Splunk® Add-on Builder

Splunk Add-on Builder User Guide

This documentation does not apply to the most recent version of Splunk® Add-on Builder. For documentation on the most recent version, go to the latest release.

Fixed issues for Splunk Add-on Builder

Date resolved Issue number Description
2017-06-20 TAB-2043 On Windows, could not rename or delete add-on with modular input running.
2017-05-23 TAB-2247 Remove setup configurations when all data inputs and alert actions are deleted
2017-05-17 TAB-1263 Best practice check for duplicated stanza header or field will pass even the duplication exists.
2017-04-25 TAB-1978 Renaming a visible add-on will create an icon in Splunk Web home page before restart.
2017-04-13 TAB-2045 Error occurred in importing add-on
2017-04-11 TAB-1934 REST data input highlights the wrong lines.
2017-03-13 TAB-2124 Modular input checkpoint highlighting does not work when response JSON is an array.
2017-03-08 TAB-2275 JSON path highlight rendering is slow for some expression.
Last modified on 27 November, 2019
Known issues for Splunk Add-on Builder   Third-party software credits for Splunk Add-on Builder

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Add-on Builder: 2.2.0

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