description. |
svg* | string | n/a | Literal svg, or svg data URI. |
Column chart
Column chart options
You can customize your dashboard with the Dashboard Studio UI or set options in the source editor. The following options are available for editing column charts in the source editor:
Property | Type | Default | Description |
x | (string | number) | > primary | seriesByIndex(0) | Specify the dataSource applied to the x-axis. |
y | (string | number) | > primary | frameBySeriesIndexRange(1) | Specify the dataSource applied to the y-axis. |
y2 | (string | number) | n/a | Specify the dataSource applied to the y2-axis |
xField | string | > x | getField() | Specify the field that should be mapped to the x-axis. |
yFields | string | > y | getField() | Specify the field that should be mapped to the y-axis. |
y2Fields | (array | string) | > y2 | getField() | Specify field(s) that should be mapped to a second y-axis. |
annotationColor | string | n/a | Specify the annotation colors. You may use a dataSource to apply the color. For example, ["#FF0000", "#0000FF", "#008000"]. |
annotationLabel | string | n/a | Specify a list of labels used for the annotations. You may use a dataSource to apply the labels. For example, ["houston, we have a problem", "just close the jira", "looking good now"]. |
annotationX | (string | number) | n/a | Specify the dataSource field applied to the event annotation on the x-axis. |
backgroundColor | string | > themes.defaultBackgroundColor | Specify the color for the background. You may use a dataSource to apply the color. The default for enterprise light is "#ffffff". The default for enterprise dark is "#000000". The default for prisma dark is "#0b0c0e". |
dataValuesDisplay | ("off" | "all" | "minmax") | off | Specify whether chart should display no labels, all labels, or only the min and max labels. |
columnGrouping | ("auto" | "overlay") | auto | Specify the column grouping mode. If chart.stackMode is defined it will override grouping behavior. |
columnSpacing | number | n/a | Specifies, in pixels, the spacing between columns in a column chart. |
legendDisplay | ("right" | "left" | "top" | "bottom" | "off") | right | Specify the location of the legend on the panel. |
legendLabels | string | n/a | Specify a list of labels to pre-populate the legend. For example, ["percent", "count"]. |
legendTruncation | ("ellipsisEnd" | "ellipsisMiddle" | "ellipsisStart" | "ellipsisOff") | ellipsisEnd | Specify how to display legend labels when they overflow the layout boundaries by replacing overflow text with an ellipsis. |
lineWidth | number | 2 | Specify the line width, in pixels, for chart overlay. |
resultLimit | number | 50000 | Specify the number of data points rendered in a chart. |
seriesColors | string | #7B56DB,#009CEB,#00CDAF,#DD9900,#FF677B,#CB2196,#813193,#0051B5,#008C80,#99B100,#FFA476,#FF6ACE,#AE8CFF,#00689D,#00490A,#465D00,#9D6300,#F6540B,#FF969E,#E47BFE | Specify the colors used for a series. For example, ["#FF0000", "#0000FF", "#008000"]. |
seriesColorsByField | object | n/a | Specify the colors used for specific fields in a series. For example, {"count": "#008000", "percent": "#FFA500"}. |
seriesSpacing | number | n/a | Specify, in pixels, the spacing between clustered series in column and bar charts. |
stackMode | ("auto" | "stacked" | "stacked100") | auto | Specify stack mode. |
showIndependentYRanges | boolean | FALSE | Specify whether split series charts have independent y-ranges. |
showSplitSeries | boolean | FALSE | Set to "true" to split a multi-series chart into separate charts that are stacked from top to bottom; one for each series. |
showTooltip | boolean | TRUE | Specify whether a tooltip should be visible on hover |
showXMajorGridLines | boolean | FALSE | Specify whether major grid lines are visible on the x-axis. |
showYMajorGridLines | boolean | TRUE | Specify whether major grid lines are visible on the y-axis. |
showY2MajorGridLines | boolean | FALSE | Specify whether major grid lines are visible on the y2-axis. |
showYMinorGridLines | boolean | FALSE | Specify whether minor grid lines are visible on the y-axis. |
showY2MinorGridLines | boolean | FALSE | Specify whether minor grid lines are visible on y2-axis. |
showYAxisExtendedRange | boolean | TRUE | Specify whether the y-axis should be extended to include whole major tick marks. |
showYAxisWithZero | boolean | FALSE | Specify whether the y-axis range includes zero. |
showY2AxisWithZero | boolean | FALSE | Specify whether the y2-axis range includes zero. |
xAxisLabelRotation | (-90 | -45 | 0 | 45 | 90) | 0 | Specify the rotation of the x-axis label in degrees. |
xAxisLabelVisibility | ("auto" | "show" | "hide") | auto | Specify whether to show or hide labels on the x-axis. |
yAxisLabelVisibility | ("auto" | "show" | "hide") | auto | Specify whether to show or hide labels on the y-axis. |
y2AxisLabelVisibility | ("auto" | "show" | "hide") | auto | Specify whether to show or hide labels on the y2-axis. |
xAxisLineVisibility | ("show" | "hide") | hide | Specify whether to show or hide the x-axis line. |
yAxisLineVisibility | ("show" | "hide") | hide | Specify whether to show or hide the y-axis line. |
y2AxisLineVisibility | ("show" | "hide") | hide | Specify whether to show or hide the y2-axis line. |
xAxisMajorTickSize | number | 6 | Specify the size, in pixels, of major tick marks on the x-axis. |
yAxisMajorTickSize | number | 6 | Specify the size, in pixels, of major tick marks on the y-axis. |
y2AxisMajorTickSize | number | 6 | Specify the size, in pixels, of major tick marks on the y2-axis. |
yAxisMinorTickSize | number | 6 | Specify the size, in pixels, of minor tick marks on the y-axis. |
y2AxisMinorTickSize | number | 6 | Specify the size, in pixels, of minor tick marks on the y2-axis. |
xAxisMajorTickVisibility | ("auto" | "show" | "hide") | auto | Specify whether to show or hide major tick marks on the x-axis. |
yAxisMajorTickVisibility | ("auto" | "show" | "hide") | auto | Specify whether to show or hide major tick marks on the y-axis. |
y2AxisMajorTickVisibility | ("auto" | "show" | "hide") | auto | Specify whether to show or hide major tick marks on the y2-axis. |
yAxisMinorTickVisibility | ("auto" | "show" | "hide") | auto | Specify whether to show or hide minor tick marks on the y-axis. |
y2AxisMinorTickVisibility | ("auto" | "show" | "hide") | auto | Specify whether to show or hide minor tick marks on the y2-axis. |
xAxisMaxLabelParts | number | 3 | Specify the maximum number of time-parts that a tick label will have (the 3 possible parts are year, month, time). |
yAxisScale | ("linear" | "log") | linear | Specify the type of scale that applies to a numerical y-axis. |
y2AxisScale | ("linear" | "log") | linear | Specify the type of scale that applies to a numerical y2-axis. |
xAxisTitleText | string | n/a | Specify the title of the x-axis. |
yAxisTitleText | string | n/a | Specify the title of the y-axis. |
y2AxisTitleText | string | n/a | Specify the title of the y2-axis. |
xAxisTitleVisibility | ("show" | "hide") | show | Specify whether to show or hide the title of the x-axis. |
yAxisTitleVisibility | ("show" | "hide") | show | Specify whether to show or hide the title of the y-axis. |
y2AxisTitleVisibility | ("show" | "hide") | show | Specify whether to show or hide the title of the y2-axis. |
yAxisAbbreviation | ("off" | "auto") | auto | Specify whether to abbreviate large y-axis values with the closest SI prefix. |
y2AxisAbbreviation | ("off" | "auto") | auto | Specify whether to abbreviate large y2-axis values with the closest SI prefix. |
yAxisMajorTickInterval | (string | number) | auto | Specify the spacing unit between major tick marks along the numeric y-axis. |
y2AxisMajorTickInterval | (string | number) | auto | Specify the spacing unit between major tick marks along the numeric y2-axis. |
yAxisMax | (string | number) | auto | Specify the maximum number for the visible y-axis range. |
