Splunk® Cloud Services

SPL2 Search Reference

Quick Reference for SPL2 eval functions

There are two ways to find information about the supported evaluation functions:

Function list by category

The following table is a quick reference of the supported evaluation functions. This table lists the syntax and provides a brief description for each of the functions. Use the links in the Type of function column for more details and examples.

Type of function Supported functions and syntax Description
Comparison and Conditional functions case(<condition>,<value>, ...) Accepts alternating conditions and values. Returns the first value for which the condition evaluates to TRUE.
cidrmatch(<cidr>,<ip>) Returns TRUE or FALSE based on whether an IP address matches a CIDR notation.
coalesce(<values>) Takes one or more values and returns the first value that is not NULL.
if(<predicate>,<true_value>,<false_value>) If the <predicate> expression evaluates to TRUE, returns the <true_value>. Otherwise the function returns the <false_value.
in(<value>,<list>) Returns TRUE if one of the values in the list matches a value that you specify.
like(<str>,<pattern>) Returns TRUE if the string value matches the pattern.
match(<str>,<regex>) Returns TRUE if the regular expression finds a match against any substring of the string value. Otherwise returns FALSE.
nullif(<value1>,<value2>) Compares two values and returns NULL if <value1> = <value2>. Otherwise it returns <value1>.
searchmatch(<search_str>) Returns TRUE if the event matches the search string.
validate(<condition>,<value>,...) Takes a list of conditions and values and returns the value that corresponds to the condition that evaluates to FALSE. This function defaults to NULL if all conditions evaluate to TRUE.
Conversion functions ipmask(<mask>,<IP>) Generates a new masked IP address by applying a mask to a IPv4 address.
object_to_array(<object>,<key>,<value>) Converts data that is in an object format into an array format.
printf(<format>,<values>) Builds a string value, based on a string format and the values specified.
toarray(<value>) Converts a string or multivalue to an array.
tobool(<value>) Converts a string or number to a double.
todouble(<value>, <base>) Converts a string or number to a Boolean value.
toint(<value>, <base>) Converts a string or number to an integer.
tojson(<internal_fields>) Returns a JSON object representation of events or search results.
tomv(<value>, <base>) Converts a JSON array to a multivalue.
tonumber(<str>,<base>) Converts a string to a number.
toobject(<value>,<format>) Converts a string to an object.
tostring(<value>,<format>) Converts a value to a string using the specified format.
Cryptographic functions md5(<str>) Computes and returns the MD5 hash of a string value.
sha1(<str>) Computes and returns the secure hash of a string value, based on the FIPS compliant SHA-1 hash function.
sha256(<str>) Computes and returns the secure hash of a string value, based on the FIPS compliant SHA-256 hash function.
sha512(<str>) Computes and returns the secure hash of a string value, based on the FIPS compliant SHA-512 hash function.
Date and Time functions now() Returns the time that the search was started.
relative_time(<time>,<specifier>) Takes a UNIX time and a relative time specifier and returns the UNIX time value of the specifier applied to the time.
strftime(<time>,<format>) Takes a UNIX time value and renders the time as a string using the format specified. The UNIX time must be in seconds.
strptime(<str>,<format>) Takes a human readable time, represented by a string, and parses the time into a UNIX timestamp using the format.
time() Returns the wall-clock time, in the UNIX time format, with microsecond resolution.
Informational functions cluster(<field>,<threshold>,<match>,<delims>) Generates a cluster label, in the form of a number, for each event based on how similar the events are to each other.
isarray(<value>) Returns TRUE if the value is an array.
isbool(<value>) Returns TRUE if the value is Boolean.
isdouble(<value>) Returns TRUE if the value is a double.
isint(<value>) Returns TRUE if the value is an integer.
ismv(<value>) Returns TRUE if the value is a multivalue.
isnotnull(<value>) Returns TRUE if the value is not NULL.
isnull(<value>) Returns TRUE if the value is NULL.
isnum(<value>) Returns TRUE if the value is a number.
isobject(<value>) Returns TRUE if the value is a valid JSON object.
isstr(<value>) Returns TRUE if the value is a string.
typeof(<value>) Returns the data type of the value, such as Number, String, Boolean, and so forth
JSON functions json_append(<json>,<path_value_pairs>) Appends elements to the contents of a valid JSON object.
json_array(<values) Creates a JSON array using a list of values.
json_array_to_mv(<json_array>,<boolean>) Maps the elements of a JSON array to a multivalued field.
json_delete(<object>,<keys>) Removes one or more keys and their corresponding values from the specified JSON object.
json_entries(<value>) Returns an array of the top-level members from the specified JSON object.
json_extend(<json>,<path_value_pairs>) Extends the contents of a valid JSON object with the values of an array.
json_extract(<field>,<paths>) Returns a value from a field and zero or more paths. The value is returned in either a JSON array, or a Splunk software native type value.
json_extract_exact(<json>,<keys>) Returns Splunk software native type values from a piece of JSON by matching literal strings in the event and extracting the strings as keys.
json_has_key_exact(<object>, <key>) Evaluates whether a JSON object contains the specified key and returns either TRUE or FALSE.
