Splunk® Supported Add-ons

Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy

Release history for the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy

Latest release

The latest version of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy is version 5.6.0. Please see Release notes for the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy for the release notes of this latest version.

Version 5.5.0

Version 5.5.0 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy was released on March 19, 2024.

About this release

Version 5.5.0 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy is compatible with the following software, CIM versions, and platforms.

Splunk software versions 9.0.x, 9.1x, 9.2.x
CIM 5.3.1
Platforms Platform independent
Vendor Products Remedy versions 9.1, 20.02 and Helix versions 19.02, 20.02, 20.08, 21.3.04, and 22.1.00
  • BMC Remedy Action Request (AR) System
  • BMC Atrium Core
  • BMC Remedy IT Service Management (ITSM)
  • BMC Service Resolution (BSR) 3.5

New features

Version 5.5.0 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy has the following new features:

  • Performance enhancement to reduce time taken to create/update incidents using the custom commands remedyincidentcreatestreamrest and remedyincidentupdatestreamrest.
  • Added support for the latest CIM version 5.3.1.

Fixed issues

Version 5.5.0 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy contains the following fixed issues.

Known issues

Version 5.5.0 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy has the following known issues. If no known issues display below, there are no known issues.

Third-party software attributions

Some of the components included in this add-on are licensed under free or open source licenses. We wish to thank the contributors to those projects.

A complete listing of third-party software information for this add-on is available as a PDF file for download:
Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy third-party software credits.

Version 5.4.1

Version 5.4.1 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy was released on December 21, 2023.

About this release

Version 5.4.1 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy is compatible with the following software, CIM versions, and platforms.

Splunk software versions 9.0.x, 9.1x
CIM 5.1.1
Platforms Platform independent
Vendor Products Remedy versions 9.1, 20.02 and Helix versions 19.02, 20.02, 20.08, 21.3.04, and 22.1.00
  • BMC Remedy Action Request (AR) System
  • BMC Atrium Core
  • BMC Remedy IT Service Management (ITSM)
  • BMC Service Resolution (BSR) 3.5

New features

Version 5.4.1 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy has the following new features:

Fixed the security vulnerabilities found in the urllib3 library by upgrading its version from 1.26.15 to 1.26.18

Fixed issues

Version 5.4.1 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy contains the following fixed issues.

Known issues

Version 5.4.1 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy has the following known issues. If no known issues display below, there are no known issues.

Third-party software attributions

Some of the components included in this add-on are licensed under free or open source licenses. We wish to thank the contributors to those projects.

A complete listing of third-party software information for this add-on is available as a PDF file for download:
Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy third-party software credits.

Version 5.4.0

Version 5.4.0 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy was released on Sep 26, 2023.

About this release

Version 5.4.0 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy is compatible with the following software, CIM versions, and platforms.

Splunk software versions 8.2.x, 9.0.x, 9.1x
CIM 5.1.1
Platforms Platform independent
Vendor Products Remedy versions 9.1, 20.02 and Helix versions 19.02, 20.02, 20.08, 21.3.04, and 22.1.00
  • BMC Remedy Action Request (AR) System
  • BMC Atrium Core
  • BMC Remedy IT Service Management (ITSM)
  • BMC Service Resolution (BSR) 3.5

New features

Version 5.4.0 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy has the following new features.

  • Support for the new Remedy form, Incident WorkLog as part of inputs for data collection.
  • Support for the new Remedy form, Audit Log as part of inputs for data collection.
  • Support for the new Remedy form, Audit Log as part of inputs for data collection.
  • Support for the Smart IT URL, to facilitate the creation of Smart IT URL links for incidents as response to:
    • Rest Custom Commands - remedyincidentcreaterest, remedyincidentupdaterest, remedyincidentcreatestreamrest and remedyincidentupdatestreamrest
    • TA rest endpoint - remedy_incident_rest under incident_url_list field.

Fixed issues

Version 5.4.0 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy contains the following fixed issues.

