Data Manager

User Manual

Verify the data input for AWS in Data Manager

There are multiple ways to verify your data inputs in Data Manager.

  • Check the deployment summary status in Data Manager
  • Check the Data Management home page in Data Manager
  • Check the CloudFormation StackSets on AWS

Check the deployment summary status in Data Manager

In the deployment summary step of onboarding, you can verify your deployment status. The status messages are based on the Data Manager data input, and the AWS CloudFormation stack set and stack instance status codes.

Single account status messages

The status messages contain a Show Details link to provide more context about the stack status. The information banner gives further explanation about next steps.

Status Details
Deploying The Deploying status means that the AWS stack set or stack instance creation is in progress. You see this status message in scenarios such as the following:
  • In Data Manager onboarding when step 6 of data input is in progress, the CLI commands have been run in the control account, but the stack set creation is not yet complete.
  • In Data Manager onboarding when step 7 of data input is in progress, the CLI commands have been run in the control account, but the stack instance creation is not yet complete.
Indeterminate The Indeterminate status means that the AWS side is reporting outside of normal stack set operation status and is not returning a standard status code. This status message is rare. See stackset status codes.
Mismatch The Mismatch status means that the Data Manager data input does not match what is typed in the CLI. You see this status message in scenarios such as the following:
  • In Data Manager onboarding when steps are not followed in order.
  • In Data Manager onboarding when the CLI commands are manually revised and don't match the data input details from previous steps or previous templates, such as different account numbers or data regions.

Mismatch scenarios also include version mismatch. See Version management in Data Manager.

Not Found The Not Found status means that the AWS stack instance is not found. You see this status message in scenarios such as in Data Manager onboarding when the CLI commands have not been run, so the stack instances do not exist.

The Show Details link does not show any details if the AWS stack instance is not found.

Pending The Pending status means that the AWS stack instance creation is in progress. You see this status message in scenarios such as in Data Manager onboarding when the CLI commands are running, but are not finished, so the stack instances still are being created.
Success The Success status means that the AWS stack instance is created successfully.

Multiple account status messages

The status messages contain a Show Details link to provide more context about the stackset status. The information banner gives further explanation about next steps.

Status Details
Deploying The Deploying status means that the AWS stack set or stack instance creation is in progress. You see this status message in scenarios such as the following:
  • In Data Manager onboarding when step 6 of data input is in progress, the CLI commands have been run in the control account, but the stack set creation is not yet complete.
  • In Data Manager onboarding when step 7 of data input is in progress, the CLI commands have been run in the control account, but the stack instance creation is not yet complete.
Failed The Failed status means that the AWS stack set CLI commands have failed. You see this status message in scenarios such as the following:
  • If the CLI commands are successfully applied, but something is wrong on the AWS side.
  • In Data Manager onboarding when step 6 or step 7 of data input is in progress, the CLI commands have been run in the control account, but previous steps have not been followed or previous templates have not been applied.
Indeterminate The Indeterminate status means that the AWS side is reporting outside of normal stack set operation status and is not returning a standard status code. This status message is rare. See stackset status codes.
Mismatch The Mismatch status means that the Data Manager data input does not match what is typed in the CLI. You see this status message in scenarios such as the following:
  • In Data Manager onboarding when steps are not followed in order.
  • In Data Manager onboarding when the CLI commands are manually revised and don't match the data input details from previous steps or previous templates, such as different account numbers or data regions.

Mismatch scenarios also include version mismatch. See Version management in Data Manager.

Not Found The Not Found status means that the AWS stack set or the stack instances are not found. You see this status message in scenarios such as the following:
  • In Data Manager onboarding when the CLI commands from step 6 of the summary have not been run in the control account, so the stack set does not exist.
  • In Data Manager onboarding when the CLI commands from step 7 of the summary have not been run in the control account, so the stack instances do not exist.

The Show Details link does not show any details if the AWS stack set or the stack instances are not found.

Success The Success status means that the AWS stack set and stack instances are created successfully.

Some status issues can also be resolved through troubleshooting. See Troubleshoot the AWS Deployment Status.

Check the Data Management home page in Data Manager

After onboarding, you can check your data input status in the Data Management home page for errors.

From Data Management, do the following:

  1. Click on the name of any data input.
    The details display in a pop-up window.
  2. The stack status is the AWS stackset status code. See stackset status codes.
  3. See the information banner for further explanation about next steps.
  4. Hover over any exclamation marks (!) to see tooltips about where the errors are found.

Check the CloudFormation StackSets on AWS

After onboarding, you can check that the roles and resources are created successfully in AWS.

Complete the following from the AWS console:

  1. Navigate to CloudFormation > Stacks.
  2. Verify that you see stacks including, but not limited to, the following:
    • SplunkDMControlAccountPreRequisite
    • SplunkDMStackSetAdministration
    • SplunkDMS3BucketTemplates
  3. Navigate to CloudFormation > StackSets.
  4. Verify that you see StackSets including, but not limited to, the following:
    • SplunkDMDataAccountPrerequisite
    • SplunkDMDataIngest-<ID>
  5. Click SplunkDMDataIngest-<ID>, for example.
    1. Navigate to the Stack Instances tab to verify that you see AWS accounts and regions for your data accounts.
    2. Navigate to the Operations tab to verify the status, such as RUNNING or CURRENT.
Last modified on 05 September, 2024
Configure Custom Logs in Data Manager   Edit your AWS data inputs for Data Manager

This documentation applies to the following versions of Data Manager: 1.11.0

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