Splunk Cloud Platform

Splunk Dashboard Studio

This documentation does not apply to the most recent version of Splunk Cloud Platform. For documentation on the most recent version, go to the latest release.

What's new in Dashboard Studio

Stay up-to-date with new features and functionality in Splunk Dashboard Studio.

What's New in Splunk Cloud Platform 9.0.2209

This information is subject to change prior to general availability of the release.

New feature or enhancement Description
Token usage improvements The following are new improvements for tokens:
  • Setting tokens from images
  • Default values will apply to tokens when the dashboard is saved
  • Pass static tokens between dashboards and view all tokens on the target dashboard when configuring drilldowns, including but not limited to input tokens.
Add rectangle shapes to grid layout dashboards Apply rectangle shapes to grid layout dashboards to add padding or empty space.
Open in Search link When editing a search in the data source editor, you can select Open in Search to open a new tab in Search with your search's SPL.
View dashboards from mobile device You can view dashboards on mobile devices with a QR code.
Dashboards Trusted Domains List enforcement External content domains not listed in the Dashboards Trusted Domains List will be blocked. For more details, see Configure Dashboards Trusted Domains List and Content Security Policy setting.
Inspect visualization panel You can inspect specific visualization panels to launch the job inspector to check search performance or search ID.

What's New in Splunk Cloud Platform 9.0.2208

This information is subject to change prior to general availability of the release.

New feature or enhancement Description
Map visualization improvements The following are new enhancements for the map visualization.
  • Tooltips for latitude and longitude
  • Size information for map bubbles
  • Field selection for map bubble size

For more details, see Maps.

Markdown font size option You can specify a font size in Markdown. For more details, see Use Markdown to add text, links, and images.
Table visualization improvements You can adjust the width of a table's column and change the font size of a cell. For more details, see Table.
Edit permissions from View mode You can edit permissions while viewing a dashboard instead of navigating to the listing page to change the permissions.
Set tokens for Single Value Icon visualization. You can use drilldown to set tokens for the Single Value Icon visualization. For more details, see Setting tokens on a visualization click.

What's New in Splunk Cloud Platform 9.0.2205

This information is subject to change prior to general availability of the release.

New feature or enhancement Description
Drilldown feature for map visualizations Map visualizations now have drilldowns available for setting tokens, linking dashboards, and linking custom URLs.
Warnings for external URLs Warnings will appear when an image uses an external URL not listed in the Dashboards Image Allow List. For more details, see Configure dashboards image allow list and Content Security Policy setting in the Admin Manual.
Additional search job metdata for token usage The following search job metadata are available for using as tokens:
  • job.sid
  • job.percentComplete
  • job.lastUpdate
  • job.isRealTimeSearch
Placeholder image updates Placeholder images now have a new default image.
Search status updates Status icons on visualizations will now provide more detailed information.

What's New in Splunk Cloud Platform 8.2.2203

This information is subject to change prior to general availability of the release.

New feature or enhancement Description
Set a home page dashboard You can set a Dashboard Studio dashboard as your home page dashboard. In View mode, navigate to the Actions dropdown and select Set As Home Dashboard.
Link to other dashboards You can link to other dashboards and pass tokens from one dashboard to the next. For more details, see Linking interactions.
Create cluster maps Dashboard Studio now supports cluster maps with bubble and marker layers. For more details, see Maps.
Configure dynamic coloring by matching values Using the UI or source code, you can configure each element in a data series to find a corresponding color value and return the matched value. For more details, see Formatting functions.
Updated match value You can now match string values in addition to numerical ranges.
Set tokens from search results You can set tokens from search results or search job metadata. For more details, see Setting tokens from search results or search job metadata.
Last modified on 29 November, 2022
Convert a Simple XML dashboard to a Dashboard Studio dashboard   About the Splunk Dashboard Studio tutorial

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk Cloud Platform: 9.0.2209

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