Data Manager

User Manual

Onboarding for Azure data in Data Manager

Data Manager helps you set up hundreds of Azure accounts for data ingestion into your Splunk Cloud platform deployment.

Stages of onboarding

The onboarding steps are described in detail within Data Manager. The details are not duplicated here.

Onboard Microsoft Entra ID accounts

Onboarding a Microsoft Entra ID account consists of the following stages:

  1. Azure Admin completes the setup prerequisites by creating an application on the Azure portal.
  2. Configure the Data sources, Tenant ID, Client ID, Client Secret, Event Hub subscription ID, Event Hub region, and Destination.
  3. Deploy the Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Template on your Event Hub subscription.
  4. Click Review Data Input to navigate to the Data Management home page and see your data input.

This image shows an example of a single account onboarding flow.

Onboard Azure Activity Log accounts

Onboarding an Azure Activity Log account consists of the following stages:

  1. Azure Admin completes the setup prerequisites by creating an application on the Azure portal.
  2. Configure the Data sources, Tenant ID,Client ID, Client Secret, Source Subscription IDs, Event Hub Subscription ID, Event Hub Region, and Splunk Index Destination.
  3. Deploy the Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Template on your Event Hub subscription.
  4. Click Review Data Input to navigate to the Data Management home page and see your data input.

This image shows an example of a single account onboarding flow.

Onboard Azure Event Hubs

The Azure Event Hub data input is available for private preview customers. If you'd like to participate in the Splunk private preview program, contact your account team.

Onboarding an Azure Event Hub consists of the following stages:

  1. Azure Admin completes the setup prerequisites by creating an application on the Azure portal.
  2. Configure the Data sources, Tenant ID, Client ID, Client Secret, Event Hub Namespace, Event Hub Name, Consumer Group, Partition Count, Custom Source Type, and Splunk Index Destination.
  3. To view the validation status of the data input information, click Review Data Input.
  4. After the validation completes, in the Review Data Input Page, click Finish Setup and Monitor Configuration.

This image shows an example of the onboarding flow for an Azure Event Hub.

Last modified on 05 September, 2024
Azure prerequisites for Data Manager   About Azure Resource Manager templates

This documentation applies to the following versions of Data Manager: 1.11.0

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