y2AxisMax | (string | number) | auto | Specify the maximum number for the visible y2-axis range. |
yAxisMin | (string | number) | auto | Specify the minimum number for the visible y-axis range. |
y2AxisMin | (string | number) | auto | Specify the minimum number for the visible y2-axis range. |
overlayFields | (array | string) | n/a | Specify field(s) that should be differentiated on the chart and displayed as chart overlays. |
showOverlayY2Axis | boolean | FALSE | Enable a y2-axis for chart overlays. All overlay fields will be mapped to a second y-axis. |
showRoundedY2AxisLabels | boolean | TRUE | Specify whether to round y2-axis values to the nearest integer. |
Ellipse shape options
The following options are available for editing an ellipse in the source editor:
Property | Type | Default | Description |
fillColor | string | > themes.defaultFillColor | Specify the fill color. You may use a dataSource to apply the color. The hex value format should be "#FFFFFF". The default for enterprise light is "#C3CBD4". The default for enterprise dark is "#31373E". The default for prisma dark is "#0B0C0E". |
fillOpacity | number | 1 | Specify the opacity of the fill. Choose a number in the range of 0 - 1 (inclusive). You can also express the value as a percentage. For example, "0.80" in source or "80%" in UI. |
strokeColor | string | > themes.defaultStrokeColor | Specify the stroke color. You may use a dataSource to apply the color. The hex value format should be "#FFFFFF". The default for enterprise light is "#3C444D". The default for enterprise dark is "#C3CBD4". The default for prisma dark is "#ACACAD". |
strokeDashStyle | number | 0 | Specify the size, in pixels, of dashes and spaces used to create a custom stitched outline. The value you specify applies to both the dashes and the spaces between them. |
strokeOpacity | number | 1 | Specify the opacity of the stroke. Choose a number in the range of 0 - 1 (inclusive). You can also express the value as a percentage. For example, "0.80" in source or "80%" in UI. |
strokeWidth | number | 1 | Specify the width of the stroke, in pixels, in the range of 1 - 25 (inclusive). |
Filler gauge
Filler gauge options
The following options are available for editing filler gauges in the source editor:
Property | Type | Default | Description |
backgroundColor | string | > themes.defaultBackgroundColor | Specify the color used for the background. The default for enterprise light is "#ffffff". The default for enterprise dark is "#000000". The default for prisma dark is "#0b0c0e". |
gaugeColor | string | #7B56DB | Specify the color for the gauge color of the filler gauge. You may use a dataSource to apply the color. The hex value format should be "#FFFFFF". |
labelDisplay | ("number" | "percentage" | "off") | number | Specify whether to display the labels as numbers, percentages, or off. |
majorTickInterval | (string | number) | auto | Specify, in pixels, the spacing between major tick marks. |
orientation | ("vertical" | "horizontal") | vertical | Specify the axis orientation of the gauge. |
value | number | > primary | seriesByType("number") | lastPoint() | Specify the dataSource applied to the value of the filler gauge. |
valueDisplay | ("number" | "percentage" | "off") | number | Specify whether to display the value as a number, percentage, or off. |
Image options
The following options are available for editing an image in the source editor:
Property | Type | Default | Description |
src | string | N/A | URL of an image file. The editor accepts all browser-supported image formats. |
preserveAspectRatio | boolean | false | Set to true to maintain the aspect ratio of an image when the screen is resized.
Line chart
Line chart options
You can customize your dashboard with the Dashboard Studio UI or set options in the source editor. The following options are available for editing line charts in the source editor:
Property | Type | Default | Description |
x | (string | number) | > primary | seriesByIndex(0) | Specify the dataSource applied to the x-axis. |
y | (string | number) | > primary | frameBySeriesIndexRange(1) | Specify the dataSource applied to the y-axis. |
y2 | (string | number) | n/a | Specify the dataSource applied to the y2-axis |
xField | string | > x | getField() | Specify the field that should be mapped to the x-axis. |
yFields | string | > y | getField() | Specify the field that should be mapped to the y-axis. |
annotationColor | string | n/a | Specify the annotation colors. You may use a dataSource to apply the color. For example, ["#FF0000", "#0000FF", "#008000"]. |
annotationLabel | string | n/a | Specify a list of labels used for the annotations. You may use a dataSource to apply the labels. For example, ["houston, we have a problem", "just close the jira", "looking good now"]. |
annotationX | (string | number) | n/a | Specify the dataSource field applied to the event annotation on the x-axis. |
backgroundColor | string | > themes.defaultBackgroundColor | Specify the color for the background. You may use a dataSource to apply the color. The default for enterprise light is "#ffffff". The default for enterprise dark is "#000000". The default for prisma dark is "#0b0c0e". |
dataValuesDisplay | ("off" | "all" | "minmax") | off | Specify whether chart should display no labels, all labels, or only the min and max labels. |
legendDisplay | ("right" | "left" | "top" | "bottom" | "off") | right | Specify the location of the legend on the panel. |
legendLabels | string | n/a | Specify a list of labels to pre-populate the legend. For example, ["percent", "count"]. |
legendMode | ("standard" | "seriesCompare") | standard | Specify visual and behavioral settings for the tooltip and legend. "seriesCompare" is useful when comparing series. |
legendTruncation | ("ellipsisEnd" | "ellipsisMiddle" | "ellipsisStart" | "ellipsisOff") | ellipsisEnd | Specify how to display legend labels when they overflow the layout boundaries by replacing overflow text with an ellipsis. |
lineDashStyle | ("solid" | "shortDash" | "shortDot" | "shortDashDot" | "shortDashDotDot" | "dot" | "dash" | "longDash" | "dashDot" | "longDashDot" | "longDashDotDot") | solid | Specify a dash style for all line series in the chart. |
lineDashStylesByField | object | n/a | Specify a dash style to use for each field. For example, {"count": "longDashDot", "percent": "longDashDotDot"}. Valid values: "solid", "shortDash", "shortDot", "shortDashDot", "shortDashDotDot", "dot", "dash", "longDash", "dashDot", "longDashDot", "longDashDotDot". |
lineWidth | number | 2 | Specify the line width, in pixels, for all line series. |
markerDisplay | ("off" | "filled" | "outlined") | off | Specify the marker display style for data points. |
nullValueDisplay | ("gaps" | "zero" | "connect") | gaps | Specify how area and line charts handle null values. |
resultLimit | number | 50000 | Specify the number of data points rendered in a chart. |
seriesColors | string | #7B56DB,#009CEB,#00CDAF,#DD9900,#FF677B,#CB2196,#813193,#0051B5,#008C80,#99B100,#FFA476,#FF6ACE,#AE8CFF,#00689D,#00490A,#465D00,#9D6300,#F6540B,#FF969E,#E47BFE | Specify the colors used for a series. For example, ["#FF0000", "#0000FF", "#008000"]. |
seriesColorsByField | object | n/a | Specify the colors used for specific fields in a series. For example, {"count": "#008000", "percent": "#FFA500"}. |
showIndependentYRanges | boolean | FALSE | Specify whether split series charts have independent y-ranges. |
showSplitSeries | boolean | FALSE | Set to "true" to split a multi-series chart into separate charts that are stacked from top to bottom; one for each series. |
showXMajorGridLines | boolean | FALSE | Specify whether major grid lines are visible on the x-axis. |
showYMajorGridLines | boolean | TRUE | Specify whether major grid lines are visible on the y-axis. |
showY2MajorGridLines | boolean | FALSE | Specify whether major grid lines are visible on the y2-axis. |
showYMinorGridLines | boolean | FALSE | Specify whether minor grid lines are visible on the y-axis. |
