Docs » Manage users and teams » Create and manage teams in Splunk Observability Cloud » Manage team notifications in Splunk Observability Cloud

Manage team notifications in Splunk Observability Cloud đź”—

Configure a team notification policy to help your team stay aware of alerts from detectors.

To learn more about which roles can configure a team notification policy, see Team roles and permissions.

When you specify a team as the recipient for a detector, the detector sends alert notifications to the team based on the team’s notification policy. A team’s notification policy applies to all detectors where the team is a notification recipient. You can’t specify different team notification policies for different detectors.

To learn more about specifying detector recipients, see Manage subscribers from the Detectors tab.

To configure a team notification policy, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Splunk Observability Cloud.

  2. In the left navigation menu, select Settings then Teams.

  3. A table of current teams appears in the main panel. Select the team for which you want to manage notifications.

  4. Select Notification Policy for your team.

  5. Select Switch to general notifications to define a single notification policy for alerts of all severities. Select Switch to severity-based notification to define a separate notification policy for each severity level.

  6. Add and remove notification recipients as needed.

  7. Select Save.

This page was last updated on Jul 28, 2023.