Docs » Org reference information » Per product system limits in Splunk Observability Cloud » Splunk APM system limits

Splunk APM system limits ๐Ÿ”—


The following information describes aspects of your usage and consumption. For more detailed billing-related queries, contact your Splunk Account Team.

Splunk APM has system limits that help ensure performance, stability, and reliability. These limits also protect the Splunk APM multitenant environment. Exceeding these limits might degrade your Splunk APM experience.

There are several prepackaged charts in Splunk Observability Cloud for the following metrics described. Admins can view these charts by navigating to Settings then Organization Overview.

Subscriptions ๐Ÿ”—

There are 2 types of subscriptions: Enterprise and Standard. For more information on each type of subscription, see Splunk APM Pricing .

Span and trace limits ๐Ÿ”—

Limit name

Default limit value


Bytes per Minute (BPM)

Determined by your subscription.

Also known as trace volume. Spans are dropped after you reach the limit.

Spans Per Minute (SPM)

Determined by your subscription.

Maximum number of spans per minute that Splunk APM ingests and analyzes. Spans are dropped after you reach the limit.

Span size


The maximum volume of an individual span in kB. Spans, and the contents of each span, are dropped and not analyzed by Splunk APM after you reach the limit.

Number of spans in a trace

100,000 spans per trace

Spans are dropped after you reach the limit.

Trace size

8 MB

Spans are dropped from traces that exceed the 8 MB limit and are not analyzed by Splunk APM.

Span accumulation duration

10 minutes

When a specific trace ID reaches this limit, subsequent spans are grouped into another trace segment.

Trace assembly delay


Time from last span arrival for a traceId to trace assembly completed.

Splunk APM API requests

10 requests per min

Requests return a 429 HTTP error status code when limits are throttled.

MetricSet limits ๐Ÿ”—

Limit name

Default limit value


Troubleshooting MetricSets (TMS)

Determined by your subscription. Total maximum of two TMS per 10-second interval.

Spans and traces arenโ€™t dropped. Span tag analysis views, service graph breakdowns and trace visibility might be affected.

Monitoring MetricSets (MMS)

Determined by your subscription.

Spans and traces arenโ€™t dropped. Alerting and charting on new MMS might be affected.

User interface limits ๐Ÿ”—

Limit name

Default limit value

Number of nodes in the service map


Number of traces in trace search


Number of spans per trace in trace view


Length of service name

1024 characters

Length of operation name

1024 characters

โ€œYellowโ€ threshold for error rate


โ€œRedโ€ threshold for error rate


โ€œRedโ€ threshold for p90 latency


APM dashboards for throttling and entitlements ๐Ÿ”—


These dashboards are for troubleshooting purposes only. For more information, refer to the Subscription Usage page and reports for your organization.

To navigate to the APM usage dashboards, you can either go to Settings then Organization overview.



APM Entitlements

Shows metrics related to your usage subscription like the number of containers, hosts, trace volume, and more.

APM Throttling

Shows metrics related to data dropped because of limit throttling.

This page was last updated on Jul 16, 2024.