showY2MinorGridLines | boolean | FALSE | Specify whether minor grid lines are visible on y2-axis. |
showYAxisExtendedRange | boolean | TRUE | Specify whether the y-axis should be extended to include whole major tick marks. |
showYAxisWithZero | boolean | FALSE | Specify whether the y-axis range includes zero. |
showY2AxisWithZero | boolean | FALSE | Specify whether the y2-axis range includes zero. |
xAxisLabelRotation | (-90 | -45 | 0 | 45 | 90) | 0 | Specify the rotation of the x-axis label in degrees. |
xAxisLabelVisibility | ("auto" | "show" | "hide") | auto | Specify whether to show or hide labels on the x-axis. |
yAxisLabelVisibility | ("auto" | "show" | "hide") | auto | Specify whether to show or hide labels on the y-axis. |
y2AxisLabelVisibility | ("auto" | "show" | "hide") | auto | Specify whether to show or hide labels on the y2-axis. |
xAxisLineVisibility | ("show" | "hide") | hide | Specify whether to show or hide the x-axis line. |
yAxisLineVisibility | ("show" | "hide") | hide | Specify whether to show or hide the y-axis line. |
y2AxisLineVisibility | ("show" | "hide") | hide | Specify whether to show or hide the y2-axis line. |
xAxisMajorTickSize | number | 6 | Specify the size, in pixels, of major tick marks on the x-axis. |
yAxisMajorTickSize | number | 6 | Specify the size, in pixels, of major tick marks on the y-axis. |
y2AxisMajorTickSize | number | 6 | Specify the size, in pixels, of major tick marks on the y2-axis. |
yAxisMinorTickSize | number | 6 | Specify the size, in pixels, of minor tick marks on the y-axis. |
y2AxisMinorTickSize | number | 6 | Specify the size, in pixels, of minor tick marks on the y2-axis. |
xAxisMajorTickVisibility | ("auto" | "show" | "hide") | auto | Specify whether to show or hide major tick marks on the x-axis. |
yAxisMajorTickVisibility | ("auto" | "show" | "hide") | auto | Specify whether to show or hide major tick marks on the y-axis. |
y2AxisMajorTickVisibility | ("auto" | "show" | "hide") | auto | Specify whether to show or hide major tick marks on the y2-axis. |
yAxisMinorTickVisibility | ("auto" | "show" | "hide") | auto | Specify whether to show or hide minor tick marks on the y-axis. |
y2AxisMinorTickVisibility | ("auto" | "show" | "hide") | auto | Specify whether to show or hide minor tick marks on the y2-axis. |
xAxisMaxLabelParts | number | 3 | Specify the maximum number of time-parts that a tick label will have (the 3 possible parts are year, month, time). |
xAxisTitleText | string | n/a | Specify the title of the x-axis. |
yAxisTitleText | string | n/a | Specify the title of the y-axis. |
y2AxisTitleText | string | n/a | Specify the title of the y2-axis. |
xAxisTitleVisibility | ("show" | "hide") | show | Specify whether to show or hide the title of the x-axis. |
yAxisTitleVisibility | ("show" | "hide") | show | Specify whether to show or hide the title of the y-axis. |
y2AxisTitleVisibility | ("show" | "hide") | show | Specify whether to show or hide the title of the y2-axis. |
yAxisAbbreviation | ("off" | "auto") | auto | Specify whether to abbreviate large y-axis values with the closest SI prefix. |
y2AxisAbbreviation | ("off" | "auto") | auto | Specify whether to abbreviate large y2-axis values with the closest SI prefix. |
yAxisMajorTickInterval | (string | number) | auto | Specify the spacing unit between major tick marks along the numeric y-axis. |
y2AxisMajorTickInterval | (string | number) | auto | Specify the spacing unit between major tick marks along the numeric y2-axis. |
yAxisMax | (string | number) | auto | Specify the maximum number for the visible y-axis range. |
y2AxisMax | (string | number) | auto | Specify the maximum number for the visible y2-axis range. |
yAxisMin | (string | number) | auto | Specify the minimum number for the visible y-axis range. |
y2AxisMin | (string | number) | auto | Specify the minimum number for the visible y2-axis range. |
yAxisScale | ("linear" | "log") | linear | Specify the type of scale that applies to a numerical y-axis. |
y2AxisScale | ("linear" | "log") | linear | Specify the type of scale that applies to a numerical y2-axis. |
overlayFields | (array | string) | n/a | Specify field(s) that should be differentiated on the chart and displayed as chart overlays. |
showOverlayY2Axis | boolean | FALSE | Enable a y2-axis for chart overlays. All overlay fields will be mapped to a second y-axis. |
showRoundedY2AxisLabels | boolean | TRUE | Specify whether to round y2-axis values to the nearest integer. |
y2Fields | (array | string) | > y2 | getField() | Specify field(s) that should be mapped to a second y-axis. |
Line shape
Line shape options
The following options are available for editing a line in the source editor:
Property | Type | Default | Description |
strokeColor | string | light mode: "#000000" . Dark mode: "#FFFFFF"
Specify the color of the line. |
strokeOpacity | number | 1 | Specify the opacity of the stroke. Choose a number in the range of 0-1. You can also express the value as a percentage. For example, "0.80" or "80%". |
strokeWidth | number | 1 | Specify the width of the stroke, in pixels, in the range of 1-25. |
strokeDasharray | number | 0 | Specify the size, in pixels, of dashes and spaces used to create a custom, stitched outline. The value you specify applies to both dashes and spaces. |
toArrow | boolean | false | Specify whether the line begins with an arrow. |
fromArrow | boolean | false | Specify whether the line ends with an arrow. |
Link graph
Link graph options
The following options are available for editing Link graphs in the source editor:
Property | Type | Default | Description |
backgroundColor | string | > themes.defaultBackgroundColor | Specify the color for the background. You may use a dataSource to apply the color. The default for enterprise light is "#ffffff". The default for enterprise dark is "#000000". The default for prisma dark is "#0b0c0e". |
fieldOrder | string | > primary | getField() | Specify the order of fields to be displayed in the link graph from left to right when loaded. Unspecified fields will be excluded from the graph. |
linkColor | string | #6d6f76 | Specify the color used for highlighted links. Unhighlighted links will be displayed at 20% opacity. |
linkWidth | number | 1 | Specify, in pixels, the stroke width of each link. |
nodeColor | string | > themes.defaultNodeColor | Specify the color used for unhighlighted nodes. |
nodeTextColor | string | > nodeColor | maxContrast(nodeTextColorMaxContrast) | Specify the color used for unhighlighted nodes text. |
nodeHeight | number | 21 | Specify, in pixels, the height of each node. |
nodeHighlightColor | string | #7B56DB | Specify the color used for highlighted nodes. |
nodeTextHighlightColor | string | > nodeHighlightColor | maxContrast(nodeHighlightTextColorMaxContrast) | Specify the color used for highlighted nodes text. |
nodeSpacingX | number | 32 | Specify, in pixels, the horizontal spacing between each node. |
nodeSpacingY | number | 18 | Specify, in pixels, the vertical spacing between each node. |
nodeWidth | number | 180 | Specify, in pixels, the width of each node. |
resultLimit | number | 50 | Specify the number of nodes rendered in each column. |
showNodeCounts | boolean | TRUE | Specify whether a count is shown for the number of nodes displayed in each column. The number of total nodes is also shown if there are hidden nodes. |
showValueCounts | boolean | TRUE | Specify whether a count is shown for the frequency of occurrence for each distinct node value. |
Markdown text
Markdown text options
The following options are available for editing Markdown text in the source editor:
Property | Type | Default | Description |
backgroundColor | string | transparent | Specify the background color using a Hex code such as "#FF0000". |
