Docs » Error monitoring and crash aggregation in Tag spotlight

Error monitoring and crash aggregation in Tag spotlight πŸ”—

Errors are aggregated based on the stack trace. The error stack trace contains the error type and error message in the body of the stack trace. The following table outlines the different ways errors are grouped together depending on the situation.


How errors are grouped together

Errors have a stack trace

Errors are grouped by the hash ID of the stack trace

Error groups are generated with a stack trace

Errors are grouped by the hash ID of the message and error type

Errors don’t have an error message

Errors are grouped by the hash ID of the error type

The error ID can represent:

  • hash ID of a stack trace

  • hash ID of a message

  • hash ID of the error type

Mobile crash aggregation πŸ”—

A crash happens when a user encounters an error and has to exit the app. App errors are all other types of errors that occur but don’t result in the user having to exit the app. For example, ANR (application not responding).

Explore top crashes across in Tag Spotlight πŸ”—

From the Splunk RUM overview dashboard, select See all on the Crashes and App Errors chart to open Tag Spotlight. In Tag Spotlight you can explore application based errors, metrics, and events.

This image shows the crashed and app errors chart in the RUM overview dashboard.

To learn more about Tag Spotlight, see:

JavaScript error aggregation πŸ”—

The JavaScript Errors metric in RUM show the JavaScript errors (by error ID) which occur most often in your applications. The error ID is created by hashing the associated stack trace, error message, and error type. When you drill into an error, you can see the error type, the error message, associated stack trace, and the trend of the error frequency.

Find the top JavaScript errors across your applications in Tag Spotlight πŸ”—

In Splunk RUM, the JavaScript errors view shows the JavaScript errors sorted by page, whereas the metric JavaScript Errors (by error ID) shows the top ten JavaScript errors across your entire application. In the metric Frontend Errors by ErrorID the information is displayed by error type, error ID, then error message.

  1. Open RUM. From the left navigation panel, select RUM and Browser as the source and the application you wan to monitor.

  2. To open Tag Spotlight from either the Application Summary Dashboard, or Overview pages click on any metric.

  • For example, select See all in the metric JavaScript errors(by error ID) to explore all of the JavaScript errors in Tag Spotlight.

JS Errors without stacktrace, type, or message πŸ”—

Sometimes, you might see a message in the UI that says JavaScript error without a stacktrace, type, or message. This might happen because the error didn’t have any information about the stack trace before it was ingested by Splunk RUM. To troubleshoot, try narrowing in on a specific time range which shows the JS error only, and explore the related User sessions.

Learn more πŸ”—

This page was last updated on Apr 16, 2024.