Splunk® App for Edge Hub and Augmented Reality

Splunk AR: Install and Use Splunk App for Edge Hub and Splunk AR

The Splunk App for AR is a required companion app for the Splunk AR mobile app. To learn more, see About the Splunk App for AR.

Associate assets with dashboards in the Splunk App for AR

Associate assets with data so Splunk AR mobile users can consume, interact with, and take action with data where it physically exists. Create a deployment to register assets and associate them with common data. A deployment consists of a group of assets, a workspace, and a dashboard selection. Each deployment gets data from a common dashboard and shares one workspace.

When creating a deployment, choose a dashboard, indicate whether you want to represent the dashboard in augmented reality or not, select a recognition method, and upload a CSV containing asset information.

To learn more about different recognition methods you can use, see the following documentation:

You can register individual assets in the Splunk AR mobile app after creating an asset deployment in the Splunk App for AR.

See Splunk AR deployments in the Get started with the Splunk App for AR topic to learn more about how deployments are structured.


Complete the following requirements before registering assets:

Create an asset deployment

To create a deployment in the Splunk App for AR, configure the deployment properties and optionally upload a CSV file that contains information for multiple assets. Or you can skip the CSV file step and individually add assets to your deployment later on.

Configure the deployment properties

Here are the first steps to creating a deployment in the Splunk App for AR:

  1. Click Create Deployment.
  2. Enter a deployment name.
  3. Select a dashboard for the deployment.
  4. Select a deployment type.
  5. Select a recognition method. If you choose floor plan, select an existing floor plan. If you choose image, logo, or object tag, follow the prompt to upload a location identifier.
  6. (Optional) Select a location identifier. This step is required if you choose the text, image, logo, or object recognition method.
    1. If you're using a geofence, provide the geofence latitude, longitude, and radius values.
    2. If you're using beacons, you'll configure this in a later step.
  7. If prompted, select a relationship model.
  8. If prompted, provide beacon, geofence, or tag details.

Next, upload a CSV file that contains your asset information or your asset information in the following step. Or, you can skip this step and add individual assets later on when you select your deployment on the Deployments page.

(Optional) Upload a CSV file with asset information

The Splunk App for AR uses this file to identify your assets and associate the correct data.

Upload a CSV file that contains your asset information. Include the following column headers:

  • Asset Title: A human-readable name for how each asset is represented in the Splunk App for AR.
  • Asset ID: A unique key that differentiates assets. If this column is left empty, The Splunk App for AR automatically generates unique IDs for each asset.

The following are example CSV contents for asset deployments that use text, beacon, and geofence recognition.


In addition to the Asset Title and Asset ID, include a Text Tag header and its values if you're using text tags as a recognition method:

Asset ID Asset Title Tag Text
101 Engineering Room A Room 101
102 Chemistry Lab Room 102
103 Physics Lab Room 103
104 Biology Lab Room 104
201 Engineering Room B Room 201
202 Biochemistry Lab Room 202
203 Microbiology Lab Room 203
301 Engineering Room C Room 301


In addition to the Asset Title and Asset ID, include the following column headers and values if you're using beacons as a location identifier:

  • UUID
  • Beacon Title
  • Major Value
  • Minor Value

If you're using a single beacon region for your assets, you can leave the UUID column blank and use the Splunk App for AR to populate the UUID value later on. If you're using multiple beacon regions, include the unique UUID values in the CSV file.

Here's an example CSV file that contains multiple beacon region values:

Asset Title UUID Beacon Title Major Minor
Rotary Belt 27976f12-1cd0-4b91-9647-3f1145567f9c Assembly Area 1 3
Head Cleaner 27976f12-1cd0-4b91-9647-3f1145567f9c Assembly Area 1 3
Depalletizer 27976f12-1cd0-4b91-9647-3f1145567f9c Assembly Area 1 3
Lifter 786836df-8fb9-4f38-880d-c91d11479685 Paint Shop 2 1
Spray Machine 786836df-8fb9-4f38-880d-c91d11479685 Paint Shop 2 2


In addition to the Asset Title and Asset ID, include the following column headers if you're using geofences as a location identifier:

  • Latitude
  • Longitude
  • Radius
  • Geofence Name

If your assets are located within the same geofence, use the same Latitude, Longitude, Radius, and Geofence Name values for all rows.

Here's an example CSV file that contains multiple geofence values:

Asset Title Latitude Longitude Radius Geofence Title
SR-Server 1 37.3190022 -121.9494862 1 3
SR-Server 2 37.3190022 -121.9494862 1 3
SR-Server 3 37.3190022 -121.9494862 100 Santana Row
SR-Switch 1 37.3190022 -121.9494862 100 Santana Row
SR-Switch 2 37.3190022 -121.9494862 100 Santana Row
SF-Server 1 37.7826032 -122.3915155 100 San Francisco
SF-Switch 1 37.7826032 -122.3915155 75 San Francisco
SEA-Server 47.6169096 -122.3298807 50 Seattle
CO-Server 40.0287754 -105.2489869 120 Boulder
TX-Switch 33.0714171 -96.825675 160 Plano

After uploading your CSV file, click Continue and complete the instructions in the side bar so that the Splunk App for AR can identify your assets and fill any blank fields:

  1. (Optional) Select the column header that contains the asset IDs. If you don't provide asset IDs, the Splunk App for AR generates them for you.
  2. (Optional) If you're using text recognition select the column header that contains the text strings.
  3. (Optional) If using a beacon, select the column header that contains the beacon UUID. Or to generate and use a single UUID, enter the value in the sidebar.
  4. Click Submit

The deployment appears in the Deployments tab. Splunk AR mobile users can now use your configured recognition method to view data associated with the asset.

Manage deployments

Your deployments available in the Deployments tab in the Splunk App for AR. This tab contains deployment information such as asset names, geofences, and beacons. Click a deployment to get details about the assets in it. Then click any assets to get deployment information about the specific asset.

Edit asset information

You can edit an asset name or ID in the Splunk App for AR.

  1. Navigate to the Deployments tab in the Splunk App for AR.
  2. Click a deployment to get details about the assets in it.
  3. Click the asset you want to change.
  4. Click the pen icon.
  5. Edit the name or ID.
Last modified on 13 July, 2023
Configure Splunk AR roles and permissions   Insert an asset ID, asset name, or workspace name as a form input in Splunk AR

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® App for Edge Hub and Augmented Reality: 4.4.0, 4.5.0, 4.6.0, 4.7.1, 4.8.0

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