fontColor | string | > themes.defaultFontColor | Specify the text color using Hex codes or RGBA values, such as "#FF0000" or "rgba(25,12,13,0.1)". The default for enterprise light is "#3c444d". The default for enterprise dark is "#FFFFFF". The default for prisma dark is "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7)". |
fontSize | ("extraSmall" | "small" | "default" | "large" | "extraLarge") | default | Specify the font size you would like to use for markdown content. Font sizes range from extra small (10px for unformatted text) to extra large (18px for unformatted text) with the default being 14px for unformatted text. |
markdown | string | n/a | Add text using basic markdown syntax. |
Marker gauge
Marker gauge options
The following options are available for editing marker gauges in the source editor:
Property | Type | Default | Description |
backgroundColor | string | > themes.defaultBackgroundColor | Specify the color used for the background. You can also use a hexadecimal code. For example, "#FFFFFF". |
gaugeRanges | object[ ] | [object Object],[object Object],[object Object] | Specify the overall range of the gauge as a series of continuous, color-coded subranges. For example, [{"from": 0, "to": 20, "value": "#4BEBA8"}, {"from": 20, "to": 50, "value": "#F4DF7A"}]. |
labelDisplay | ("number" | "percentage" | "off") | number | Specify whether to display the labels as numbers, percentages, or off. |
majorTickInterval | (string | number) | The charting library logic decides the default on your behalf. | Specify, in pixels, the spacing between major tick marks. |
orientation | ("horizontal" | "vertical") | vertical | Specify the vertical or horizontal axis orientation of the gauge. |
value | string | > primary | seriesByType("number") | lastPoint() | Specify the data source applied to the value of the marker gauge. |
valueDisplay | ("number" | "percentage" | "off") | number | Specify whether to display the value as a number, percentage, or off. |
Map options
The following options are available for editing maps in the source editor:
Property | Type | Default | Description |
backgroundColor | string | > themes.defaultBackgroundColor | Specify the color for the background. You can use a data source or hexadecimal code to apply the color. |
center | number | n/a | Specify the map's center using latitude and longitude. The center might automatically set or result in [0,0] coordinates depending on available data. |
layers | object[] | [object Object],[object Object] | Specify the data visualization layers on top of the base map. The layer can also be empty and only show the base map. |
scaleUnit | ("metric" | "imperial") | metric | Specify which scale unit to use. |
showScale | boolean | TRUE | Specify whether to show the scale on the bottom left. |
baseLayerTileServer | string | n/a | Specify the tile set URL for the base map. For example, you might use street tiles for a neighborhood map or terrain tiles for a mountain range map. |
baseLayerTileServerType | ("vector" | "raster") | n/a | Specify the type of tile set for the base map. Valid types include "vector" and "raster". |
zoom | number | n/a | Specify the zoom level of the map. |
layers (object type)
The following are nested options that you can set in the layers
section of the visualization stanza.
Property | Type | Default | Description |
type | ("marker" | "bubble") | bubble | Specify the type of data layer method to display points on the map. For example, "bubble" or "marker". |
bubbleSize | (string | array) | frameBySeriesTypes("number") | Specify the data column to encode bubble size. This applies to layers where the type is "bubble". |
latitude | (string | array) | > primary | seriesByName("latitude") | Specify a data source to apply latitude coordinates for data points displayed on the map. |
longitude | (string | array) | > primary | seriesByName("longitude") | Specify a data source to apply longitude coordinates for data points displayed on the map. |
dataColors | (string | array) | n/a | seriesByName("status") | matchValue(colorMatchConfig)". |
seriesColors | string[] | ["#7B56DB", "#009CEB", "#00CDAF", "#DD9900", "#FF677B", "#CB2196", "#813193", "#0051B5", "#008C80", "#99B100", "#FFA476", "#FF6ACE", "#AE8CFF", "#00689D", "#00490A", "#465D00", "#9D6300", "#F6540B", "#FF969E", "#E47BFE"] | Specify the colors used for data points. If the dataColors option is specified, the seriesColors option is ignored. |
additionalTooltipFields | string[ ] | [ ] | Specify the fields to add to the default set of tooltips. Tooltips appear when you hover over data points. These fields and their corresponding values will be shown in addition to those displayed by default. |
resultLimit | number | 1000 | Specify the maximum number of data points to render on the map. |
Parallel coordinates
Parallel coordinates options
The following options are available for editing parallel coordinates in the source editor:
Property | Type | Default | Description |
backgroundColor | string | > themes.defaultBackgroundColor | Specify the color used for the background. The default for enterprise light is "#FFFFFF". The default for enterprise dark is "#000000". The default for prisma dark is "#0b0c0e". |
lineColor | string | #7B56DB | Specify the dataSource color for the lines. The hexadecimal value format should be #FFFFFF. |
lineOpacity | number | 0.5 | Specify the opacity of the lines. Choose a number in the range of 0 - 1 (inclusive). You can also express the value as a percentage. For example, "0.50" in source or "50%" in UI. |
showNullAxis | boolean | TRUE | Select whether you would like to show or hide the null value axis. |
Pie chart
Pie chart options
The following options are available for editing pie charts in the source editor:
Property | Type | Default | Description |
backgroundColor | string | > themes.defaultBackgroundColor | Specify the color for the background. You may use a dataSource to apply the color. The default for enterprise light is "#ffffff". The default for enterprise dark is "#000000". The default for prisma dark is "#0b0c0e". |
collapseLabel | string | other | Specify the label for the consolidated slice. |
collapseThreshold | number | 0.01 | Specify the size threshold as a number between 0 and 1 (inclusive), of the whole pie at which slices collapse into one consolidated slice. |
label | string[] | > primary | seriesByIndex(0) | List of string values to display the pie chart labels. |
labelField | string | > label | getField() | Specify the field that corresponds to the labels. |
labelDisplay | ("values" | "valuesAndPercentage" | "off") | values | Specify whether to display the labels and/or slice percentages. |
resultLimit | number | 50000 | Specify the number of data points rendered in a chart. |
seriesColors | string[] | [#7B56DB,#009CEB,#00CDAF,#DD9900,#FF677B,#CB2196,#813193,#0051B5,#008C80,#99B100,#FFA476,#FF6ACE,#AE8CFF,#00689D,#00490A,#465D00,#9D6300,#F6540B,#FF969E,#E47BFE] | Specify the colors used for a series. For example, ["#FF0000", "#0000FF", "#008000"]. |
seriesColorsByField | object | n/a | Specify the colors used for specific pie slice labels. For example: {"April": "#008000", "May": "#FFA500"}. |
showDonutHole | boolean | FALSE | Specify whether the pie should be a donut. |
value | number[] | > primary | seriesByIndex(1) | List of numerical values to power the pie chart. |
valueField | string | > value | getField() | Specify the field that corresponds to the data powering values. |
Punchcard chart
Punchcard chart options
The following options are available for editing punchcard charts in the source editor:
Property | Type | Default | Description |
x | (string | number) | > primary | seriesByIndex(0) | Specify the data source to apply to the x-axis. This property is required. |
y | (string | number) | > primary | seriesByIndex(1) | Specify the data source to apply to the y-axis. This property is required. |
category | (string | number) | > primary | seriesByIndex(3) | Specify the data source to apply to series categories. |
size | number | > primary | seriesByIndex(2) | Specify the data source to apply to bubble size in the chart. This property is required. |
