Splunk Cloud Platform

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Editing shared modules

When multiple people edit a module in a shared workspace, it is possible for the module to get out of sync. This occurs when the changes are made by one person and are saved while another person is also making changes to the same module.

Coordinate with your team when editing shared modules. There is no versioning or conflict resolution for shared modules. The last Save performed determines the content of the file. It is possible that your edits might be overwritten.

Here's a sample scenario describing when this situation occurs:

  1. Alex creates a module in a shared workspace.
  2. Wei opens the modules and makes changes but does not save the module. The module is in draft mode.
  3. Alex still has the module open and makes changes to the module.
  4. Alex saves the module.
  5. Wei still has the module open and continues making changes. Wei is unaware that Alex has made and saved changes to the module.
  6. Wei saves the module. If the changes Wei makes are to the same sections of the module that Alex made changes to, Wei's changes overwrite Alex's changes.

See also

Related information
Create, save, and manage modules
Last modified on 14 January, 2023
Managing collaboration access   Publishing searches

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk Cloud Platform: search2preview

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