For users of the Splunk Dashboard Studio for Enterprise, the Splunk platform sends anonymized usage data to Splunk Inc. ("Splunk") to help improve the Splunk Dashboard Studio in future releases. For information about how to opt in or out and how the data is collected, stored, and governed, see Share data in Splunk Enterprise.
What data is collected
The Splunk Dashboards app collects the following basic usage information:
Component | Description | Example |
General telemetry collected on visualization usage and settings. | { "component": "app.session.udf.telemetry", "data": { "pageAction": "dashboard.initialize", "metadata": {}, "udfVersion": "20.3.1", "definition": { "visualizations": { "viz_2aae822a03cb3f7c58a43c04652ee908": { "type": "viz.column", "options": {}, "titleLength": 13, "descriptionLength": 26 }, "viz_3a1a36fecbc0b5b46b5cb8777756ea6c": { "type": "viz.singlevalueicon", "options": { "showValue": false, "icon": true } }, "viz_cf5bd9532cfe6d8619132f9bb11cefd5": { "type": "viz.rectangle" }, "viz_36b6e66b1475b0e0677676b947f1d884": { "type": "viz.singlevalue", "options": {}, "titleLength": 13, "descriptionLength": 24 }, "viz_f3479a853843e0e72405cc99fc9fc810": { "type": "viz.text", "options": { "content": true } } }, "inputs": {}, "layout": { "globalInputs": [], "type": "absolute", "options": {}, "structure": [ { "item": "viz_2aae822a03cb3f7c58a43c04652ee908", "type": "block", "position": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "w": 300, "h": 300 } }, { "item": "viz_3a1a36fecbc0b5b46b5cb8777756ea6c", "type": "block", "position": { "x": 330, "y": 0, "w": 250, "h": 250 } }, { "item": "viz_cf5bd9532cfe6d8619132f9bb11cefd5", "type": "block", "position": { "x": 640, "y": 40, "w": 150, "h": 160 } }, { "item": "viz_36b6e66b1475b0e0677676b947f1d884", "type": "block", "position": { "x": 10, "y": 340, "w": 250, "h": 250 } }, { "item": "viz_f3479a853843e0e72405cc99fc9fc810", "type": "block", "position": { "x": 370, "y": 270, "w": 310, "h": 60 } } ] }, "descriptionLength": 0, "titleLength": 44 }, "app": "splunk-dashboard-studio", "page": "_do_not_edit_delete_telemetryreviewdashboard" } |
General telemetry collected when a new dashboard is created. | { "component": "app.session.createNewDashboardDialog.interact", "data": { "action": "createNewDashboard", "editId": true, "hasDescription": false, "dashboardType": "udf", "layout": "absolute", "sharing": "user", "status": "success", "app": "search", "page": "dashboards" }, } |
Triggered when a dashboard is loaded. | { "component": "app.session.dashboard.load" "data": { [-] "app": search dashboard: { [-] autoRun: false hideAppBar: false hideChrome: false hideEdit: false hideExport: false hideFilters: false hideSplunkBar: false hideTitle: false isScheduled: false isVisible: true numCustomCss: 0 numCustomJs: 0 refresh: 0 submitButton: false theme: light } elementTypeCounts: { [-] statistics: 1 } formInputTypeCounts: { [-] } layoutType: row-column-layout numElements: 1 numFormInputs: 0 numPanels: 1 numPrebuiltPanels: 0 numSearches: 1 page: splunker searchTypeCounts: { [-] saved: 1 }, enableRiskyCommandCheckDashboard: true } } |
General telemetry collected on CSS tag usage. | { data: { app: search page: network_insights sanitizedTags: [ "DIV", "H1", "SPAN" ], inlineStyles: [ { type: "StyleAttribute", element: "div", properties: [ "background-color", "width" ] }, { type: "StyleElement", rulesets: [ { properties: [ "background-color", "content", "color" ] }, { properties: [ "width" ] } ] } ] } } |
"pageAction": ""
Scheduled export successfully created. | { type: "dashboard.telemetry" data: { pageAction: "", success: true, enabledInitially: false, enabledAtSave: true, cronSchedule: "0 18 * * *", emailCountTo: 1, emailCountCC: 0, emailCountBCC: 0, emailSubjectLength: 22, emailMessageLength: 17, includeLinkInitially: false, includeLinkAtSave: false } } |
"pageAction": "performance.startTimer"
Performance time to render visualizations. | { "component": "app.session.udf.telemetry", "data": { "pageAction": "performance.startTimer", "metadata": { "timerId": "Visualization - input - ab268181536746432d1ba55ed554c677c90014ed5b8e8714f68dd51a07f08c69 - Time to Interactive", "sourceElement": 'TimeRangePicker', "heroElement": "Visualization - input - ab268181536746432d1ba55ed554c677c90014ed5b8e8714f68dd51a07f08c69 - Time to Interactive", "currentTime": 1279352, "markInformation": "Visualization - input - ab268181536746432d1ba55ed554c677c90014ed5b8e8714f68dd51a07f08c69 - Time to Interactive" }, "udfVersion": "23.0.0", "source": "TimeRangePicker", "app": "search", "page": "telemetry_testing" }, } |
Performance measurements based on the number of objects on the dashboard. | { "id ": "DashboardCore.mountToRender ", "totalDuration ": 2057.374999999979, "definitionInfo ": { "componentCounts ": { "dataSourceTypeCounts ": { "ds.test ": 4 }, "inputTypeCounts ": { "input.dropdown ": 1, "input.multiselect ": 1, "input.text ": 1, "input.number ": 1, "input.timerange ": 1 }, "vizTypeCounts ": { "splunk.rectangle ": 69, "splunk.markdown ": 90, "splunk.singlevalue ": 50, "abslayout.line ": 31, "splunk.singlevalueicon ": 26, "splunk.area ": 5, "splunk.pie ": 1, "splunk.column ": 1, "splunk.image ": 7, "splunk.table ": 2, "splunk.line ": 1 } }, "numDataSources ": 4, "numInputs ": 5, "numViz ": 283 } } |
Capturing errors when dashboards contain images from domains not specified in the allow list. | { "data": { "event": "dashboards.csp_violations", "enforce": false, "page": "dashboardWithWarnings", "numTotal": 25, "numUnique": 2 } } |
This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk Cloud Platform™: 8.2.2202, 8.2.2203, 9.0.2205
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