xField | string | > x | getField() | Specify the field that maps to the x-axis. |
yField | string | > y | getField() | Specify the field that maps to the y-axis. |
categoryField | string | > category | getField() | Specify the field that maps to the series categories. |
sizeField | string | > size | getField() | Specify the field that maps to the bubble size in the chart. |
backgroundColor | string | > themes.defaultBackgroundColor | Specify the hexadecimal code for the chart's background color. For example, "#0000FF" is a shade of blue. |
bubbleColor | (string | array) | > size | gradient(bubbleColorConfig) | Specify the coloring method used for the bubbles when the color mode "dynamic" is specified. |
bubbleLabelDisplay | ("all" | "max" | "off") | all | Specify whether all bubble labels, the maximum value bubble labels, or none of the bubble labels are displayed. |
bubbleRadiusMax | number | 15 | Specify the maximum radius (in pixels) of the bubbles when the showDynamicBubbleSize option is false. The number must be greater than 0. |
bubbleRadiusMin | number | 1 | Specify the minimum radius (in pixels) of the bubbles when the showDynamicBubbleSize option is false. The number must be greater than 0. |
bubbleRowScale | ("global" | "row") | global | Specify how bubbles are scaled relative to other rows. |
bubbleSizeMax | number | 1 | Specify the maximum percentage (in decimal format) of space a bubble takes up within a cell when the showDynamicBubbleSize option is true. The number specified must be between 0 and 1. |
bubbleSizeMin | number | 0.25 | Specify the minimum percentage (in decimal format) of space a bubble takes up within a cell when the showDynamicBubbleSize option is true. The number specified must be between 0 and 1. |
bubbleSizeMethod | ("radius" | "area") | area | Specify whether bubble area or diameter corresponds to the size value. |
colorMode | ("categorical" | "dynamic") | dynamic | Specify the coloring method used for the bubbles. |
legendDisplay | ("right" | "off") | right | Specify if the legend on the panel is displayed on the right or turned off. |
seriesColors | string | #7B56DB,#009CEB,#00CDAF,#DD9900,#FF677B,#CB2196,#813193,#0051B5,#008C80,#99B100,#FFA476,#FF6ACE,#AE8CFF,#00689D,#00490A,#465D00,#9D6300,#F6540B,#FF969E,#E47BFE | Specify the colors used for a series. You can use a data source or hexadecimal code to apply the color. For example, "#FF0000", "#0000FF", "#008000". |
showDefaultSort | boolean | FALSE | Specify whether axes are sorted based on the order of time, digits, and strings. |
showDynamicBubbleSize | boolean | TRUE | Specify whether the bubble sizes are dynamic or fixed. |
showMaxValuePulsation | boolean | TRUE | Specify whether the maximum value bubble pulsates. |
Rectangle shape options
The following options are available for editing a rectangle in the source editor:
Property | Type | Default | Description |
fillColor | string | > themes.defaultFillColor | Specify the fill color. You may use a dataSource to apply the color. The hex value format should be "#FFFFFF". The default for enterprise light mode is "#C3CBD4". The default for enterprise dark mode is "#31373E". The default for prisma dark mode is "#0B0C0E". |
fillOpacity | number | 1 | Specify the opacity of the fill. Choose a number in the range of 0 - 1 (inclusive). You can also express the value as a percentage. For example, "0.80" in source or "80%" in UI. |
rx | number | 0 | Specify the curvature of the horizontal corner (or border) radius with an integer or a percent greater than or equal to zero. |
ry | number | > rx | Specify the curvature of the vertical corner (or border) radius with an integer or a percent greater than or equal to zero. |
strokeColor | string | > themes.defaultStrokeColor | Specify the stroke color. You may use a dataSource to apply the color. The hex value format should be "#FFFFFF". The default for enterprise light mode is "#3C444D". The default for enterprise dark mode is "#C3CBD4". The default for prisma dark mode is "#ACACAD". |
strokeDashStyle | number | 0 | Specify the size, in pixels, of dashes and spaces used to create a custom stitched outline. The value you specify applies to both the dashes and the spaces between them. |
strokeJoinStyle | ("arcs" | "bevel" | "miter" | "miter-clip" | "round") | miter | Specifies the shape to be used at the corners of paths when they are joined. |
strokeOpacity | number | 1 | Specify the opacity of the stroke. Choose a number in the range of 0 - 1 (inclusive). You can also express the value as a percentage. For example, "0.80" in source or "80%" in UI. |
strokeWidth | number | 1 | Specify the width of the stroke, in pixels, in the range of 1 - 25 (inclusive). |
Sankey diagram
Sankey diagram options
The following options are available for editing Sankey diagrams in the source editor:
Property | Type | Default | Description |
backgroundColor | string | > themes.defaultBackgroundColor | Specify the color for the background. You may use a dataSource to apply the color. The default for enterprise light is "#ffffff". The default for enterprise dark is "#000000". The default for prisma dark is "#0b0c0e". |
colorMode | (categorical | dynamic) | categorical | Specify the coloring method used for the links. When set to "categorical" the nodes and links will be colored based on the "seriesColors". When set to "dynamic" the links will be colored based on the dynamic string assigned to "linkColors". ("categorical" | "dynamic") |
linkOpacity | number | 0.5 | Specify the opacity of the links. Choose a number in the range of 0 - 1 (inclusive). |
linkValues | string | > primary | seriesByType('number') | Specify the dataSource to apply link width. |
linkColors | string | > linkValues | rangeValue(linkColorRangeConfig) | Specify the coloring method used for the links when the colorMode "dynamic" is specified. |
resultLimit | number | 1000 | Specify the maximum length of link data points rendered. |
seriesColors | string | #7B56DB,#009CEB,#00CDAF,#DD9900,#FF677B,#CB2196,#813193,#0051B5,#008C80,#99B100,#FFA476,#FF6ACE,#AE8CFF,#00689D,#00490A,#465D00,#9D6300,#F6540B,#FF969E,#E47BFE | Specify the colors used for a series. For example, ["#FF0000", "#0000FF", "#008000"]. |
Scatter chart
Scatter chart options
You can customize your dashboard with the Dashboard Studio UI or set options in the source editor. The following options are available for editing scatter charts in the source editor:
Property | Type | Default | Description |
x | (string | number)[] | > primary | seriesByIndex(0) | Specify the dataSource applied to the x-axis. |
y | (string | number)[] | > primary | seriesByIndex(1) | Specify the dataSource applied to the y-axis. |
category | (string | number)[] | > primary | seriesByIndex(2) | Specify a sequence of dataSource events to be plotted on the chart. |
xField | string | > x | getField() | Specify the field that should be mapped to the x-axis. |
yField | string | > y | getField() | Specify the field that should be mapped to the y-axis. |
categoryField | string | > category | getField() | Specify the field that should be mapped to the series categories. |
backgroundColor | string | > themes.defaultBackgroundColor | Specify the color used for the background. The default for enterprise light is "#ffffff". The default for enterprise dark is "#000000". The default for prisma dark is "#0b0c0e". |
legendDisplay | ("right" | "left" | "top" | "bottom" | "off") | right | Specify the location of the legend on the panel. |
legendTruncation | ("ellipsisEnd" | "ellipsisMiddle" | "ellipsisStart" | "ellipsisOff") | ellipsisEnd | Specify how to display legend labels when they overflow the layout boundaries by replacing overflow text with an ellipsis. |
markerSize | number | 4 | Specify, in pixels, the size of each scatter marker. |
resultLimit | number | 50000 | Specify the number of data points rendered in a chart. |
