Splunk® Supported Add-ons

Splunk Add-on for EMC VNX

File source types reference for the Splunk Add-on for EMC VNX

The following tables describe the meanings for the key fields of each kind of VNX File event.

VNX File NAS Frame

vnx:file:nasframe events show the software and hardware inventory of the VNX File.

  • Sourcetype: vnx:file:nasframe
  • Fields:
Field Name Field Description
hostname hostname of the Control Station
ip ip of the Control Station
name VNX Cabinet name
model Product name (model) of VNX
serial_no Global unique serial number
version VNX version
array_serial_no Backend array serial number of the VNX
nas_frame Same as serial_no
  • Event Example:

site=SF,hostname=emc01a-cs,model=VNX5300,ip=, name=APM001233033442007,array_serial_no=APM00123303344, serial_no=APM00123303344,version=7.1.65-8, nas_frame=APM00123303344

  • CIM Data Models: none

VNX File NAS Server

vnx:file:nasServer events show the file server's information.

  • Sourcetype: vnx:file:nasServer
  • Fields:
Field Name Field Description
name File server name
id File server ID
type File server type. (vdm, nas, or standby)
status Current status of the file server.
statusactual Actual status
physicalhost For VDM, it is the physical file server name; for nas, it is itself
rootfs Root file system underlying the server
version Software version of the server
nas_frame Global unique serial number for VNX
  • Event Example:

status=enabled,id=2,physicalhost=server_3, type=standby,name=server_3,statusactual=online, ready, rootfs=root_fs_3,version=T7.1.65.8, nas_frame=APM00123303344

  • CIM Data Models: none

VNX File Disk

vnx:file:disk events show the capacity related information of the disk volume.

  • Sourcetype: vnx:file:disk
  • Fields:
Field Name Field Description
name Disk volume name
id Disk volume id
capacity Disk volume capacity in mega byte
backend_id Backend Device ID in hex integer
array_serial_no Backend array serial number of the VNX
nas_frame Global unique serial number for VNX
raid_group Raid group of the disk
  • Event Example:

id=30,backend_id=0065,name=d30,capacity=1023999,array_serial_no=APM00123303344, raid_group=RAID5(4+1), nas_frame=APM00123303344

VNX File File System

vnx:file:fileSystem events show the capacity- and type-related information for the file system.

  • Sourcetype:vnx:file:fileSystem
  • Fields:
Field Name Field Description
name File system name
id File system id
raw_capacity Raw capacity of the file system in mega byte
logical_capacity Logical (usable) capacity of the file system in mega byte, 0 if not available.
used_capacity Used capacity of the file system in mega byte, 0 if not available
type File system type, such as uxfs or rawfs
rw_servers Mount
nas_frame Global unique serial number for VNX
  • Event Example:

max_size=256,raw_capacity=256,logical_capacity=0,ro_servers=,name=root_fs_3,id=10, type=uxfs,used_capacity=0,is_virtual_provisioned=False,rw_servers=server_3, nas_frame=APM00123303344

VNX File Checkpoint

vnx:file:checkpoint events show the capacity- and backup-related information for the filesystem.

  • Sourcetype: vnx:file:checkpoint
  • Fields:
Field Name Field Description
name Checkpoint name
id Checkpoint ID
capacity Total capacity of the checkpoint in mega byte
used_savvol_mb Used SavVol capacity in mega byte
used_pct Capacity usage, an integer between [0, 100]
backupof Production file system ID this checkpoint backs up
vpfs Underlying VPFS (internal)
rw_servers Read/Write mount server, empty if there are no read only mount server
ro_servers Read only mount servers, empty if there are no read only mount server
nas_frame Global unique serial number for VNX
  • Event Example:

capacity=10240,backupof=15,name=fs_ckpt,ro_servers=server_2,used_savvol_mb=128, rw_servers=,vpfs=vpfs16,used_pct=1,id=17,nas_frame=APM00123303344


vnx:file:vpfs events show the capacity information of vpfs. VPFS is the underlying file system of checkpoint.