json_keys(<json>) Returns the keys from the key-value pairs in a JSON object. The keys are returned as a JSON array.
json_object(<key>,<value,...) Creates a new JSON object from members of key-value pairs.
json_set(<json>,<path_value_pairs>) Inserts or overwrites values for a JSON node with the path and value pairs provided and returns an updated JSON object.
json_set_exact(<json>,<key_value_pairs>) Generates or overwrites a JSON object using the key-value pairs specified.
json_valid(<field>) Evaluates whether a JSON object uses valid JSON syntax and returns either TRUE or FALSE.
json(<value>) Evaluates whether a value can be parsed as JSON. If the value is in a valid JSON format, the function returns the value. Otherwise, the function returns null.
all(<values>,<predicate>) Iterates over the values in a JSON array and returns true if every value in the array matches the provided predicate.
any(<values>,<predicate>) Iterates over the values in a JSON array and returns true if any value in the array matches the provided predicate.
filter(<values>,<predicate>) Iterates over the values in a JSON array and copies the values that match the specified <predicate> into a new array.
map(<values>,<mapper>) Iterates over the values in a JSON array and performs an operation on each value in the array.
reduce(<values>,<initialValue>,<accumulator>,<finalizer>) Iterates over the values in a JSON array and performs an accumulation operation.
Mathematical functions abs(<num>) Returns the absolute value of a number.
ceiling(<num>) or ceil(<num>) Rounds a number up to the next highest integer.
exact(<expression>) Returns the result of a numeric eval calculation with a larger amount of precision in the formatted output.
exp(<num>) Returns the exponential function eX of a number.
floor(<num>) Rounds a number down to the nearest whole integer.
ln(<num>) Returns the natural logarithm of a number.
log(<num>,<base>) Returns the logarithm of a number using a base. The base is optional, and if omitted the log function uses base 10.
pi() Returns the constant pi to 11 digits of precision.
pow(<num>,<exp>) Returns a number to the power of the exponent.
round(<num>,<precision>) Returns a number rounded to the decimal places specified by the precision. The default is to round to an integer.
sigfig(<num>) Rounds a number to the appropriate number of significant figures.
sqrt(<num>) Returns the square root of a number.
Multivalue eval functions mvappend(<values>) Returns a single multivalue result from a list of values.
mvcount(<mv>) Returns the count of the number of values in the specified multivalue field.
mvdedup(<mv>) Removes all of the duplicate values from a multivalue field.
mvfilter(<predicate>) Filters a multivalue field based on a predicate expression. The expression can reference only one field.
mvfind(<mv>,<regex>) Returns the index for the first value in a multivalue field that matches a regular expression.
mvindex(<mv>,<start>,<end>) Returns a subset of the multivalue field using the start and end index values.
mvjoin(<mv>,<delim>) Concatenates the individual values within the multivalue field using the value of the delimiter as a separator.
mvrange(<start>,<end>,<step>) Creates multivalue field based on a range of specified numbers.
mvsort(<mv>) Returns the values of a multivalue field sorted lexicographically.
mvzip(<mv_left>,<mv_right>,<delim>) Combines the values in two multivalue fields. Stitches together the first value in each field, then the second value in each field, and so on. The delimiter is used to specify a delimiting character to join each pair of values.
mv_to_json_array(<field>,<infer_types>) Maps the elements of a multivalue field to a JSON array.
split(<str>,<delim>) Splits the string values on the delimiter and returns the string values as a multivalue field.
Statistical eval functions max(<values>) Returns the maximum of the string or numeric values.
min(<values>) Returns the minimum of the string or numeric values.
random() Returns a pseudo-random integer ranging from 0 to 231-1.
Text functions len(<str>) Returns the character length of a string.
lower(<str>) Converts a string to lowercase.
ltrim(<str>,<trim_chars>) Removes the trim characters from the left side of the string.
replace(<str>,<regex>,<replacement>) Substitutes the replacement string for every occurrence of the regular expression in the string.
rtrim(<str>,<trim_chars>) Removes the trim characters from the right side of the string.
spath(<value>,<path>) Extracts information from the structured data formats XML and JSON.
substr(<str>,<start>,<length>) Returns a substring of a string, beginning at the start index. The length of the substring specifies the number of characters to return.
trim(<str>,<trim_chars>) Removes the trim characters from both sides of the string.
upper(<str>) Returns a string in uppercase.
urldecode(<url>) Returns a URL as an unescaped or decoded URL string.
Trigonometry and Hyperbolic functions acos(<x>) Computes the arc cosine of x.
acosh(<x>) Computes the arc hyperbolic cosine of x.
asin(<x>) Computes the arc sine of x.
asinh(<x>) Computes the arc hyperbolic sine of x.
atan(<x>) Computes the arc tangent of x.
atan2(<y>,<x>) Computes the arc tangent of y, x.
atanh(<x>) Computes the arc hyperbolic tangent of x.
cos(<x>) Computes the cosine of an angle of x radians.
cosh(<x>) Computes the hyperbolic cosine of x radians.
hypot(<x>,<y>) Computes the hypotenuse of a triangle.
sin(<x>) Computes the sine of x.
sinh(<x>) Computes the hyperbolic sine of x.
tan(<x>) Computes the tangent of x.
tanh(<x>) Computes the hyperbolic tangent of x.

