Data Manager

User Manual

GCP Inputs Health

The GCP Inputs Health dashboard allows you to monitor the health of your GCP data inputs. The dashboard provides you an overview of the status of the data flow via table view with details of the input status per GCP resource ID and data source.

  • The table view shows you details about the events from each input in the data source and region. Use the Data Resource Type dropdown to filter the table view and show details about specific data inputs. You can select the input name to show more information about the specific input.

The following table gives you an overview and description of the columns shown in the table view.

Name Description
Name The Data Manager input name.
Data Source The GCP service/audit log type that data is being ingested from.
Index The Splunk Index that data is being sent to.
Project/Folder/Organization The GCP hierarchy level where ingestion is set up for the input.
Deadletter Topic Name The GCP Topic where events are sent to after a failed delivery attempt.
Last Seen Event (Last 7 Days) The last-seen event from the input in the data source, region, and account in the last 7 days.
Number of Events (Last 7 Days) The number of events from the input in the data source, region, and account in the last 7 days.
Last 7 Days Sparkline The sparkline for the number of events from the input in the data source, region, and account in the last 7 days. There are up to 7 data points, each representing the number of events for each day in the last 7 days.
Number of Events Ingested Today The number of events from the input in the data source, region, and account for today, starting at 12:00 am.
Events Ingested Today Sparkline The sparkline for the number of events from the input in the data source, region, and account for today. There are up to 24 data points, each representing the number of events for each hour in the day.
Last modified on 05 September, 2024
Azure Inputs Health   HTTP Event Collector (HEC) configuration reference

This documentation applies to the following versions of Data Manager: 1.11.0

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