Known issues

Version 5.4.0 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy has the following known issues. If no known issues display below, there are no known issues.

Third-party software attributions

Some of the components included in this add-on are licensed under free or open source licenses. We wish to thank the contributors to those projects.

A complete listing of third-party software information for this add-on is available as a PDF file for download:
Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy third-party software credits.

Version 5.3.0

Version 5.3.0 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy was released on May 24, 2023.

About this release

Version 5.3.0 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy is compatible with the following software, CIM versions, and platforms.

Splunk software versions 8.2.x, 9.0.x
CIM 5.1.1
Platforms Platform independent
Vendor Products Remedy versions 9.1, 20.02 and Helix versions 19.02, 20.02, 20.08, 21.3.04, and 22.1.00
  • BMC Remedy Action Request (AR) System
  • BMC Atrium Core
  • BMC Remedy IT Service Management (ITSM)
  • BMC Service Resolution (BSR) 3.5

New features

Version 5.3.0 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy has the following new features.

  • Support for BMC Helix 22.1.00
  • Migrated file-based checkpoint to KV store-based checkpoint for enhanced reliability and performance.

Fixed issues

Version 5.3.0 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy contains the following fixed issues.

Known issues

Version 5.3.0 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy has the following known issues. If no known issues display below, there are no known issues.

Third-party software attributions

Some of the components included in this add-on are licensed under free or open source licenses. We wish to thank the contributors to those projects.

A complete listing of third-party software information for this add-on is available as a PDF file for download:
Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy third-party software credits.

Version 5.2.1

Version 5.2.1 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy was released on March 1, 2023.

About this release

Version 5.2.1 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy is compatible with the following software, CIM versions, and platforms.

Splunk software versions 8.1.x, 8.2.x, 9.0.0
CIM 5.0.1
Platforms Platform independent
Vendor Products Remedy versions 9.1, 20.02 and Helix versions 19.02, 20.02 and 20.08 and 21.3.04
  • BMC Remedy Action Request (AR) System
  • BMC Atrium Core
  • BMC Remedy IT Service Management (ITSM)
  • BMC Service Resolution (BSR) 3.5

New features

Version 5.2.1 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy has the following new features.

  • Upgraded the certifi library to version 2022.12.7
  • Fixed a security vulnerability found in the certifi library

Fixed issues

Version 5.2.1 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy contains the following fixed issues.

Known issues

Version 5.2.1 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy has the following known issues. If no known issues display below, there are no known issues.

Third-party software attributions

Some of the components included in this add-on are licensed under free or open source licenses. We wish to thank the contributors to those projects.

A complete listing of third-party software information for this add-on is available as a PDF file for download:
Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy third-party software credits.

Version 5.2.0

Version 5.2.0 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy was released on July 1, 2022.

About this release

Version 5.2.0 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy is compatible with the following software, CIM versions, and platforms.

Splunk software versions 8.0.x, 8.1.x, 8.2.x, 9.0.0
CIM 5.0.1
Platforms Platform independent
Vendor Products Remedy versions 9.1, 20.02 and Helix versions 19.02, 20.02 and 20.08 and 21.3.04
  • BMC Remedy Action Request (AR) System
  • BMC Atrium Core
  • BMC Remedy IT Service Management (ITSM)
  • BMC Service Resolution (BSR) 3.5

New features

Version 5.2.0 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy has the following new features.

  • Support for BMC Helix 21.3.04
  • Support for CIM 5.0.1
  • Support for the ca_certs_path parameter for REST accounts to specify the path of self signed certificates for Remedy servers.
  • Fixed the dirty shutdowns of Splunk or the host machine to avoid data loss or data duplication.
  • Provided write access to the sc_admin role for the Splunk Cloud users.
  • Removed support for pre-built panels.

Fixed issues

Version 5.2.0 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy contains the following fixed issues.

