Splunk® Cloud Services

SPL2 Search Reference

Overview of SPL2 dataset functions

There are two types of dataset functions:

  • Generating dataset functions are functions that create events to form a dataset
  • Sink dataset functions are functions that consume events from a dataset

Some dataset functions can be used with any generating command. Other dataset functions are designed to be used only with a specific command.

Dataset function Description Function type
indexes Use this function to map to the indexes that you have permission to access.

This function is used with any generating command, such as the from, join, and union commands.

repeat Use this function to create events in a temporary dataset. The SPL2 repeat() dataset function is similar to the SPL makeresults command.

This function is used with any generating command, such as the from, join, and union commands.


See also

Related information
Datasets in the SPL2 Search Manual
Function information
Overview of SPL2 statistical and charting functions
Overview of SPL2 eval functions
Naming function arguments in the SPL2 Search Manual
Last modified on 09 March, 2022
Time functions   indexes dataset function

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Cloud Services: current

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