Splunk® IT Service Intelligence

Release Notes

This documentation does not apply to the most recent version of Splunk® IT Service Intelligence. For documentation on the most recent version, go to the latest release.

New features in Splunk IT Service Intelligence

This version has these new and changed features.

Data Integrations

New feature or enhancement Description
Content Authorship Create, package, download, and install custom content packs using content pack authorship. Package Splunk and ITSI knowledge objects in content packs and share your custom solutions to other deployments. For more information, see Overview of creating custom content packs in ITSI.

Event Analytics

New feature or enhancement Description
Filter episodes by ticket number on Episode Review You can now filter episodes associated with a specific ticket number in Episode Review. To filter by a ticket number, select the Add Filter dropdown on the Episode Review page and select the Tickets option. For more information, see Accelerate triage with filters and sorting.


New feature or enhancement Description
ITSI support for federated search As of version 4.16.0, ITSI supports the Splunk Federated search transparent mode option. You need to complete the workaround steps from ITSI-26097 in Known issues in Splunk IT Service Intelligence to enable ITSI support for federated search.
Last modified on 07 November, 2023
  Fixed issues in Splunk IT Service Intelligence

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® IT Service Intelligence: 4.16.0 Cloud only

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