Splunk® Intelligence Management (Legacy)

Welcome to Splunk Intelligence Management

Get help to use Splunk Intelligence Management

If you have a technical issue or problem, go to the Splunk Intelligence Management Customer Service Portal.

Support target response times

The following table summarizes the target response times from Splunk Intelligence Management support.

Support request priority Targeted response time Example of support issues
P1 - Critical or Blocker Within 4 hrs System is down or not able to function
P2 - Serious or Limiting Within 24 hrs Specific feeds or integrations are failing
P3 - Minor bugs Within 48 hrs Formatting issues and visual glitches with UI

Product update issues

Clear your browser cookies and cache after a product upgrade if you experience display issues in the Splunk Intelligence Management web app.

Access the Splunk Intelligence Management community chat

Splunk Intelligence Management manages the Splunk Intelligence Management community channel on Slack where you can ask questions or provide feedback about Splunk Intelligence Management features, discuss use cases, and exchange tips with other Splunk Intelligence Management users.

Perform the following steps to access the community chat:

  1. Click the Splunk Intelligence Management Community icon on the navigation bar in the Splunk Intelligence Management web app.
  2. In the popup window, click Go to Community Chat to request entry to the Splunk Intelligence Management Community workspace.

    First-time users receive an invitation to the chat through the email address used to log into Splunk Intelligence Management. For all other users, a new tab or window opens in Slack and displays the Splunk Intelligence Management Community channel.

  3. After you receive the invitation, you can enter the Slack chat and edit your profile.

You can remain anonymous in the Splunk Intelligence Management Community chat workspace by creating an alias and opting out of the optional email address and name fields when creating your profile.

Be respectful and cordial in your discussions to maintain a positive and productive community forum.

Last modified on 20 May, 2022
Policy for API usage in Splunk Intelligence Management   Login issues with Splunk Intelligence Management

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Intelligence Management (Legacy): current

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