Splunk MINT SDK for iOS (Legacy)

Splunk MINT SDK for iOS Developer Guide

Splunk MINT is no longer available for purchase as of January 29, 2021. Customers who have already been paying to ingest and process MINT data in Splunk Enterprise will continue to receive support until December 31, 2021, which is End of Life for all MINT products: App, Web Service (Management Console), SDK and Add-On.

Change log


Use of the Splunk MINT SDK is subject to the Splunk MINT Terms of Service.

To download the latest version of the Splunk MINT SDK for iOS, see Requirements and installation for iOS.

For help with common issues, see Troubleshooting Splunk MINT.

Version 5.2.7

Released 01/22/2020

What's New

Version 5.2.6

Released 11/04/2019

What's New

  • The UIWebView class was removed from the MINT SDK.

Version 5.2.5

Released 01/28/2019

What's New

Version 5.2.4

Released 08/09/2018

What's New

Version 5.2.3

Released 01/31/2018

What's New

  • The Splunk MINT SDK for iOS is now compatible with iOS 11.

Version 5.2.2

Released 09/18/2017

What's New

  • Our iOS SDK now piggy backs on energized antenna to auto-flush the data.

API Changes

  • Added the setAutoFlushMinimumInterval method.
  • Added the disableAutoFlush method.

Version 5.2.0

Released 12/12/2016

What's New

  • The Splunk MINT SDK for iOS is now compatible with iOS 10.
  • Session time reporting has been Improved.
  • If you are installing the Splunk MINT SDK for iOS from a ZIP file, you must now add the CoreLocation.framework as a requirement in your app project. For details, see Install the Splunk MINT iOS Framework from a ZIP file.

API Changes

  • For hybrid API calls, the global object changed from Mint to mintBridge. For details, see Integrate WebView monitoring.
  • Added the disableMemoryWarningMonitoring: and disableViewMonitoring: methods as configuration options.
  • Added the setLocation: method, allowing you to set the GPS location.
  • Added Mint.setLocation(myLatitude, myLongitude, myLocationTimestamp) to the possible hybrid API calls for WebView monitoring.

Version 5.1.0

Released 8/8/2016

What's New

  • Transactions are now tracked using a transaction ID. As a result, transaction names no longer need to be unique. For details, see Monitor transactions.
  • You can now specify a view name rather than using the name that is automatically generated. For details, see Track views.
  • You can now create timers to track the elapsed time of activities, in nanoseconds. For details, see Create timers.
  • You can now log trace information for methods in your Objective-C code. (You cannot use this feature with Swift, which does not support macros.) For details, see Trace Objective-C methods.
  • You can now view memory warnings from your mobile apps. For details, see View memory warnings.
  • New fields have been added to the fields that MINT collects using the MINT SDKs. For details, see List of data fields in the Splunk MINT Overview manual.

API Changes

  • Added the startTimerWithName: and stopTimerWithId: methods.
  • Macros have been added for logging trace information: MINT_METHOD_TRACE_START, MINT_METHOD_TRACE_STOP, and MINT_NONARC_METHOD_TRACE_STOP.
  • The transactionStart: method now returns a transaction ID.
  • transactionID replaced the transactionName parameter for the transactionCancel: and transactionStop: methods.

Version 5.0.0

Released 03/21/2016

What's New

  • Added support for the HTTP Event Collector to send data to MINT. For details, see About Splunk MINT data collection.
  • Many methods and properties have changed (see the list below). The documentation and code examples have been updated to reflect these changes.
  • Added end-to-end code examples showing how to use the full API. For details, see Swift code example and Objective-C code example.

API Changes


  • Mint.closeSessionAsync to Mint.closeSession
  • Mint.flushAsync to Mint.flush
  • Mint.logEventAsyncWithName to Mint.logEventWithName
  • Mint.logExceptionAsync to Mint.logException
  • Mint.startSessionAsync to Mint.startSession
  • Mint.setUserOptOut to Mint.enableUserOptOut


  • Mint.enableDebugLog
  • Mint.extraData
  • Mint.extraDataForKey
  • Mint.initAndStartSessionWithAPIKey
  • Mint.initAndStartSessionWithHECUrl
  • Mint.removeAllExtraData
  • Mint.removeExtraDataForKey
  • MintLimitedExtraData.extraDataDictionary
  • MintLimitedExtraData.removeAllValues
  • MintLimitedExtraData.removeValueForKey
  • MintLimitedExtraData.setValue:forKey
  • MintLimitedExtraData.valueForKey


  • ExtraData.initWithKeyandValue
  • ExtraData.isEqualToExtraData
  • LimitedExtraDataList.add
  • LimitedExtraDataList.addExtraDataToDataFixture
  • LimitedExtraDataList.addPrivateExtraDataToDataFixture
  • LimitedExtraDataList.addWithKeyandValue
  • LimitedExtraDataList.clear
  • LimitedExtraDataList.contains
  • LimitedExtraDataList.indexOf
  • LimitedExtraDataList.insertAtIndexextraData
  • LimitedExtraDataList.remove
  • LimitedExtraDataList.removeAtIndex
  • LimitedExtraDataList.removeWithKey
  • Mint.addExtraDataList
  • Mint.clearExtraData
  • Mint.exceptionFixtureFrom
  • Mint.initAndStartSession
  • Mint.logEventAsyncWithTag
  • Mint.removeExtraDataWithKey
  • MintLogger.setRequestWorker
  • MintMessageException.initWithNamereasonuserInfo


  • Mint.applicationEnvironment
  • MintResult.clientRequest
  • LimitedExtraDataList.count
  • MintResult .descriptionResult
  • TransactionResult.descriptionResult
  • MintResult.exceptionError
  • LimitedExtraDataList.extraDataArray
  • Mint.extraDataList
  • MintResult.handledWhileDebugging
  • Mint.handleWhileDebugging
  • ExtraData.key
  • MintLogResult.logType
  • LimitedExtraDataList.maxCount
  • ExtraData.maxValueLength
  • TransactionStopResult.reason
  • MintResult.requestType
  • MintResult.resultState
  • TransactionStartResult.transactionName
  • TransactionStartResult.transactionStart
  • TransactionResult.transactionStatus
  • TransactionStopResult.transactionStop
  • ExtraData.value
Last modified on 23 January, 2020
API Reference   Known issues for Splunk MINT SDK for iOS 5.2.7

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk MINT SDK for iOS (Legacy): 5.2.x, 5.2.x

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