  • Sourcetype: vnx:file:vpfs
  • Fields:
Field Name Field Description
name Filesystem name
id Storage pool ID
capacity Total capacity of the storage pool in mega byte
rw_servers Read/Write mount server, empty if there are no read only mount server
ro_servers Read only mount servers, empty if there are no read only mount server
nas_frame Global unique serial number for VNX
  • Event Example:


VNX File Export

vnx:file:export events show the CIFS export or CIFS share information.

  • Sourcetype: vnx:file:export
  • Fields:
Field Name Field Description
name CIFS export or CIFS share name
path CIFS export or CIFS share path
is_share True for CIFS share, false for CIFS export
netbios Only valid for CIFS share. For CIFS export, it is empty
options CIFS export or CIFS share options
access Accessible clients of the CIFS export or CIFS share
server File server
nas_frame Global unique serial number for VNX
  • Event Example:

netbios=,server=server_3,name=,options=anon=0, access=, is_share=False,path=/,nas_frame=APM00123303344

  • CIM Data Models: none

VNX File Mount

vnx:file:mount events show the file system mount information.

  • Sourcetype: vnx:file:mount
  • Fields:
Field Name Field Description
path Mount path
server Mount file server
filesystem_id File system ID which is mounted on this path
filesystem File system name
nas_frame Global unique serial number for VNX
  • Event Example:

server=server_3,filesystem_id=2,filesystem=root_fs_common,path=/.etc_common, nas_frame=APM00123303344

  • CIM Data Models: none

VNX File Interface

vnx:file:interface events show the network interfaces information.

  • Sourcetype: vnx:file:interface
  • Fields:
Field Name Field Description
device Network device
name Interface name
address IP address of this interface
server File server on which the interface resides
nas_frame Global unique serial number for VNX
  • Event Example:


  • CIM Data Models: none

VNX File Tree Quota

vnx:file:treeQuota events show the file system tree quota information.

  • Sourcetype: vnx:file:treeQuota
  • Fields:
Field Name Field Description
path Tree quota path
id Tree quota ID
block_soft_limit Soft capacity quota limit in block (512 bytes), 0 means no limit
block_hard_limit Hard capacity quota limit in block (512 bytes), 0 means no limit
block_usage Block usage in blocks
inode_soft_limit Soft file inode quota limit, 0 means no limit
inode_hard_limit Hard file inode quota limit, 0 means no limit
inode_usage Inode usage
filesystem File system from which this tree quota is created
rw_servers File server on which the file system is mounted
nas_frame Global unique serial number for VNX
  • Event Example:

block_soft_limit=1024000,block_hard_limit=1024000,path=/tree0,rw_servers=server_2, filesystem=ken_fs,inode_usage=1,inode_soft_limit=1000000,block_usage=0, inode_hard_limit=1000000,id=1,nas_frame=APM00123303344

VNX File User Quota

vnx:file:userQuota events show the file system user quota information.

  • Sourcetype: vnx:file:userQuota
  • Fields:
Field Name Field Description
name User name
id User ID
block_soft_limit Soft capacity quota limit in block (512 bytes)
block_hard_limit Hard capacity quota limit in block (512 bytes)
block_usage Block usage in blocks
inode_soft_limit Soft file inode quota limit
inode_hard_limit Hard file inode quota limit
inode_usage Inode usage
tree_quota_id Valid only if the user quota is on a tree quota
filesystem File system from which this tree quota is created
rw_servers File server on which the file system is mounted
nas_frame Global unique serial number for VNX
  • Event Example:

VNX File Group Quota

vnx:file:groupQuota events show the file system group quota information.

