Introduction to the Cloud Monitoring Console
The Cloud Monitoring Console (CMC) lets Splunk Cloud Platform administrators view information about the status of your Splunk Cloud Platform deployment. CMC dashboards provide insight into how the following areas of your Splunk Cloud Platform deployment are performing:
- Data ingestion and data quality
- Forwarder connections
- HTTP Event Collection tokens
- Indexing
- Indexer clustering and search head clustering, if applicable
- License usage
- Search
- User behavior
- Workload management
The Cloud Monitoring Console does not store or retain any customer data displayed in the dashboards. Customer data remains local to the customer stack.
You must have the sc_admin
(Splunk Cloud Platform Administrator) role to use the Cloud Monitoring Console.
Preview disclaimer
Some features in the CMC may contain a (preview) label.
Preview features are provided by Splunk to you "as is" without any warranties, maintenance and support, or service level commitments. Splunk makes this preview feature available in its sole discretion and may discontinue it at any time. Use of preview features is subject to the Splunk General Terms.
Locate the Cloud Monitoring Console
To locate the CMC app in your Splunk Cloud Platform deployment, follow these steps:
- From anywhere in Splunk Web, select Apps.
- Select Cloud Monitoring Console.
On the Apps page that you access through Apps > Managed Apps, the CMC is named splunk_instance_monitoring.
Select the correct documentation version for your deployment
Ensure that you are viewing the correct CMC documentation version for your Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
To determine your Splunk Cloud Platform deployment version, follow these steps:
- In the CMC app, select Support & Services > About. The CURRENT APPLICATION area at the bottom of the About page shows the app's version and build numbers.
- In this documentation, select the correct version from the Version dropdown menu in the upper right corner.
Set your default time zone
The CMC app displays time-based data in panels, charts, and tables based on the default time zone set for your user profile. To review or reset your current time zone setting, perform the following steps:
- In the CMC app, select your user profile adjacent to Support & Services, then select Preferences.
- In the Preferences page, select Global.
- Specify an option for the Time zone field and select Apply.
Enable platform alerts
CMC provides alerting functionality with preconfigured platform alerts for missing forwarders and skipped searches that you can enable. If either alert is triggered, CMC displays a notification on the Triggered Alerts page. You can also set up custom alerts on the global Searches, Reports, and Alerts page, which is accessible from the Triggered Alerts page. For more information, see Use the Alerts panel.
Troubleshoot the CMC dashboards
If you have any issues with a CMC dashboard, try these methods of troubleshooting:
- Check that any necessary setup is properly configured and enabled. For example, you must first configure the Forwarders Monitoring Setup page to use the Forwarders dashboards.
- If you have a support contract, log in and file a new case using the Splunk Support Portal. Otherwise, contact Splunk Customer Support.
Do not modify any part of a CMC dashboard. Any local changes that you make might break the CMC application and override its automatic update process.
Variables in panel titles
A number of panels in CMC have variable titles. You set the variable when you select a specific filter option in the panel. Panels with variable titles are noted in this manual.
Splunk Cloud Platform documentation site
For more information about features and functionality of Splunk Cloud Platform, see the Splunk Cloud Platform documentation. The manuals hosted on this site provide comprehensive information on how to configure your deployment, search the ingested data, and create dashboards, visualizations, and reports for your data analysis. This site also hosts the CMC release notes, along with release notes for other Splunk Cloud Platform products.
Configure Splunk Cloud to use SAML for authentication tokens | Use the Overview dashboard |
This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk Cloud Platform™: 8.2.2112, 8.2.2201, 8.2.2202, 8.2.2203, 9.0.2205, 9.0.2208, 9.0.2209, 9.0.2303, 9.0.2305, 9.1.2308, 9.1.2312, 9.2.2403, 9.2.2406, 9.3.2408 (latest FedRAMP release), 9.3.2411
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