Alphabetical list of functions

Supported functions and syntax Description Type of function
abs(<num>) Returns the absolute value of a number. Mathematical functions
acos(<x>) Computes the arc cosine of x. Trigonometry and Hyperbolic functions
acosh(<x>) Computes the arc hyperbolic cosine of x. Trigonometry and Hyperbolic functions
all(<values>,<predicate>) Iterates over the values in a JSON array and returns true if every value in the array matches the provided predicate. JSON functions
any(<values>,<predicate>) Iterates over the values in a JSON array and returns true if any value in the array matches the provided predicate. JSON functions
asin(<x>) Computes the arc sine of x. Trigonometry and Hyperbolic functions
asinh(<x>) Computes the arc hyperbolic sine of x. Trigonometry and Hyperbolic functions
atan(<x>) Computes the arc tangent of x. Trigonometry and Hyperbolic functions
atan2(<y>,<x>) Computes the arc tangent of y,x. Trigonometry and Hyperbolic functions
atanh(<x>) Computes the arc hyperbolic tangent of x. Trigonometry and Hyperbolic functions
case(<condition>,<value>, ...) Accepts alternating conditions and values. Returns the first value for which the condition evaluates to TRUE. Comparison and Conditional functions
ceiling(<num>) or ceil(<num>) Rounds a number up to the next highest integer. Mathematical functions
cidrmatch(<cidr>,<ip>) Returns TRUE or FALSE based on whether an IP address matches a CIDR notation. Comparison and Conditional functions
cluster(<field>,<threshold>,<match>,<delims>) Generates a cluster label, in the form of a number, for each event based on how similar the events are to each other. Informational functions
coalesce(<values>) Takes one or more values and returns the first value that is not NULL. Comparison and Conditional functions
cos(<x>) Computes the cosine of an angle of x radians. Trigonometry and Hyperbolic functions
cosh(<x>) Computes the hyperbolic cosine of x radians. Trigonometry and Hyperbolic functions
exact(<expression>) Returns the result of a numeric eval calculation with a larger amount of precision in the formatted output. Mathematical functions
exp(<num>) Returns the exponential function eX of a number. Mathematical functions
filter(<values>,<predicate>) Iterates over the values in a JSON array and copies the values that match the specified <predicate> into a new array. JSON functions
floor(<num>) Rounds a number down to the nearest whole integer. Mathematical functions
hypot(<x>,<y>) Computes the hypotenuse of a triangle. Trigonometry and Hyperbolic functions
if(<predicate>,<true_value>,<false_value>) If the <predicate> expression evaluates to TRUE, returns the <true_value>. Otherwise the function returns the <false_value>. Comparison and Conditional functions
in(<value>,<list>) Returns TRUE if one of the values in the list matches a value that you specify. Comparison and Conditional functions
ipmask(<mask>,<IP>) Generates a new masked IP address by applying a mask to a IPv4 address. Conversion functions
isarray(<value>) Returns TRUE if the value is an array. Informational functions
isbool(<value>) Returns TRUE if the value is Boolean. Informational functions
isdouble(<value>) Returns TRUE if the value is a double. Informational functions
isint(<value>) Returns TRUE if the value is an integer. Informational functions
ismv(<value>) Returns TRUE if the value is a multivalue. Informational functions
isnotnull(<value>) Returns TRUE if the value is not NULL. Informational functions
isnull(<value>) Returns TRUE if the value is NULL. Informational functions
isnum(<value>) Returns TRUE if the value is a number. Informational functions
isobject(<value>) Returns TRUE if the value is a valid JSON object. Informational functions
isstr(<value>) Returns TRUE if the value is a string. Informational functions
json_append(<json>,<path_value_pairs>) Appends elements to the contents of a valid JSON object. JSON functions
json_array(<values>) Creates a JSON array using a list of values. JSON functions
json_array_to_mv(<json_array>,<boolean>) Maps the elements of a JSON array to a multivalued field. JSON functions
json_delete(<object>,<keys>) Removes one or more keys and their corresponding values from the specified JSON object. JSON functions
json_entries(<value>) Returns an array of the top-level members from the specified JSON object. JSON functions
json_extend(<json>,<path_value_pairs>) Extends the contents of a valid JSON object with the values of an array. JSON functions
