Splunk® Intelligence Management (Legacy)

User Guide

Collect observables using Splunk Intelligence Management

Splunk Intelligence Management identifies and collects observables from data sources such as emails, spreadsheets, reports, and other submissions. Collecting observables is a complex and ongoing process since data has many formats and structures. An example of structured data is JSON and an example of unstructured data is emails.

For more information on supported observables, see Observables supported by Splunk Intelligence Management.

Identify data extraction issues

Use the following table to identify issues with data extraction:

Issue Details
URL extraction issue URLs might not parse correctly for the following reasons:
  • When the URL contains parentheses such as ()
  • When the URL contains bracketed colons such as "[:]"

For example: yahoo.c instead of yahoo.com is an example of incomplete extraction.

A fully qualified domain name might be classified as a URL.

Filename extraction issue Filename might not parse correctly when it contains spaces.
Disambiguation between scripts and domains Domain is incorrectly categorized as a Perl script. For example: myacmecompany.pl

Domain is incorrectly classified as a Python script. For example: myacmecompany.com.py

Splunk Intelligence Management validates IPv4 addresses. However, if the IP addresses are in the range of private IP addresses, the IP is not extracted as an indicator of compromise (IOC).

The following types of IP addresses are not extracted:

  • loopback address such as 127.x.x.x
  • site local address such as 10/8 prefix, 172.16/12 prefix, 192.168/16 prefix
  • value of 0

Improve data collection using Splunk Intelligence Management

Splunk Intelligence Management uses Apache Spark when handling massive amounts of data extraction and normalization while monitoring data quality and performance.

Splunk Intelligence Management improves data extraction through the following key initiatives:

  • Allow users to submit structured indicator objects
  • Process and prioritize email submissions by upgrading the extraction engine to use Apache Spark
  • Improve the URL data model. Improving the data model includes splitting URLs into different components, capturing them correctly, and separating domain name concepts from URLs.

Observables supported by Splunk Intelligence Management

Splunk Intelligence Management identifies the following observables:

Entity Type
IPV6 Observable
IPV4 Observable
CIDR BLOCK Observable
URL Observable
MD5 Observable
SHA1 Observable
SHA256 Observable
SOFTWARE Observable
DOMAIN Observable
CVE (based on NIST's CVE standard) Attribute
MALWARE Attribute
MITRE ATT&CK Attribute

Your account owner must enable phone numbers based on enclaves because they are not extracted by default.

Last modified on 02 August, 2022
Overview of the Splunk Intelligence Management web app   Search intelligence reports and indicators in Splunk Intelligence Management

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Intelligence Management (Legacy): current

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