Splunk® Edge Hub OS

Setup and Configuration Guide

For documentation on other necessary components for Splunk Edge Hub, see the Splunk App for Edge Hub and AR documentation, Splunk Edge Hub mobile app documentation, and Splunk Edge Hub hardware documentation.

Register or unregister your Splunk Edge Hub device

Start streaming data into your Splunk Edge Hub by registering the device to a Splunk platform instance using the Splunk App for Edge Hub and AR.


Complete the prerequisites at Prerequisites for Splunk Edge Hub OS and confirm that you're not using VPN or Private Relay on your mobile device.

Register your Splunk Edge Hub

To register your Splunk Edge Hub, authenticate your mobile device to your Splunk platform instance, configure the HTTP Event Collector (HEC) endpoint that your Splunk Edge Hub pushes events to, and register your Splunk Edge Hub device to your mobile device.

Authenticate your mobile device to your Splunk platform instance

Use Splunk Secure Gateway to authenticate your mobile device to your Splunk platform instance:

  1. On your Splunk platform instance where you've installed the Splunk App for Edge Hub and AR and enabled your HEC and configured the HEC token, launch the Splunk Secure Gateway app. If it's your first time using Splunk Secure Gateway, complete the onboarding screens.
  2. If the Connected Experiences app menu does not appear in Splunk Secure Gateway, select + Add new device.
  3. From the list of apps, select Splunk Edge Hub.
  4. Select Next. A QR code displays.
  5. On your mobile device, launch the Splunk Edge Hub mobile app. If it's your first time using the mobile app, complete the onboarding screens.
  6. Select Open camera. If prompted, allow camera permissions.
  7. Use your mobile device to scan the QR code in Splunk Secure Gateway. If the QR code does not work, use the Alternative login option. The screen displays Registering....
    If you're using a private network for registration, you must use the QR code. Private network registration does not support Alternative login.

After the authentication process completes, your mobile device appears on the Home page devices list in Splunk Secure Gateway. Optionally, assign a label to your device.

In Splunk Cloud Platform versions lower than 9.0.2303 and Splunk Enterprise versions lower than 9.1.0, the application and platform for Edge Hub devices is listed as "Unknown".

Configure the HTTP Event Collector (HEC) endpoint that your Splunk Edge Hub pushes events to

You need the admin role to configure the HEC endpoint. Use the Splunk App for Edge Hub and AR to complete this step:

  1. In your Splunk Platform on the same instance that you registered your mobile device to with Splunk Secure Gateway, navigate to the Splunk App for Edge Hub and AR.
  2. Navigate to the General Settings page.
  3. Enter the HEC hostname. This includes the protocol and port number.
  4. Enter the token name and the names of the indexes you created during earlier steps.
  5. Select Test Configuration to check if the HEC settings are valid. A confirmation message appears.
  6. Select Save.

To remove the Splunk Edge Hub settings, select Remove configuration. This stops the premade dashboards from rendering Splunk Edge Hub data.

If you encounter issues confiugring the HEC endpoint, see Troubleshoot the HTTP Event Collector (HEC) endpoint configuration.

Register your Splunk Edge Hub device to your mobile device

Before registration, power your Splunk Edge Hub device. See the hardware documentation at https://www.edgehubcentral.com/product for more information on powering your device.

Register your Splunk Edge Hub device to your mobile device:

  1. On the Splunk Edge Hub, swipe through the onboarding slides until the registration QR code appears.
  2. On your mobile device in the Splunk Edge Hub mobile app, select the QR code icon.
  3. Scan the QR code displayed on your Splunk Edge Hub with your mobile device.
  4. Select your preferred display language.
  5. When prompted on your mobile device, join the Splunk Edge Hub temporary WiFi network.
    If your mobile device is unable to automatically join the Splunk Edge Hub network, the app provides instructions to manually connect.
  6. Select the type of network configuration for your Splunk Edge Hub device:
    Type of configuration Instructions
    1. Select WiFi or Ethernet. If you select WiFi, choose the network you want to use from the displayed list or select Other to provide the network type, SSID, and password.
    2. Confirm whether or not you want to save the network password.
    3. Select Finish Registration.
    Advanced Advanced network configuration suits more complex scenarios such as switching from DHCP to manual IP assignment, or providing DNS or NTP servers configuration specific to your network.
    1. Continue to follow instructions on the Splunk Edge Hub to connect your computer to the Splunk Edge Hub WiFi access point. Use the WiFi SSID and password provided on the screen.
    2. On your computer, connect to the Edge Hub WiFi network that contains the Edge Hub SSID.
    3. In a web browser, access the Edge Hub Advanced Settings page using the web address provided by the Splunk Edge Hub device.
    4. Log in to the Edge Hub Advanced Settings page using the credentials provided by the Splunk Edge Hub device.
    5. In the Edge Hub Advanced Settings page, select WiFi or Ethernet and complete the configuration as needed.
    6. Select Finish Registration.

    The Splunk Edge Hub device and your mobile device display loading screens as the registration process completes. When complete, you can view the registered Splunk Edge Hub device in the Splunk Edge Hub mobile app.
  7. (Optional) After network configuration and the registration completes, enter a lock screen code.
    The Splunk Edge Hub device displays sensor readings.

If you have more than one Splunk Edge Hub device, repeat this process for all of them.

After the authentication process completes, your Splunk Edge Hub device appears on the Home page devices list in Splunk Secure Gateway. Optionally, assign a label to your device.

Next step

After registering your Splunk Edge Hub device, you can use the Splunk Edge Hub default indexes to start viewing and analyzing data. See View Splunk Edge Hub data from your Splunk platform instance to learn more.

Unregister your Splunk Edge Hub device

  1. On your Splunk Edge Hub device, select the gear icon to navigate to Settings.
  2. Select Unregister.
  3. Select Confirm.
Last modified on 20 August, 2024
Prerequisites for Splunk Edge Hub OS   View Splunk Edge Hub data

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Edge Hub OS: 1.9.0, 2.0.0

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