Splunk® Supported Add-ons

Splunk Add-on for Tomcat

Install the Splunk Add-on for Tomcat

Installation instructions

See Installing add-ons in Splunk Add-Ons for detailed instructions describing how to install a Splunk add-on in the following deployment scenarios:

Distributed deployments

Use the tables below to determine where and how to install this add-on in a distributed deployment of Splunk Enterprise.

Where to install this add-on

This table provides a quick reference for installing this add-on to a distributed deployment of Splunk Enterprise.

Splunk instance type Supported Required Comments
Search Heads Yes Yes Install this add-on to all search heads where Tomcat knowledge management is required.
Indexers Yes Conditional Not required if you use heavy forwarders to monitor Tomcat log files directly on Tomcat machines. Required if you use universal forwarders for monitor inputs.
Heavy Forwarders Yes Yes This add-on requires heavy forwarders to perform data collection using JMX and modular inputs. Heavy forwarder needs to be installed directly on the Tomcat server for file monitoring of local logs.
Universal Forwarders Yes No Supported for monitor inputs only. Universal forwarder needs to be installed directly on the Tomcat server for file monitoring of local logs. You must also install this add-on on your indexers if you use a universal forwarder rather than a heavy forwarder to monitor local Tomcat log files.

Distributed deployment feature compatibility

This table provides a quick reference for the compatibility of this add-on with Splunk distributed deployment features.

Distributed deployment feature Supported Comments
Search Head Clusters Yes You can install this add-on on a search head cluster for all search-time functionality, but configure inputs on forwarders to avoid duplicate data collection.
Before installing this add-on to a cluster, make the following changes to the add-on package (if the file is present):
1. Remove the inputs.conf file.
Indexer Clusters Yes Before installing this add-on to a cluster, make the following changes to the add-on package (if the file is present):
1. Remove the inputs.conf file.
Deployment Server Yes Note:
  • Using a deployment server to deploy the configured add-on to multiple forwarders acting as data collectors may cause duplication of data if multiple forwarders are collecting data from the same remote Tomcat server.
  • The add-on uses the credential vault to secure your credentials, and this credential management solution is incompatible with the deployment server. Make sure that the deployment server and forwarder uses the same credential vault. Alternatively, configure the add-on on the deployment server with Tomcat credentials in plain text and after pushing the configured add-on to the forwarder, the credentials would be encrypted.
Last modified on 06 September, 2024
Source types for the Splunk Add-on for Tomcat   Configure JMX inputs for the Splunk Add-on for Tomcat

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Supported Add-ons: released

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