  • Sourcetype: vnx:file:groupQuota
  • Fields:
Field Name Field Description
name Group name
id Group ID
block_soft_limit Soft capacity quota limit in block (512 bytes)
block_hard_limit Hard capacity quota limit in block (512 bytes)
block_usage Block usage in blocks
inode_soft_limit Soft file inode quota limit
inode_hard_limit Hard file inode quota limit
inode_usage Inode usage
tree_quota_id Valid only if the user quota is on a tree quota, otherwise empty
filesystem File system from which this tree quota is created
rw_servers File server on which the file system is mounted
nas_frame Global unique serial number for VNX
  • Event Example:

VNX File Storage Pool

vnx:file:storagePool events show the capacity information of storage pool

  • Sourcetype: vnx:file:storagePool
  • Fields:
Field Name Field Description
name Storage pool name
id Storage pool ID
capacity Total capacity of the storage pool in mega byte
free_capacity Free capacity of the storage pool in mega byte
used_capacity Used capacity of the storage pool in mega byte
potential_capacity Potential capacity of the storage pool. If it is not 0, it means storage pool total capacity. If it is 0, capacity is the storage pool total capacity
nas_frame Global unique serial number for VNX
  • Event Example:

VNX File System Basic Performance

vnx:file:systemBasicPerf events show overall performance metric for specific file server

  • Sourcetype: vnx:file:systemBasicPerf
  • Fields:
Field Name Field Description
server_name File server name for which the perf metrics are for
dvol_read_kb Overall disk volume read KB per second for the file server
dvol_write_kb Overall disk volume write KB per second for the file server
network_in_kb Overall network input KB per second for the file server
network_out_kb Overall network output KB per second for the file server
cpu_util Overall CPU usage for the specific file server
nas_frame Global unique serial number for VNX
  • Event Example:

VNX File System Cache Performance

vnx:file:systemCachePerf events show overall cache performance metrics for a specific file server.

  • Sourcetype: vnx:file:systemCachePerf
  • Fields:
Field Name Field Description
server_name File server name for which the perf metrics are for
of_cache_hit_ratio Open file cache hit ratio for the server
buffer_cache_hit Kernel buffer cache hit ratio for the server
dnlc_hit_ratio Directory Name Lookup Cache (DNLC) hit ratio for the server
nas_frame Global unique serial number for VNX
  • Event Example:

VNX File System CIFS Performance

vnx:file:systemCifsPerf events show overall CIFS performance metrics for a specific file server.

  • Sourcetype: vnx:file:systemCifsPerf
  • Fields:
Field Name Field Description
server_name File server name for which the perf metrics are for
cifs_read_kb CIFS read KB per second
cifs_write_kb CIFS write KB per second
cifs_read_ops CIFS read operations per second
cifs_write_ops CIFS write operations per second
cifs_avg_write_size CIFS average write data size per second
cifs_avg_read_size CIFS average read data size per second
cifs_open_files Number of open CIFS files at the time of the sample
cifs_share_connections Number of CIFS protocol connections at the time of the sample
nas_frame Global unique serial number for VNX
  • Event Example:

VNX File System NFS Performance

vnx:file:systemNfsPerf events show overall NFS performance metrics for a specific file server.

  • Sourcetype: vnx:file:systemNfsPerf
  • Fields:
Field Name Field Description
server_name File server name for which the perf metrics are for
nfs_read_kb NFS read KB per second
nfs_write_kb NFS write KB per second
nfs_read_ops NFS read operations per second
nfs_write_ops NFS write operations per second
nfs_avg_write_size NFS average write data size per second
nfs_avg_read_size NFS average read data size per second
nfs_active_threads Number of active NFS threads at the time of the sample
nas_frame Global unique serial number for VNX
  • Event Example:

VNX File System Network Device Performance

vnx:file:systemNetDevicePerf events show network devices performance metrics for a specific file server.

  • Sourcetype: vnx:file:systemNetDevicePerf
  • Fields:
Field Name Field Description
dev_name Network device name
server_name File server on which the network device resides
network_in_kb Network KB received per second
network_out_kb Network KB sent per second
network_in_pkts Network packets received per second
network_out_pkts Network packets sent per second
network_in_errors_diff Network input errors encountered per second
network_out_errors_diff Network output errors encountered per second
nas_frame Global unique serial number for VNX
  • Event Example:

VNX File System CIFS Server Performance

vnx:file:cifsServerPerf events show CIFS export performance metrics for a specific file server.

