Splunk® IT Service Intelligence

Service Insights Manual

Revert or reset the service sandbox in ITSI

After you publish a service sandbox, you can revert the sandbox to remove your services from production and continue making changes, or reset to start over with a blank service sandbox.

Revert the service sandbox

Reverting a sandbox will redact all the services associated with that sandbox from production. You will also lose any changes made to these services after they were published, including individual changes made in the Service Analyzer. For example, if you add a new dependency to Service A, then revert the service sandbox where Service A was originally created, Service A will be removed from production and the dependency you added will be lost.

Reverting a sandbox can impact your service health scores and any service dependencies in production. Consider the downstream impacts of reverting your sandbox before you take this action.

Follow these steps to revert your sandbox.

  1. From the navigation menu, select Configuration, then the Service Monitoring folder. Select Service Sandbox.
  2. Select the published sandbox that you want to edit.
  3. Note: When you backfill the KPI data for a service that was created in a sandbox, you will no longer be able to revert and make changes in that service's sandbox. To make changes after activating backfill, go to the service's configuration page.

  4. The sandbox will be read-only. Select Revert. Consider all downstream implications of removing all services in the sandbox from production before you proceed.
  5. Make changes to your services in the sandbox, and publish the sandbox again.

Note: When you backfill a service's health score in the sandbox and publish your services, you will no longer be able to revert the sandbox linked to those services. You must edit the services directly on the Services page.

Reset the service sandbox

Resetting a sandbox clears your changes. When you reset your sandbox, you will start over with a new sandbox, and previous services will no longer be associated with the sandbox where they were first configured.

  1. Follow these steps to reset your sandbox.
  2. From the navigation menu, select Configuration, then the Service Monitoring folder. Select Service Sandbox.
  3. Select the published sandbox that you want to edit.
  4. The sandbox will be read-only. Select Reset.
  5. The service sandbox resets back to the blank configuration page.
Last modified on 17 April, 2024
Use the service sandbox in ITSI   Overview of the Service Analyzer in ITSI

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® IT Service Intelligence: 4.19.0, 4.19.1

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