Splunk Cloud Platform

Splunk Dashboard Studio

This documentation does not apply to the most recent version of Splunk Cloud Platform. For documentation on the most recent version, go to the latest release.

Compare absolute and grid layouts

The absolute and grid layouts serve very different needs. If you want to quickly put together a dashboard using only charts that snap to your specified rows, choose the grid layout. Use the absolute layout if you want access to features like pixel-perfect placement, shapes, icons, and image uploading.

When using the absolute layout option, you can use your mouse or keyboard to drag and drop and resize objects on your dashboard. This layout also gives you pixel-perfect control and customizable backgrounds. When you use the absolute layout, the visual editor allows you to add shapes, custom images, and icons to your dashboards and create searches in the form of data sources. By default, the absolute layout does not automatically scale dashboards to the size of the browser. However, you can change this setting in the visual editor by clicking on the background and selecting Fit to Width in the Display Mode section of the Configuration panel.

In the classic Splunk dashboard framework, visualizations you add to the canvas snap to a row-column structure. The grid layout is most similar to that structure. In the grid layout, the number of visualizations in a row determines the size of the other visualizations in that row, and they all size to equal proportions. You can modify the width of a visualization using your mouse. This layout automatically scales dashboards to the size of the browser.

This table shows what features are available using the two layouts:

Option Absolute Grid
Charts All charts are available. See the Configuration options reference for all of the options. All charts are available. See the Configuration options reference for all of the options.
Background Color You can choose a background color for your dashboard canvas. Changing the background color is not supported in the grid layout.
Canvas size You can customize the size of the canvas in the Configuration panel. While you cannot change the size of the canvas, you can use your mouse to change the height of the rows or the width of the visualizations within the rows.
Number of visualizations There is no limit to the number of visualizations that can be added to the canvas. The number of visualizations that can fit in a row depends on the width of the visualizations. You can change the width of individual visualizations by using your mouse to drag the edges.
Shapes Add rectangles, lines, and ellipses to your dashboard. Shapes are not supported in the grid layout.
Icons You can choose from an assortment of default icons, or upload your own icons in SVG format. Icons and icon uploads are not supported in the grid layout.
Images You can upload images up to 16MB in size. Images are not supported in the grid layout.
Last modified on 12 July, 2023
Create a dashboard in Dashboard Studio   Migrate your dashboards and delete the Splunk Dashboards app (beta)

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk Cloud Platform: 9.0.2209, 8.2.2201, 8.2.2202, 8.2.2203, 9.0.2205, 9.0.2208

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