Splunk® Mission Control

Investigate and Respond to Threats in Splunk Mission Control

Modify app level permissions for Splunk Mission Control

As a user with the sc_admin role, you can view and make changes to the app level permissions for Splunk Mission Control. By default, all the roles for Splunk Mission Control have Read access. Users with this access type can save objects only for themselves, while users with Write access can share objects with other users. As a sc_admin user, you might want to grant some roles Write access and restrict others with Read access.

To view or make changes to the app level permissions for Splunk Mission Control, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Splunk Cloud Platform.
  2. Select the gear icon ( Gear icon ) to manage apps.
  3. Locate Mission Control in the list of apps.
  4. Select Permissions.
  5. View or make changes to the permissions listed.
  6. If you modify the app level permissions, you must also do the following:
    1. Select the Read check box for the following roles:
      • mc_soar_automation
      • mc_soar_proxy

      You must grant read access for the mc_soar_automation and mc_soar_proxy roles to leverage full Splunk Mission Control functionality, including automation features.

    2. Select the Write check box for the sc_admin role.
    3. Select All apps (system). You must apply your selected app permissions to all Splunk apps to leverage full Splunk Mission Control functionality.
    4. Select Save.

To learn more about app level permissions in the Splunk Cloud Platform, see Manage knowledge object permissions in the Splunk Cloud Platform Knowledge Manager Manual.

Last modified on 26 June, 2023
Manage roles and capabilities for Splunk Mission Control users   Monitor activities in Splunk Mission Control

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Mission Control: Current

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