Splunk® Edge Hub OS

Setup and Configuration Guide

For documentation on other necessary components for Splunk Edge Hub, see the Splunk App for Edge Hub and AR documentation, Splunk Edge Hub mobile app documentation, and Splunk Edge Hub hardware documentation.

Collect and organize managed IP device information using the SNMP protocol

You can connect your Splunk Edge Hub OS to IP devices and collect and organize information about these devices on a network using the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) protocol. You can use the SNMP protocol to make a connection to devices that support this protocol.

Here's how to configure your Splunk Edge Hub OS to use the SNMP protocol to connect to IP devices:


Before connecting your Splunk Edge Hub OS to an IP device, register your Splunk Edge Hub device and launch the Edge Hub Advanced Settings page.

  1. Register your Splunk Edge Hub device. See Register or unregister your Splunk Edge Hub.
  2. Complete the steps at Access the Edge Hub Advanced Settings page.


Connect your Splunk Edge Hub OS to an IP device using SNMP protocol:

  1. In the Edge Hub Advanced Settings page, navigate to the SNMP tab.
  2. Select Create.
  3. Enter the IP address of the SNMP device.
  4. Set the appropriate SNMP version, credentials and port. The default port is 161.
  5. Provide a MIB file. You can choose to upload your own or use one of the ones provided by Splunk.
  6. Search for and select the the desired object identifier using the search field. You can search across names, descriptions, and symbolic names to choose which metrics to gather from the SNMP device.
  7. Select Save.

Splunk Edge Hub OS pulls data from the device you have connected. You can search for the SNMP data in the Search and Reporting app using the following Search Processing Language (SPL) search:

index=edge-hub-snmp hub_name=<Edge Hub name> sourcetype=edge_hub

Download your SNMP configuration and upload it to another Splunk Edge Hub device

After completing a SNMP configuration for external sensors, you can download a configuration file to use it with other Splunk Edge Hub devices. Update the configuration file to replace values that are applicable to other Splunk Edge Hub devices, such as IP address, port, or SNMP version.

Downloading and uploading a configuration file means you don't have to repeat the configuration steps again for multiple Splunk Edge Hub devices.

See Download a configuration file and upload it to another Splunk Edge Hub device to download and upload a configuration file to other Splunk Edge Hub devices.

Last modified on 18 January, 2024
Connect Splunk Edge Hub OS to external sensors using the MQTT protocol   Configure Splunk Edge Hub OS to connect to an OPC server

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Edge Hub OS: 1.8.0, 1.8.1, 1.9.0, 2.0.0

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