Splunk® Business Flow (Legacy)

User Manual

Splunk Business Flow is no longer available for purchase as of June 20, 2020. Customers who have already purchased Business Flow will continue to have support and maintenance per standard support terms for the remainder of contractual commitments.


Select a step or sequence of steps in the Conversion funnel to calculate how many Journeys completed each step. In this example from the Buttercup Games Store data set, out of 1000 Journeys, 762 Journeys completed the Apply Coupon step, 604 Journeys submitted the order step, and 93 Journeys completed the purchase step.
This image shows the conversion funnel. The funnel contains the following sequence of steps: New Account Created, Apply Coupon,  Submit, and Purchase.

Last modified on 30 October, 2019
Attributes   Metrics

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Business Flow (Legacy): -Latest-

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