timechart command overview
The SPL2 timechart
command creates a time series chart with a corresponding table of statistics.
A timechart is a aggregation applied to a field to produce a chart, with time used as the X-axis. You can specify a split-by field, where each distinct value of the split-by field becomes a series in the chart.
The required syntax is in bold.
- timechart
- [sep=<string>] [format=<string>] [partial=<boolean>] [cont=<boolean>] [fixedrange=<boolean>] [limit=<int>]
- [agg=<aggregation>] [<bin-options>... ]
- ( (<single-aggregate> [BY <split-by-clause>] ) | (<eval-expression>) BY <split-by-clause> ) )
You must specify either a <single-aggregate> or an <eval-expression> with a BY clause.
See also
- timechart command
- timechart command syntax details
- timechart command usage
- timechart command examples
- Related information
- timewrap command overview
thru command examples | timechart command syntax details |
This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Cloud Services: current
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