seriesColors | string[] | #7B56DB,#009CEB,#00CDAF,#DD9900,#FF677B,#CB2196,#813193,#0051B5,#008C80,#99B100,#FFA476,#FF6ACE,#AE8CFF,#00689D,#00490A,#465D00,#9D6300,#F6540B,#FF969E,#E47BFE | Specify the colors used for a series. For example, ["#FF0000", "#0000FF", "#008000"]. |
seriesColorsByField | object | Specify the colors used for specific fields in a series. For example: {"count": "#008000", "percent": "#FFA500"}. | |
showXAxisExtendedRange | boolean | TRUE | Specify whether the x-axis should be extended to snap to whole major tick marks. |
showYAxisExtendedRange | boolean | TRUE | Specify whether the y-axis should be extended to snap to whole major tick marks. |
showXAxisWithZero | boolean | FALSE | Specify whether the x-axis range includes zero. |
showYAxisWithZero | boolean | FALSE | Specify whether the y-axis range includes zero. |
showRoundedXAxisLabels | boolean | FALSE | Specify whether to round x-axis values to the nearest integer. |
showYMajorGridLines | boolean | TRUE | Specify whether major grid lines are visible on the y-axis. |
showXMinorGridLines | boolean | FALSE | Specify whether minor grid lines are visible on the x-axis. |
showYMinorGridLines | boolean | FALSE | Specify whether minor grid lines are visible on the y-axis. |
xAxisLabelRotation | (-90 | -45 | 0 | 45 | 90) | 0 | Specify the rotation of the x-axis labels in degrees. |
xAxisAbbreviation | ("auto" | "off") | off | Specify whether to abbreviate large x-axis values with the closest SI prefix. |
yAxisAbbreviation | ("auto" | "off") | auto | Specify whether to abbreviate large y-axis values with the closest SI prefix. |
xAxisLabelVisibility | ("auto" | "show" | "hide") | auto | Specify whether to show or hide labels on the x-axis. |
yAxisLabelVisibility | ("auto" | "show" | "hide") | auto | Specify whether to show or hide labels on the y-axis. |
xAxisLineVisibility | ("show" | "hide") | hide | Specify whether to show or hide the x-axis line. |
yAxisLineVisibility | ("show" | "hide") | hide | Specify whether to show or hide the y-axis line. |
xAxisMajorTickInterval | (string | number) | auto | Specify the spacing interval at which to place major tick marks along the numeric x-axis. By default, this value is automatically calculated based on the scale of the related axis. |
yAxisMajorTickInterval | (string | number) | auto | Specify the spacing interval at which to place major tick marks along the numeric y-axis. By default, this value is automatically calculated based on the scale of the related axis. |
xAxisMajorTickSize | number | 6 | Specify the size, in pixels, of major tick marks on the x-axis. |
yAxisMajorTickSize | number | 6 | Specify the size, in pixels, of major tick marks on the y-axis. |
xAxisMinorTickSize | number | 6 | Specify the size, in pixels, of minor tick marks on the x-axis. |
yAxisMinorTickSize | number | 6 | Specify the size, in pixels, of minor tick marks on the y-axis. |
xAxisMajorTickVisibility | ("auto" | "show" | "hide") | auto | Specify whether to show or hide major tick marks on the x-axis. |
yAxisMajorTickVisibility | ("auto" | "show" | "hide") | auto | Specify whether to show or hide major tick marks on the y-axis. |
xAxisMinorTickVisibility | ("auto" | "show" | "hide") | auto | Specify whether to show or hide minor tick marks on the x-axis . |
yAxisMinorTickVisibility | ("auto" | "show" | "hide") | auto | Specify whether to show or hide minor tick marks on the y-axis. |
xAxisMax | (string | number) | auto | Specify the maximum number for the range of the visible x-axis. |
yAxisMax | (string | number) | auto | Specify the maximum number for the range of the visible y-axis. |
xAxisMin | (string | number) | auto | Specify the minimum number for the range of the visible x-axis. |
yAxisMin | (string | number) | auto | Specify the minimum number for the range of the visible y-axis. |
xAxisScale | ("linear" | "log") | linear | Specify the type of scale that applies to a numerical x-axis. |
yAxisScale | ("linear" | "log") | linear | Specify the type of scale that applies to a numerical y-axis. |
xAxisTitleText | string | Specify the title of the x-axis. | |
yAxisTitleText | string | n/a | Specify the title of the y-axis. |
xAxisTitleVisibility | ("show" | "hide") | show | Specify whether to show or hide the title of the x-axis. |
yAxisTitleVisibility | ("show" | "hide") | show | Specify whether to show or hide the title of the y-axis. |
xAxisTitleVisibility | ("show" | "hide") | show | Specify whether to show or hide the title of the x-axis. |
yAxisTitleVisibility | ("show" | "hide") | show | Specify whether to show or hide the title of the y-axis. |
Single value
Single value options
The following options are available for the single value visualization:
Property | Type | Default | Description |
backgroundColor | string | > themes.defaultBackgroundColor | Specify the color for the background. You may use a dataSource to apply the color. The default for enterprise light is "#ffffff". The default for enterprise dark is "#000000". The default for prisma dark is "#0b0c0e". |
majorColor | string | > themes.defaultFontColor | Specify the color for the major value. You may use a dataSource to apply the color. The hex value format should be "#FFFFFF". The default for enterprise light is "#000000". The default for enterprise dark is "#ffffff". The default for prisma dark is "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.98)". |
majorFontSize | number | n/a | Specify the font size (px) for the major value. By default the major value font size is calculated dynamically based on the available space. |
majorValue* | (string | number) | lastPoint() | The major value to display in the visualization. |
majorValueField | string | > majorValue | getField() | The field name of major value. |
numberPrecision | number | 0 | Specify the number of decimal places to display. For example, to display 3 decimal places, use a value of 3. The maximum value is 20. |
shouldAbbreviateTrendValue | boolean | FALSE | Specify whether to abbreviate the trend value to 2 decimal points. A magnitude unit will be displayed. |
shouldSparklineAcceptNullData | boolean | TRUE | Specify whether to convert null and non-numeric values in the sparkline to 0. |
shouldUseThousandSeparators | boolean | TRUE | Specify whether numeric values use commas as thousandths separators. |
showSparklineAreaGraph | boolean | FALSE | Specify whether to show the sparkline as an area graph rather than a line. |
showSparklineTooltip | boolean | FALSE | Show a tooltip to display values on the sparkline. |
sparklineAreaColor | string | > sparklineStrokeColor | Specify the color for the sparkline area fill. You may use a dataSource to apply the color. The hex value format should be "#FFFFFF". The graph area will have an opacity of 20% and will blend with the background color. |
sparklineDisplay | ("before" | "after" | "below" | "off") | below | Specify how to display a sparkline. |
sparklineHighlightDots | number | 0 | Specify the number of markers, or dots, to display at the top of a sparkline area graph. |
sparklineHighlightSegments | number | 0 | Specify the number of segments to be highlighted at the top of a sparkline area graph. |
sparklineStrokeColor | string | > themes.defaultSparklineStrokeColor | Specify the color for the sparkline stroke. You may use a dataSource to apply the color. The hex value format should be "#FFFFFF". The default for enterprise light is "#000000". The default for enterprise dark is "#ffffff". The default for prisma dark is "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.98)". |
sparklineValues | (string | number)[] | seriesByPrioritizedTypes("number", "string", "time") | List of numerical values to display on a sparkline. If the values are string type, the sparkline will not be shown. |