Date resolved Issue number Description
2022-06-15 ADDON-38889 Default "ca_certs_path" in splunk_ta_remedy_settings.conf file does not exist on Noah SHC and Windows

Known issues

Version 5.2.0 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy has the following known issues. If no known issues display below, there are no known issues.

Third-party software attributions

Some of the components included in this add-on are licensed under free or open source licenses. We wish to thank the contributors to those projects.

A complete listing of third-party software information for this add-on is available as a PDF file for download:
Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy third-party software credits.

Version 5.1.2

Version 5.1.2 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy was released on July 19, 2021.

About this release

Version 5.1.2 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy is compatible with the following software, CIM versions, and platforms.

Splunk software versions 8.0.x, 8.1.x, 8.2.x
CIM 4.18.1
Platforms Platform independent
Vendor Products Remedy versions 9.1, 20.02 and Helix versions 19.02, 20.02 and 20.08
  • BMC Remedy Action Request (AR) System
  • BMC Atrium Core
  • BMC Remedy IT Service Management (ITSM)
  • BMC Service Resolution (BSR) 3.5

New features

Version 5.1.2 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy has the following new features. If no features display below, there are no new features.

Fixed issues

Version 5.1.2 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy contains the following fixed issues.

Date resolved Issue number Description
2022-06-15 ADDON-38889 Default "ca_certs_path" in splunk_ta_remedy_settings.conf file does not exist on Noah SHC and Windows
2021-07-28 ADDON-39178, ADDON-39059 Inputs more than 30 aren't shown in the UI

Known issues

Version 5.1.2 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy has the following known issues. If no known issues display below, there are no known issues.

Third-party software attributions

Some of the components included in this add-on are licensed under free or open source licenses. We wish to thank the contributors to those projects.

A complete listing of third-party software information for this add-on is available as a PDF file for download:
Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy third-party software credits.

Version 5.1.1

Version 5.1.1 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy was released on June 30, 2021.

About this release

Version 5.1.1 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy is compatible with the following software, CIM versions, and platforms.

Splunk software versions 8.0.x, 8.1.x, 8.2.x
CIM 4.19
Platforms Platform independent
Vendor Products Remedy versions 9.1, 20.02 and Helix versions 19.02, 20.02
  • BMC Remedy Action Request (AR) System
  • BMC Atrium Core
  • BMC Remedy IT Service Management (ITSM)
  • BMC Service Resolution (BSR) 3.5

New features

Version 5.1.1 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy has the following new features.

  • Fast and intuitive UI with an improved look and feel.
  • Fixed critical security issue by removing jquery2.
  • Removed python2 support. Splunk only supports python3 for future releases.
  • Added Remedy Incident URL in the response from the REST Custom Commands.

Fixed issues

Version 5.1.1 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy contains the following fixed issues.

Known issues

Version 5.1.1 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy has the following known issues.

Date filed Issue number Description
2021-07-12 ADDON-39178, ADDON-39059 Inputs more than 30 aren't shown in the UI

Third-party software attributions

Some of the components included in this add-on are licensed under free or open source licenses. We wish to thank the contributors to those projects.

A complete listing of third-party software information for this add-on is available as a PDF file for download:
Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy third-party software credits.

Version 5.0.1

Version 5.0.1 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy was released on May 4, 2021.

About this release

Version 5.0.1 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy is compatible with the following software, CIM versions, and platforms.

Splunk software versions 7.3.x, 8.0.x, 8.1.x
CIM 4.19
Platforms Platform independent
Vendor Products Remedy 9.1, 20.02, Helix 19.02
  • BMC Remedy Action Request (AR) System
  • BMC Atrium Core
  • BMC Remedy IT Service Management (ITSM)
  • BMC Service Resolution (BSR) 3.5

New features

Version 5.0.1 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy has the following new features.

  • Support for Incident Data Collection from Remedy.
  • Added new sourcetype of remedy:incident
  • CIM Mapping of remedy:incident sourcetype with the Ticket Management Data Model.
  • Added new REST account tab in the configuration page to configure multiple remedy REST accounts.
  • Support for new Custom Commands, Alert Actions and endpoint using REST accounts.
  • Support for auto-generated unique correlation IDs if left empty in Alert Actions.