  • Sourcetype: vnx:file:cifsServerPerf
  • Fields:
Field Name Field Description
cifs_export CIFS export path
server_name File server name on which the CIFS server created from
cifs_read_kb CIFS read KB per second
cifs_write_kb CIFS write KB per second
cifs_total_ops Total number of CIFS operation per second
cifs_read_ops CIFS read operations per second at the time of the sample
cifs_write_ops CIFS write operations per second at the time of the sample
cifs_avg_usecs CIFS average microseconds per call
cifs_suspicious_ops_diff CIFS Suspicious Operations Difference between sample and previous sample
nas_frame Global unique serial number for VNX
  • Event Example:

VNX File System NFS Export Performance

vnx:file:nfsExportPerf events show NFS export performance metrics for a specific file server.

  • Sourcetype: vnx:file:nfsExportPerf
  • Fields:
Field Name Field Description
nfs_export NFS export path
server_name File server name from which the NFS export is created
nfs_read_kb NFS read KB per second
nfs_write_kb NFS write KB per second
nfs_total_ops Total number of NFS operation per second
nfs_read_ops NFS read operations per second at the time of the sample
nfs_write_ops NFS write operations per second at the time of the sample
nfs_avg_usecs NFS average microseconds per call
nfs_suspicious_ops_diff NFS Suspicious Operations Difference between sample and previous sample
nas_frame Global unique serial number for VNX
  • Event Example:

VNX File System NFS User Performance

vnx:file:nfsUserPerf events show top NFS users performance metrics on a specific file server.

  • Sourcetype: vnx:file:nfsUserPerf
  • Fields:
Field Name Field Description
nfs_user NFS user name
server_name File server name on which the NFS user resides
nfs_total_ops Total NFS Ops per second
nfs_read_ops NFS read Ops per second
nfs_write_ops NFS write Ops per second
nfs_suspicious_ops_diff NFS Suspicious Operations Difference between sample and previous sample
nfs_total_kb NFS total read/write KB per second
nfs_read_kb NFS read KB per second
nfs_write_kb NFS Write KB per second
nfs_avg_usecs NFS average response time in microsecond
nas_frame Global unique serial number for VNX
  • Event Example:

VNX File System NFS Group Performance

vnx:file:nfsGroupPerf events show top NFS groups performance metrics on specific file server

  • Sourcetype: vnx:file:nfsGroupPerf
  • Fields:
Field Name Field Description
nfs_group NFS group name
server_name File server name on which the NFS group resides
nfs_total_ops Total NFS Ops per second
nfs_read_ops NFS read Ops per second
nfs_write_ops NFS write Ops per second
nfs_suspicious_ops_diff Suspicious Ops diff
nfs_total_kb NFS total read/write KB per second
nfs_read_kb NFS read KB per second
nfs_write_kb NFS Write KB per second
nfs_avg_usecs NFS average response time in microsecond
nas_frame Global unique serial number for VNX
  • Event Example:
server_name=server_2, nas_frame=APM00123303344

VNX File System NFS Client Performance

vnx:file:nfsClientPerf events show top NFS clients performance metrics on specific file server

  • Sourcetype: vnx:file:nfsClientPerf
  • Fields:
Field Name Field Description
nfs_group NFS group name
server_name File server name on which the NFS group resides
nfs_total_ops Total NFS Ops per second
nfs_read_ops NFS read Ops per second
nfs_write_ops NFS write Ops per second
nfs_suspicious_ops_diff Suspicious Ops diff
nfs_total_kb NFS total read/write KB per second
nfs_read_kb NFS read KB per second
nfs_write_kb NFS Write KB per second
nfs_avg_usecs NFS average response time in microsecond
nas_frame Global unique serial number for VNX
  • Event Example:
server_name=server_2,nfs_write_kb=0, nfs_total_kb=0,nas_frame=APM00123303344

VNX File System NFS Ops Performance

vnx:file:nfsOpsPerf events show NFS operation statistics for a specific file server.

  • Sourcetype: vnx:fileNfsOpsPerf
  • Fields:
Field Name Field Description
nfs_operation Name of the NFS operation
server_name File server name
nfs_op_call Number of calls to this NFS operation per second
nfs_op_error_diff Number of times the NFS operation failed per second
nfs_op_usecs Average time in microseconds consumed per call
nfs_op_prct Percent of total NFS calls attributed to this operation
nas_frame Global unique serial number for VNX
  • Event Example:

VNX File System CIFS Ops Performance

vnx:file:cifsOpsPerf events show CIFS operation statistics for a specific file server.