trendColor | string | > themes.defaultFontColor | Specify the color for the trend value. You may use a dataSource to apply the color. The hex value format should be "#FFFFFF". The default for enterprise light is "#000000". The default for enterprise dark is "#ffffff". The default for prisma dark is "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.98)". |
trendDisplay | ("percent" | "absolute" | "off") | absolute | Specify how to display the trend value. |
trendFontSize | number | n/a | Specify the font size (px) for the trend value. By default the trend value font size is calculated dynamically based on the available space. |
trendValue | number | delta(-2) | The trend value to display in the visualization. |
underLabel | string | n/a | Specify the text that appears below the major value. |
underLabelFontSize | number | 12 | Specify the font size (px) for the under label text. |
unit | string | n/a | Specify text to show next to the major value. |
unitPosition | ("before" | "after") | after | Specify whether the unit text should appear before or after the major value. |
Single value icon
Single Value Icon options
The following options are available for the single value icon visualization:
Property | Type | Default | Description |
backgroundColor | string | transparent | Specify the color for the background. You may use a dataSource to apply the color. The hex value format should be "#FFFFFF". |
icon | string | default | Specify an icon. |
iconColor | string | n/a | Specify the color for the icon. You may use a dataSource to apply the color. The hex value format should be "#FFFFFF". The default for enterprise light is "#000000". The default for enterprise dark is "#ffffff". The default for prisma dark is "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.98)". |
iconOpacity | number | 1 | Specify the opacity for the icon using a number between 0 and 1 (inclusive). |
iconPosition | string | before | Specify where to display the icon in relation to the major value. |
majorColor | string | > themes.defaultFontColor | Specify the color for the major value. You may use a dataSource to apply the color. The hex value format should be "#FFFFFF". The default for enterprise light is "#000000". The default for enterprise dark is "#ffffff". The default for prisma dark is "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.98)". |
majorFontSize | number | n/a | Specify the font size (px) for the major value. By default the major value font size is calculated dynamically based on the available space. |
majorValue | (string | number) | seriesByPrioritizedTypes("number", "string", "time")|lastPoint() | The major value to display in the visualization. |
majorValueField | string | > majorValue | getField() | The field name of major value. |
numberPrecision | number | 0 | Specify the number of decimal places to display. For example, to display 3 decimal places, use a value of 3. The maximum value is 20. |
shouldAbbreviateTrendValue | boolean | FALSE | Specify whether to abbreviate the trend value to 2 decimal points. A magnitude unit will be displayed. |
shouldUseThousandSeparators | boolean | TRUE | Specify whether numeric values use commas as thousandths separators. |
showValue | boolean | TRUE | Specify whether to enable or disable the value and trend indicator displays. |
trendColor | string | > themes.defaultFontColor | Specify the color for the trend value. You may use a dataSource to apply the color. The hex value format should be "#FFFFFF". The default for enterprise light is "#000000". The default for enterprise dark is "#ffffff". The default for prisma dark is "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.98)". |
trendDisplay | ("off" | "percent" | "absolute") | absolute | Specify whether the trend value is displayed as a percentage or an absolute count. |
trendFontSize | number | n/a | Specify the font size (px) for the trend value. By default the trend value font size is calculated dynamically based on the available space. |
trendValue | number | seriesByPrioritizedTypes("number", "string", "time")|delta(-2) | The trend value to display in the visualization. |
underLabel | string | n/a | Specify the text that appears below the major value. |
unit | string | n/a | Specify text to show next to the major value. |
unitPosition | ("before" | "after") | after | Specify whether the unit text should appear before or after the major value. |
Single value radial
Single Value Radial options
The following options are available for the single value radial visualization:
Property | Type | Default | Description |
backgroundColor | string | > themes.defaultBackgroundColor | Specify the color for the background. The hex value format should be "#ffffff". The default for enterprise light is "#ffffff". The default for enterprise dark is "#000000". The default for prisma dark is "#0b0c0e". |
majorColor | string | > themes.defaultFontColor | Specify the color for the major value. You may use a dataSource to apply the color. The hex value format should be "#ffffff". The default for enterprise light is "#000000". The default for enterprise dark is "#ffffff". The default for prisma dark is "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.98)". |
majorValue | (string | number) | > primary | seriesByPrioritizedTypes("number", "string", "time") | lastPoint() | Specify the dataSource applied to the major value. |
majorValueField | string | > majorValue | getField() | Specify the field that should be mapped to the major value. |
maxValue | number | 100 | Specify the value the radial fills up to. |
numberPrecision | number | 0 | Specify the number of decimal places to display. For example, to display 3 decimal places, use a value of 3. The maximum value is 20. |
radialBackgroundColor | string | > themes.defaultRadialBackgroundColor | Specify the color for the radial background. The hex value format should be "#ffffff". The default for enterprise light is "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)". The default for enterprise dark is "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15)". The default for prisma dark is "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15)". |
radialStrokeColor | string | > majorColor | Specify the color for the radial. You may use a dataSource to apply the color. The hex value format should be "#ffffff". The default for enterprise light is "#000000". The default for enterprise dark is "#ffffff". The default for prisma dark is "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.98)". |
shouldAbbreviateTrendValue | boolean | FALSE | Specify whether to abbreviate the trend value to 2 decimal points. A magnitude unit will be displayed. |
shouldUseThousandSeparators | boolean | TRUE | Specify whether numeric values use commas as thousandths separaters. |
trendColor | string | > themes.defaultFontColor | Specify the color for the trend value. You may use a dataSource to apply the color. The hex value format should be "#FFFFFF". The default for enterprise light is "#000000". The default for enterprise dark is "#ffffff". The default for prisma dark is "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.98)". |
trendDisplay | ("percent" | "absolute" | "off") | absolute | Specify how to display the trend value. |
trendValue | number | > primary | seriesByPrioritizedTypes("number", "string", "time") | delta(-2) | Specify the dataSource applied to the trend value. |
underLabel | string | n/a | Specify the text that appears below the major value. |
unit | string | n/a | Specify text to show next to the major value. |
unitPosition | ("before" | "after") | after | Specify whether the unit text should appear before or after the major value. |
Global table options
The following options are available for tables:
Property | Type | Default | Description |
backgroundColor | string | > themes.defaultBackgroundColor | Specify the color for the background. You might use a data source to apply the color. The default for enterprise light is "#FFFFFF". The default for enterprise dark is "#000000". The default for prisma dark is "#0B0C0E". |
