Docs » Admin guide for onboarding Splunk Observability Cloud

Admin guide for onboarding Splunk Observability Cloud 🔗

Follow these steps to onboard Splunk Observability Cloud in your organization. To complete the onboarding process, ensure you have the admin role in your Splunk Observability Cloud organization. There are 3 phases to the onboarding journey for Splunk Observability Cloud:

  1. Onboarding phase

  1. Pilot rollout phase

  1. Expansion and optimization phase

Perform onboarding activities that connect Splunk Observability Cloud to your existing software framework.

Part 1: Configure your user and team administration

Part 2: Design your architecture and get data in

See Admin onboarding guide phase 1: Onboarding.

Set up standards and procedures for end users, like development teams and site reliability engineers.

Part 1: Plan your pilot rollout

Part 2: Initial pilot rollout for Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring

Part 3: Initial pilot rollout for Splunk Application Performance Monitoring

See Admin onboarding guide phase 2: Pilot rollout phase.

Carry forward best practices and frameworks established during the pilot rollout to your infrastructure, applications, and teams.

Part 1: Expand and optimize Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring

Part 2: Expand and optimize Splunk Application Performance Monitoring

See Admin onboarding guide phase 3: Expansion and optimization.

This page was last updated on Jun 24, 2024.