Data Manager

User Manual

Verify the data input for Azure in Data Manager

There are multiple ways to verify your data inputs for Azure in Data Manager.

  • Check the deployment summary status in Data Manager
  • Check the Data Management home page in Data Manager

Check the deployment summary status in Data Manager

In the deployment summary step of onboarding, you can verify the status of the individual data sources.

Status Details
Create Pending The Create Pending status means that the Azure data input onboarding is in progress.
Create Success The Create Success status means that the Azure data input onboarding is successful.
Create Failed The Create Failed status means that the Azure data input onboarding is unsuccessful.
Deleting The Deleting status means that the Azure data input is now deleting. This process could take several minutes.
Delete Failed The Delete Failed status means that the Azure data input deletion is unsuccessful.
Deployment Failed The Deployment Failed status means that the Azure ARM deployment operation has failed.
Deployment not found The Deployment not found status means that the Azure ARM deployment was not found in one or more Azure Event Hub regions.
Deployment resource not found The Deployment resource not found status means that one or more of the resources in the Azure ARM deployment was not found.
Deployment in progress The Deployment in progress status means that the Azure ARM deployment operation is in progress.
Marked for delete The Marked for delete status means that the Azure data input has been marked for deletion. Follow the instructions in the Delete Input tab to delete the input.
Update Success The Update Success status means that the Azure data input edit is successful.
Update Failed The Update Failed status means that the Azure data input edit is unsuccessful.

Check the Data Management home page in Data Manager

After onboarding, you can check your data input status in the Data Management home page for errors.

The list is a summary, mapped from overall status of the individual data sources.

  • All success shows as Success.
  • Any failed shows as Error.
  • Delete Pending shows as Deleting.

You can also access the individual data source ingestion details. From Data Management, do the following:

  1. Click on the name of any data input.
  2. The details display in a pop-up window.
Last modified on 05 September, 2024
About Azure Resource Manager templates   Modify your Azure data inputs

This documentation applies to the following versions of Data Manager: 1.11.0

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