  • Sourcetype: vnx:file:cifsOpsPerf
  • Fields:
Field Name Field Description
cifs_operation Name of the CIFS operation
server_name File server name
cifs_op_calls Number of calls to this CIFS operation per second
cifs_avg_usecs Average time in microseconds consumed per operation
cifs_min_usecs Minimum time in microseconds consumed by the operations
cifs_max_usecs Maximum time in microseconds consumed by the operations
cifs_op_prct Percent of total CIFS calls attributed to this operation
nas_frame Global unique serial number for VNX
  • Event Example:

VNX File System CIFS User Performance

vnx:file:cifsUserPerf events show CIFS operation statistics for specific file server

  • Sourcetype: vnx:file:cifsUserPerf
  • Fields:
Field Name Field Description
cifs_user CIFS user name
server_name File server name
cifs_total_ops Total CIFS Ops per second
cifs_read_ops CIFS read Ops per second
cifs_write_ops CIFS write Ops per second
cifs_suspicious_ops_diff Suspicious Ops diff
cifs_total_kb CIFS total read/write KB per second
cifs_read_kb CIFS read KB per second
cifs_write_kb CIFS Write KB per second
cifs_avg_usecs CIFS average response time in microsecond
cifs_server CIFS server which is running the CIFS service
nas_frame Global unique serial number for VNX
  • Event Example:

VNX File System CIFS Client Performance

vnx:file:cifsClientPerf events show top CIFS client performance metrics on a specific file server.

  • Sourcetype: vnx:file:cifsClientPerf
  • Fields:
Field Name Field Description
cifs_client CIFS client IP address or domain name
server_name File server name
cifs_total_ops Total CIFS Ops per second
cifs_read_ops CIFS read Ops per second
cifs_write_ops CIFS write Ops per second
cifs_suspicious_ops_diff Suspicious Ops diff
cifs_total_kb CIFS total read/write KB per second
cifs_read_kb CIFS read KB per second
cifs_write_kb CIFS Write KB per second
cifs_avg_usecs CIFS average response time in microsecond
nas_frame Global unique serial number for VNX
  • Event Example:
cifs_suspicious_ops_diff=0, cifs_client=,

VNX File System Meta Volume Performance

vnx:file:metaVolumePerf events show top file system performance metrics on a specific file server.

  • Sourcetype: vnx:file:metaVolumePerf
  • Fields:
Field Name Field Description
filesystem Name of the meta volume associated with the file system
server_name File server name on which the file system is mounted
read_ops Read operation per second
write_ops Write operation per second
read_kb KB read per second to this volume
write_kb KB written per second to this volume
avg_read_size_bytes Average size in bytes for read requests to this volume
avg_write_size_bytes Average size in bytes for write requests to this volume
read_requests Number of read requests per second to this volume
write_requests Number of write requests per second to this volume
read_ops_prct Read operation percentage
write_ops_prct Write operation percentage
nas_frame Global unique serial number for VNX
  • Event Example:

VNX File System Disk Volume Performance

vnx:file:diskVolumePerf events show top disk performance metrics on a specific file server.

  • Sourcetype: vnx:file:diskVolumePerf
  • Fields:
Field Name Field Description
disk_name Name of the disk volume
server_name File server name
read_ops Read operation per second
write_ops Write operation per second
read_kb KB read per second to this volume
write_kb KB written per second to this volume
avg_read_size_bytes Average size in bytes for read requests to this volume
avg_write_size_bytes Average size in bytes for write requests to this volume
avg_usecs Average microseconds per call
avg_service_usecs Average service microseconds per call
io_retries_diff IO retries per second
util Disk utilized in percentage
queue_depth Queue depth of the disk volume
read_ops_prct Read operation percentage
write_ops_prct Write operation percentage
nas_frame Global unique serial number for VNX
  • Event Example:
Last modified on 21 July, 2021
Block source types reference for the Splunk Add-on for EMC VNX  

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Supported Add-ons: released

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