Fixed issues

Version 5.0.1 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy contains the following fixed issues.

Known issues

Version 5.0.1 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy has the following known issues.

Date filed Issue number Description
2021-06-30 ADDON-38889 Default "ca_certs_path" in splunk_ta_remedy_settings.conf file does not exist on Noah SHC and Windows

Third-party software attributions

Version 5.0.1 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy incorporates the following third-party software or libraries.

Version 4.0.0

Version 4.0.0 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy was released on January 28, 2021.

About this release

Version 4.0.0 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy is compatible with the following software, CIM versions, and platforms.

Splunk software versions 7.1.x, 7.2.x, 7.3.x, 8.0.x, 8.1.x
CIM 4.18
Platforms Platform independent
Vendor Products Remedy 9.1, 20.02, Helix 19.02
  • BMC Remedy Action Request (AR) System
  • BMC Atrium Core
  • BMC Remedy IT Service Management (ITSM)
  • BMC Service Resolution (BSR) 3.5

New features

Version 4.0.0 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy has the following new features.

  • Support for BMC Remedy 20.02. (On-Prem)
  • Support for BMC Helix 19.02.
  • Support for Custom Fields in Custom Commands and Alert Actions.
  • Server Authentication on Configuration Page - Server details are now saved In conf files only after validation from Remedy.
  • Updated WSDL URLs from protected to public in SOAP Services for Custom Commands.

Fixed issues

Version 4.0.0 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy contains the following fixed issues.

Known issues

Version 4.0.0 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy has the following known issues.

Third-party software attributions

Version 4.0.0 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy incorporates the following third-party software or libraries.

Version 3.0.1

Version 3.0.1 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy was released on June 30, 2020.

About this release

Version 3.0.1 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy is compatible with the following software, CIM versions, and platforms.

Splunk software versions 7.1.x, 7.2.x, 7.3.x, 8.0.x
CIM 4.5 or later
Platforms Platform independent
Vendor Products Remedy 9.1
  • BMC Remedy Action Request (AR) System 9.1
  • BMC Atrium Core 9.1
  • BMC Remedy IT Service Management (ITSM) 9.1
  • BMC Service Resolution (BSR) 3.5

New features

Version 3.0.1 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy has the following new features.

  • Enhanced python library structure
  • Generated incident URI as full qualified URL

Fixed issues

Version 3.0.1 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy contains the following fixed issues.

Date resolved Issue number Description
2020-07-10 ADDON-26828 Addons unable to load UI or collect data on Splunk 8.0.4, 8.0.2004 and Splunk 8.0.5

Known issues

Version 3.0.1 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy has the following known issues.

Date filed Issue number Description
2016-09-09 ADDON-11242 Mod alert, not able to attache/remove/modify configuration item once created.
2016-09-01 ADDON-11136 Mod alert, fields do not support special character like Chinese
2016-08-29 ADDON-11059 Not able to update incident via mod alert once it is resolved.

Third-party software attributions

Version 3.0.1 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy incorporates the following third-party software or libraries.

Version 3.0.0

Version 3.0.0 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy is compatible with the following software, CIM versions, and platforms.

Splunk software versions 6.3 or later
CIM 4.5 or later
Platforms Platform independent
Vendor Products Remedy 9.1
  • BMC Remedy Action Request (AR) System 9.1
  • BMC Atrium Core 9.1
  • BMC Remedy IT Service Management (ITSM) 9.1
  • BMC Service Resolution (BSR) 3.5

New features

Version 3.0.0 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy has the following new features.

  • Support for Python3

Fixed issues

Version 3.0.0 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy contains the following fixed issues.

Date resolved Issue number Description
2020-01-09 ADDON-22227 Splunk Add-on For BMC Remedy - Custom Alert Action error.

Known issues

Version 3.0.0 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy has the following known issues.