json_extract(<field>,<paths>) Returns a value from a field and zero or more paths. The value is returned in either a JSON array, or a Splunk software native type value. JSON functions
json_extract_exact(<json>,<keys>) Returns Splunk software native type values from a piece of JSON by matching literal strings in the event and extracting the strings as keys. JSON functions
json_has_key_exact(<object>, <key>) Evaluates whether a JSON object contains the specified key and returns either TRUE or FALSE. JSON functions
json_keys(<json>) Returns the keys from the key-value pairs in a JSON object. The keys are returned as a JSON array. JSON functions
json_object(<key>,<value>,...) Creates a new JSON object from members of key-value pairs. JSON functions
json_set(<field>,<path_value_pairs>) Inserts or overwrites values for a JSON node with the path and value pairs provided and returns an updated JSON object. JSON functions
json_set_exact(<json>,<key_value_pairs>) Generates or overwrites a JSON object using the key-value pairs specified. JSON functions
json_valid(<field>) Evaluates whether a JSON object uses valid JSON syntax and returns either TRUE or FALSE. JSON functions
json(<value>) Evaluates whether a value can be parsed as JSON. If the value is in a valid JSON format, the function returns the value. Otherwise, the function returns null. JSON functions
len(<str>) Returns the character length of a string. Text functions
like(<str>,<pattern>) Returns TRUE if the string value matches the pattern. Comparison and Conditional functions
ln(<num>) Returns the natural logarithm of a number. Mathematical functions
log(<num>,<base>) Returns the logarithm of a number using a base. The base is optional, and if omitted the log function uses base 10. Mathematical functions
lower(<str>) Converts a string to lowercase. Text functions
ltrim(<str>,<trim_chars>) Removes the trim characters from the left side of the string. Text functions
map(<values>,<mapper>) Iterates over the values in a JSON array and performs an operation on each value in the array. JSON functions
match(<str>,<regex>) Returns TRUE if the regular expression finds a match against any substring of the string value. Otherwise returns FALSE. Comparison and Conditional functions
max(<values>) Returns the maximum of the string or numeric values. Statistical eval functions
md5(<str>) Computes and returns the MD5 hash of a string value. Cryptographic functions
min(<values>) Returns the minimum of the string or numeric values. Statistical eval functions
mvappend(<values>) Returns a single multivalue result from a list of values. Multivalue eval functions
mvcount(<mv>) Returns the count of the number of values in the specified multivalue field. Multivalue eval functions
mvdedup(<mv>) Removes all of the duplicate values from a multivalue field. Multivalue eval functions
mvfilter(<predicate>) Filters a multivalue field based on a predicate expression. The expression can reference only one field. Multivalue eval functions
mvfind(<mv>,<regex>) Returns the index for the first value in a multivalue field that matches a regular expression. Multivalue eval functions
mvindex(<mv>,<start>,<end>) Returns a subset of the multivalue field using the start and end index values. Multivalue eval functions
mvjoin(<mv>,<delim>) Concatenates the individual values within the multivalue field using the value of the delimiter as a separator. Multivalue eval functions
mvrange(<start>,<end>,<step>) Creates a multivalue field based on a range of specified numbers. Multivalue eval functions
mvsort(<mv>) Returns the values of a multivalue field sorted lexicographically. Multivalue eval functions
mvzip(<mv_left>,<mv_right>,<delim>) Combines the values in two multivalue fields. Stitches together the first value in each field, then the second value in each field, and so on. The delimiter is used to specify a delimiting character to join each pair of values. Multivalue eval functions
mv_to_json_array(<field>,<infer_types>) Maps the elements of a multivalue field to a JSON array. Multivalue eval functions
now() Returns the time that the search was started. Date and Time functions
null() This function takes no arguments and returns NULL. Comparison and Conditional functions
nullif(<value1>,<value2>) Compares two values and returns NULL if <value1> = <value2>. Otherwise it returns <value1>. Comparison and Conditional functions
object_to_array(<object>,<key>,<value>) Converts data that is in an object format into an array format. Conversion functions
pi() Returns the constant pi to 11 digits of precision. Mathematical functions