count | number | 10 | Specify the maximum number of rows to display. |
font | ("proportional" | "monospace") | proportional | Specify the font style to use for table content. |
fontSize | ("extraSmall" | "small" | "default" | "large") | default | Specify the font size to use for table content. Font sizes range from extra small (10px) to large (16px) with the default being 14px. |
headers | string[] | > table | getField() | Specify an array of headers to display on the table. Though these can be statically listed, it's best to use the dynamic default, as it will return the fields of your search. |
headerVisibility | ("none" | "fixed" | "inline") | inline | Specify how to display the table header row. |
paginateDataSourceKey | string | primary | Specify the data source key for pagination and sorting. |
showInternalFields | boolean | TRUE | Specify whether to show internal fields that start with an underscore. The _time field will still be shown if false. |
showRowNumbers | boolean | FALSE | Show row numbers in the first column. |
table | (string | number | (string | number)[ ])[ ][ ] | > primary | Two dimensional array of data to be displayed in the table. |
tableFormat (object type)
The following are nested settings that are set in the context
section of the visualization stanza. They can then be called within tableFormat
in the options
section and an be used to format global table options:
Property | Type | Default | Description |
align | string[][] | > table | type() | matchValue(tableAlignByType) | Alignment for each cell in the table. Valid alignments include "left", "center", and "right". Takes a two dimensional array. |
cellTypes | string[][] | > table | type() | matchValue(tableCellTypeByType) | Render the data in one of the supported cell type. Valid cell renders include "TextCell", "ArrayCell", "SparklineCell". Takes a two dimensional array. |
data | (string | number | (string | number)[])[][] | n/a | Two dimensional data to be displayed in the table. This is usually formatted data instead of raw data from search. Takes a two dimensional array. |
headerBackgroundColor | string | > themes.defaultHeaderBackgroundColor | Background color of table header. |
headerColor | string | n/a | Text color of the table header. |
rowBackgroundColors | string[][] | > table | seriesByIndex(0) | pick(tableAltRowBackgroundColorsByTheme) | Array of colors for background color of each row of the table. For example, ["#2C333B", "#32373D"]. Takes a two dimensional array. |
rowColors | string[][] | n/a | Array of colors for text color of each row of the table. For example, ["#2C333B", "#32373D"]. Takes a two dimensional array. |
sparklineAreaColors | string[][] | Defaults to the global background color. | Array of colors for sparkline area of each row of the table. For example, ["#2C333B", "#32373D"]. Takes a two dimensional array. |
sparklineColors | string[][] | n/a | Array of colors for sparkline line of each row of the table. For example, ["#2C333B", "#32373D"]. Takes a two dimensional array. |
sparklineTypes | string[][] | n/a | Area or Line sparkline. Valid sparkline types include "line", and "area". Takes a two dimensional array. |
columnFormat (object type)
The following are nested settings that are set in the context
section of the visualization stanza. They can then be called within columnFormat
in the options
section and an be used to format individual columns by specifying their fields:
Property | Type | Default | Description |
align | string[] | n/a | Alignment for each cell in the column. Valid alignments include "left", "center", and "right". Takes a one dimensional array. |
cellTypes | string[] | n/a | Specify how to render data in cells. Valid cell renders include "TextCell", "ArrayCell", and "SparklineCell". Takes a one dimensional array. |
data | (string | number | (string | number)[])[] | n/a | Data points to be displayed in the cells of a column. |
rowBackgroundColors | string[] | Defaults to the background color. | Specify a list of colors, in hex code, for the background color of each column of the table. For example: ["#2C333", "#32373D"]. |
rowColors | string[] | n/a | Specify a list of colors, in hex code, for the text color of the cells of a column. For example, ["#2C333", "#32373D"]. |
sparklineAreaColors | string[] | Defaults to the global background color. | Specify a list of colors, in hex code, for the sparkline area of each column. For example, ["#2C333", "#32373D"]. |
sparklineColors | string[] | n/a | Specify a list of colors, in hex code, for the sparkline stroke of each column. For example, ["#2C333", "#32373D"]. |
sparklineTypes | string[] | ("line" | "area") | Choose either area or line formatting for the Sparkline. Valid sparkline types include "line" and "area". Takes a one dimensional array. |
Text options
The following options are available for editing text in the source editor:
Property | Type | Default | Description |
fontFamily | string | Splunk Platform Sans | Specify the font family to be used. For example Comic Sans MS. <a>The font needs to be available to your end user.</a> |
fontSize | number | 24 | Specify the font size in pixels. |
fontWeight | (normal | bold | light) | normal | Specify the font weight. |
lineHeight | (number | percent) | 120% | Specify the line height for the text block. |
rotation | number | 0 | Specify the text angle in degrees. |
color | string | Specify the text color using a hex code. For example, "#FF0000" .
| |
backgroundColor | string | transparent | Specify the background color using a hex code. For example, "#FF0000" .
content | string | N/A | Specify the text content. |
Trellis layout
Trellis layout options
The following options are available for editing trellis layout in the source editor:
Property | Type | Default | Description |
splitByLayout | string | off | Specify the layout method to display the visualization, which splits the data into individual visualizations based on a specific category. The available values are off and trellis. |
trellisBackgroundColor | string | > themes.defaultBackgroundColor | Specify the background color of the whole panel in the trellis layout display. For example, #ff0000. You can use a hexadecimal code to apply the color. The default for Enterprise light is #ffffff. The default for Enterprise dark is #000000. The default for Prisma dark is #0b0c0e. |
trellisColumns | number | n/a | Specify the number of columns in a trellis layout container. For example, six columns allow six visualizations per row. Rows populate to accommodate the total number of visualizations. If no column number is specified, the number of columns is automatically set based on the value specified for trellisMinColumnWidth .
trellisMinColumnWidth | number | 100 | Specify the minimum width, in pixels, of each visualization in the trellis container. If you resize the window or panel, you can view the remaining visualizations by scrolling. |
trellisPageCount | number | 20 | Specify the maximum number of visualizations to display on a single page in the trellis container. The remaining visualizations paginate accordingly. |
trellisRowHeight | number | 70 | Specify each visualization's height, in pixels, in the trellis container. If you resize the window or panel, you can view the remaining visualizations by scrolling. |
trellisSplitBy | string | n/a | If applicable, specify the column's field name with categories used or aggregations to split the data into individual visualizations for trellis display. If you use an SPL timechart command, this might default to the SPL by clause field. If you use an SPL chart command, this might default to the first string field.
Track and maintain dashboard changes with version history | Dynamic options syntax selector functions |
This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk Cloud Platform™: 9.3.2411, 9.0.2305, 9.1.2308, 9.1.2312, 9.2.2403, 9.2.2406, 9.3.2408 (latest FedRAMP release)
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