Date filed Issue number Description
2020-05-26 ADDON-26828 Addons unable to load UI or collect data on Splunk 8.0.4, 8.0.2004 and Splunk 8.0.5

As a manual workaround, the "import html" statement on Line 16 of splunk/lib/python3.7/site-packages/splunk/util.py file could be commented out, which does not require Splunk restart to take affect.
2016-09-09 ADDON-11242 Mod alert, not able to attache/remove/modify configuration item once created.
2016-09-01 ADDON-11136 Mod alert, fields do not support special character like Chinese

Third-party software attributions

Version 3.0.0 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy incorporates the following third-party software or libraries.

Version 2.0.0

Version 2.0.0 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy is compatible with the following software, CIM versions, and platforms.

Splunk software versions 6.3 or later
CIM 4.5
Platforms Platform independent
Vendor Products Remedy 9.1
  • BMC Remedy Action Request (AR) System 9.1
  • BMC Atrium Core 9.1
  • BMC Remedy IT Service Management (ITSM) 9.1
  • BMC Service Resolution (BSR) 3.5

New features

Version 2.0.0 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy has the following new features.

  • Support for BMC Remedy 9.1.
  • New setup UI with simplified configurations
  • Integration of Splunk alerts with Remedy incident creation and update
  • Query of indicents by correlation_id through the REST API

Fixed issues

Version 2.0.0 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy contains no fixed issues.

Known issues

Version 2.0.0 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy has the following known issues.

Date filed Defect number Description
2016-01-13 ADDON-7451 In search head clusters, the remedy_fields.conf file does not get synced to other search head members. Workaround: manually update the remedy_fields.conf file on each search head in the cluster separately.
2015-11-23 ADDON-6632 If the Remedy ITSM web service definition changes, you need to perform the add-on setup again in order to update the WSDL URLs.
2016-09-02 ADDON-11136 The Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy currently supports the English character set only. Characters in other languages such as Chinese are not supported.
2016-08-30 ADDON-11059 Triggered alerts cannot update resolved incidents.
2016-09-09 ADDON-11242 After creating an incident, triggered alerts cannot update or remove the configuration item tied to the incident.
2016-09-08 ADDON-11086
If you upgrade from version 1.0.0 to 2.0.0, you must re-configure the add-on using the new setup UI. The server information configured in version 1.0.0 is not retained.

Third-party software attributions

Version 2.0.0 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy incorporates the following third-party software or libraries.

Version 1.0.0

Version 1.0.0 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy is compatible with the following software, CIM versions, and platforms.

Splunk software versions 6.3 or later
CIM n/a
Platforms Platform independent
Vendor Products ITSM8, BMC Remedy Action Request System version 7.6.04 SP2, BMC Remedy Developer Studio version 8.0.00 (java 1.6)

New features

Version 1.0.0 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy has the following new features.

Date Issue number Description
2015-09-08 ADDON-5392 Create a new add-on for BMC Remedy that lets Splunk users create and update incidents in Remedy systems.

Known issues

Version 1.0.0 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy has the following known issues.

Date filed Defect number Description
2016-01-13 ADDON-7451 In search head clusters, the remedy_fields.conf file does not get synced to other search head members. Workaround: manually update the remedy_fields.conf file on each search head in the cluster separately.
2015-11-17 ADDON-6465 Changing the log level setting does not change the logging level in splunk_ta_remedy_setup.log. It only affects the splunk_ta_remedy_ticket.log.
2015-11-23 ADDON-6632 If the Remedy ITSM web service definition changes, you need to perform the add-on setup again in order to update the WSDL URLs.
2014-10-06 SPL-91709 Timeout errors can occur when trying to save the setup page on Windows systems when using Splunk platform version 6.3 or earlier.

Third-party software attributions

Version 1.0.0 of the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy incorporates the following third-party software or libraries.

Last modified on 22 July, 2024
Release notes for the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy   Hardware and software requirements for the Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Supported Add-ons: released, released

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