pow(<num>,<exp>) Returns a number to the power of the exponent. Mathematical functions
printf(<format>,<values>) Builds a string value, based on a string format and the values specified. Conversion functions
random() Returns a pseudo-random integer ranging from 0 to 231-1. Statistical eval functions
reduce(<values>,<initialValue>,<accumulator>,<finalizer>) Iterates over the values in a JSON array and performs an accumulation operation. JSON functions
relative_time(<time>,<specifier>) Takes a UNIX time and a relative time specifier and returns the UNIX time value of the specifier applied to the time. Date and Time functions
replace(<str>,<regex>,<replacement>) Substitutes the replacement string for every occurrence of the regular expression in the string. Text functions
round(<num>,<precision>) Returns a number rounded to the decimal places specified by the precision. The default is to round to an integer. Mathematical functions
rtrim(<str>,<trim_chars>) Removes the trim characters from the right side of the string. Text functions
searchmatch(<search_str>) Returns TRUE if the event matches the search string. Comparison and Conditional functions
sha1(<str>) Computes and returns the secure hash of a string value, based on the FIPS compliant SHA-1 hash function. Cryptographic functions
sha256(<str>) Computes and returns the secure hash of a string value, based on the FIPS compliant SHA-256 hash function. Cryptographic functions
sha512(<str>) Computes and returns the secure hash of a string value, based on the FIPS compliant SHA-512 hash function. Cryptographic functions
sigfig(<num>) Rounds a number to the appropriate number of significant figures. Mathematical functions
sin(<x>) Computes the sine of x. Trigonometry and Hyperbolic functions
sinh(<x>) Computes the hyperbolic sine of x. Trigonometry and Hyperbolic functions
spath(<value>,<path>) Extracts information from the structured data formats XML and JSON. Text functions
split(<str>,<delim>) Splits the string values on the delimiter and returns the string values as a multivalue field. Multivalue eval functions
sqrt(<num>) Returns the square root of a number. Mathematical functions
strftime(<time>,<format>) Takes a UNIX time value and renders the time as a string using the format specified. The UNIX time must be in seconds. Date and Time functions
strptime(<str>,<format>) Takes a human readable time, represented by a string, and parses the time into a UNIX timestamp using the format. Date and Time functions
substr(<str>,<start>,<length>) Returns a substring of a string, beginning at the start index. The length of the substring specifies the number of characters to return. Text functions
tan(<x>) Computes the tangent of x. Trigonometry and Hyperbolic functions
tanh(<x>) Computes the hyperbolic tangent of x. Trigonometry and Hyperbolic functions
time() Returns the wall-clock time, in the UNIX time format, with microsecond resolution. Date and Time functions
toarray(<value>) Converts a string or multivalue to an array. Conversion functions
tobool(<value>) Converts a string or number to a Boolean value. Conversion functions
todouble(<value>, <base>) Converts converts a string or number to a double. Conversion functions
toint(<value>, <base>) Converts converts a string or number to an integer. Conversion functions
tojson(<internal_fields>) Returns a JSON object representation of events or search results. Conversion functions
tomv(<value>) Converts a JSON array to a multivalue. Conversion functions
tonumber(<str>,<base>) Converts a string to a number. Conversion functions
toobject(<value>) Converts a string to an object. Conversion functions
tostring(<value>,<format>) Converts a value to a string using the specified format. Conversion functions
trim(<str>,<trim_chars>) Removes the trim characters from both sides of the string. Text functions
typeof(<value>) Returns a string that indicates the field type, such as Number, String, Boolean, and so forth. Informational functions
upper(<str>) Returns a string in uppercase. Text functions
urldecode(<url>) Returns a URL as an unescaped or decoded URL string. Text functions
validate(<condition>,<value>,...) Takes a list of conditions and values and returns the value that corresponds to the condition that evaluates to FALSE. This function defaults to NULL if all conditions evaluate to TRUE. Comparison and Conditional functions

See also

Last modified on 20 December, 2024
Overview of SPL2 eval functions   Comparison and Conditional functions

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